

The Effects of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Karst Water Quality in Three Typical Karst Regions, Southwestern China

【作者】 贾亚男

【导师】 袁道先;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 岩溶生态系统是一种像沙漠边缘一样脆弱的环境系统,其水土资源是岩溶区可持续发展的重要物质基础。但近年来由于人类活动的强烈影响,我国西南岩溶地区的水土资源在质和量方面都有很大的退化。因此积极开展和深化保护岩溶地区水土资源的研究无疑具有重要的现实意义。目前国际和国内“土地利用/土地覆被变化与环境的相互作用研究”是开展人类活动对环境影响研究的一个主要途径。但国内目前在这方面的研究主要集中在黄土地区和农牧交错带等北方地区,对西南岩溶地区的土地利用变化和环境影响研究却较少涉略,因此开展岩溶地区土地利用/土地覆被变化对岩溶水土资源的影响研究同时也具有重要的实践意义。国外关于岩溶区土地利用对岩溶水土资源影响的研究有一定理论基础,但对土地利用时空演化对水土资源的时空变异和运行机制有待拓展和深化。因此在我国西南典型岩溶地区开展土地利用变化对岩溶水土资源的时空演变和机制研究无疑对自然地理学与岩溶环境学的交叉拓展有重要的理论意义。 论文选择了贵州水城盆地(裸露型高原岩溶区)、桂林东区(覆盖型峰林平原岩溶区)和重庆涪陵(埋藏型垄脊槽谷岩溶区)三个不同自然条件和人文环境的岩溶区,采用资料收集整理、野外调查采样,室内对比分析等方法,从地球系统科学的角度,结合前人的研究成果,初步研究了三个典型岩溶区土地利用变化对岩溶水质的时空影响和机制分析,并把岩溶生态系统管理的科学理念和操作方法引入土地利用和管理系统中,为岩溶区合理利用水土资源提供了一定的理论基础和实践模式。 不论是裸露型高原岩溶区、覆盖型峰林平原岩溶区还是埋藏型垄脊槽谷岩溶区,由于我国西南岩溶区相当发育的地上和地下双层赋水空间结构以及“土在楼上,水在楼下”的独特国土资源格局,造成岩溶水土环境系统对人类不合理的活动极其敏感。我国西南岩溶区不同土地利用类型和利用强度都深刻的影响了岩溶水质的时空演变以及土壤资源的退化就是一些很好的例证。论文所研究的三个岩溶区岩溶地下水水化学的自然背景值都很低,本是人类利用的优良水源。但20年来人类土地利用活动在地域上的扩大,类型上的增多,强度上的增大,造成岩溶水质的逐渐恶化,这不仅与土地利用演变表现出时间上的高度一致性;而且在空间上,水质恶化的中心往往与人类土地利用活动的强度中心一致,这种时空的一致性充分说明不合理的上地利用是岩溶水质污染恶化的根源。 土地利用类型和土地利用强度的差异也能从三个研究区水质主要化学指标的不同得到体现。一般而言,森林覆盖的地区,由于森林系统具有强大的吸收净化污染物质的作用,使得岩溶水中大多数离子含量都较低(广西弄拉白云岩林区例外)。在较偏远的农业区水质恶化的主要特征是5042一和N03一含量的增高,这与农业活动中土壤施肥、农村生活废水排放和农村生活垃圾的随意堆放和淋滤有关。在城郊农业区,由于土地利用变得相对复杂,不仅NO3一含t显著增高,而且盐污染(Ca2+、M扩+、a一、5042一)成为其另一个主要特征,这是农村城郊化造成上地利用类型强烈转化对岩溶水水质恶化的必然影响。在城市土地利用区K十、Na+、cl一、NO3一和N氏本等离子的高值成为城市与农村土地利用相比的独特特点。此外城市是一个交通运输和工商业集中的地区,因此Pb2+、cu,十、cd,+、Mnz+和有机污染物(coD)也相对较高.在工业区不仅岩溶水中的常规离子都有增高,而且各种重金属元素也显著增高。从土地利用与岩溶水质演化的过程可以看出,随着人类土地利用类型的逐渐增多和利用强度的逐渐增大,岩溶水中各类离子含t相应的增高,类型也相应增多,从而不断导致水质的恶化污染。 土壤徽t重金属元素(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr、Mn)的空间分异与土地利用变化和岩溶水质的空间变化具有的良好一致性也可以说明,上地利用对岩溶水和土壤同时都具有强烈的影响,土坡徽t元素的变化同样可以敏感的反映人类土地利用活动的环境影响。上壤搜盖于岩溶地下水的上部,土壤对各类重金属元素所具有的吸附净化能力,对保护岩溶地下水具有非常积极的意义:但同时土壤结构的改变,水土流失的加剧,土壤酸化等,也能使得土壤成为岩溶地下水恶化污染的载体和传输途径。 不合理的土地利用变化对岩溶水质产生的重大影响,不仅是由于人类的不合理土地利用活动提供了恶化岩溶地下水的污染源泉,通过水土流失和环境酸化加速自然界原有物质的流失:而且还通过改变土层厚度和结构,降低土层的吸附净化能力,造成地表塌陷等方式扩大各种物质的传输途径,使得污染物质更容易进入地下水中。这种运行机制与敏感脆弱的岩溶动力系统相叠加的协同祸合作用,无疑加速造成地下水的污染恶化。此外,降水不仅具有稀释净化污染水源的作用,但它也具有把地表物质冲入岩溶地下水中的作用,因此,土地利用与降水的协同祸合作用在一定的时空流域内能够加大地下水污染恶化的机率。 通过岩溶生态系统管理对岩溶环境实施保护和改善是一个新的思路。把岩溶生态系统管理的科学理念和操作方法引入土地管理系统,?

【Abstract】 The karst ecosystem in southwestern china has experienced a serious deterioration since the past 20 years due to unreasonable human activities. The land use and land cover changes have a dramatic impact on karst hydrosystem after a long-term unwise exploitation in karst regions. It is a new field to study the interaction between the ecological environment and human activities through land use and land cover changes. So the issue has both theoretical and practical significance.We choose three karst sites, named ShuiCheng Basin, GuiLin East District and CongLin Ridge-Trough Region with different land use features, as typical karst regions to analyze the karst water quality changes on temporal and spatial scale. The main methods involve field investigations and survey, water parameters measurement in situ, and water and soil samplings analysis.The karst water quality, not only bared and covered karst regions but also buried karst region, is readily damaged by the improperly human activities because of its extremely fragile characters. Results from the three study regions indicated that land use has great influence on the temporal and spatial change of karst groundwater quality. According to the previous analysis data in the three study regions, there was high quality groundwater in the early of 1980s. But the karst water quality tends to be polluted gradually during the past 20 years because of the expanding of land use on the function, the intensity and the area. Furthermore, the local pollution centers of karst groundwater quality are consistence with the intensity centers of land use. So we think that land use is the primary cause of karst groundwater pollution or deterioration.The change in the parameters or indicators of karst groundwater quality also reflects the modification of land use types and intensity in the three study regions. Generally speaking, distinguished from other land use types, most of the ions or elements content in karst springs are the lowest under the area covered with forests, due to the powerfulpurification capability of forests. The high concentrations of SO42-and NO3- in karstsprings is associated with the agriculture land use, especially with the domestic wastewater, rural rubbish and excessive use of fertilization. So the nonpoint sourcepollution is a significant character in agricultural areas. With the development of urbanization ?the agricultural land transformed to suburb land -more and morehuman-derived solutes, such as Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl- SO42-, are bring about pollution tothese karst springs. However, many of the nutrition elements of karst springs, such as K + Na+ Cl- NO3-and NH4+, were significantly higher in suburb land use than that of urban. And the high content of Pb2+ Cu2+ Cd2+ Mn2+and COD appear to be an important response to human disturbance from infrastructure, vehicles, industrial and commercial establishments. Factor analysis identified consistent relationship between industrial activity and trace elements besides common elements. In view of above analysis, complex and unreasonable land use is always associated with worse of karst water quality.The spatial difference of several of trace elements in soil - Cu Pb Zn Cr Mn - fits in with the land use distribution and spatial variation of karst water quality. It can be seen that land use has also great influence on elemental migration of soil. And spatial variation of trace elements in soil also responses to the negative environment effect of land use. It is well known that soil has eminent capability of adsorption and filtrating and can prevent trace elements migration. So thick soil plays an important role in protecting karst groundwater quality.Unwise land use make negative functions on karst groundwater quality by offering pollution source, erosion and transportation of soil and debris, causing environmental acidity, reducing the thinness of soil and lowering adsorption capability, forming surface collapses and sinkhole. One of the most important results is element immigration duri


