

【作者】 颜建华

【导师】 廖可斌;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 骈文是一种深受中国人审美观念支配,符合汉语语言形式特点,从中国语言中内生出的美文,它本身所具有的对称美、典雅美、色彩美、建筑美、音乐美,无不体现出中国文化的精神和意蕴。骈文的极盛期在汉魏六朝,唐、宋为其蜕变演化期,至元、明而呈现衰颓迹象,至清代而出现全面复兴的态势。它的产生、发展与盛衰,也无不与中国各个历史时期的审美观念、政治意识、文化习尚、文学理想等等有关,深深打上时代精神的烙印。 清代骈文是我国骈文发展的最后阶段,说它是骈文集大成也好,说它是回光返照也好,清代骈文确实出现过一段辉煌,骈文创作和理论都呈现出繁荣景象,取得了独特的成就。而乾隆、嘉庆时期又是清代骈文创作的兴盛时期,名家辈出,作品琳琅,异彩纷呈,题材、体裁丰富,风格多样,作为文学现象值得我们认真总结和研究。但对于这一文学现象研究目前还很缺乏,研究论文和著作都少得可怜,具有独特见解和理论深度的文章凤毛麟角,更不用说全面、系统、深入的研究,这与文学本身发展的历史很不相称,值得我们总结和反思。 本文即以乾隆、嘉庆骈文为研究对象,注意从清代骈文发展源流演变、文化政策、学术文化思潮影响、地域分布、作家群体、幕府文化、艺术形式的新变等方面来观照乾嘉骈文乃至整个清代骈文,进行整体性的研究,揭示其兴盛、发展、演变、衰歇的轨迹,作深层次的思考,说明乾嘉骈文不仅有其创作上的贡献,而且对于整个清代骈文乃至整个清代文学发展产生深远影响,同时,也与当时人们的文化观念、社会风尚存在内在的联系,研究它,不仅能够丰富我们对于清代骈文以及整个骈文史、文学史的认识,而且,对于我们研究整个清代的历史和社会、文化也具有重要的文献价值和积极的意义。

【Abstract】 Parallel-prose writing is the elegant kind of essay ,which is deeply controlled by Chinese aesthetic conception ,accords with the Chinese language itself. It possessed itself the beauty of symmetry, elegance, color and architecture and music that all embodies the Chinese culture spirit. Parallel-prose writing peaked during the Han-Wei Six Dynasties ,thransformed and evolved in the Dynasties of Tang and Song, declined in the Dynasties of Yuan and Ming ,and rejuverated in Qing Dynasty . Its emergence .development, rise and fall are concerned with the aesthetic conception ,political consciousness, culture vogue,literary ideal and so on during all the ancient Chinese historical periods. As a result, it is made with the brand of the spirit of the times and deeply.During the last stage of the development of parallel -prose writing , it appeared the parallel-prose writing in Qing Dynasty which is the comprehensive of it ,or the reviver of it .In fact ,the parallel-prose writing in Qing Dynasty did rivive in the period of Qianlong and Jiaqing, because the works and theories all prospered and acquired the unique achievement .Especially during the Period of Qianlong and Jiaqing ,it flourished because of many outstanding writers jade of works ,worderful genres .prosperous theme and abundant styles .All these phenomena are worth summarizing and researching. But at present ,it is- still very short of the research on the literary phenomena during this period so the number of reseach papers and works on it is very few. What’s more ,the articles with unique opion and depth of theory are very rare ,let alone the overall systematic and profound papers. Such doesn’t match the historic development of literature itself. For that reason ,it is worthy of summarizing and reviewing it.With the research object of parallel-prose writing in the period of Qianlong and Jiaqing, this paper researches how this literary from developed during this period and even in the whole Qing Dynasty,according to the respects of origin and development of it, cultural policies, influence of academic trend of thought ,region distribution,writers’ group, bakefu culture ,new change of art form and so on. Based on the whole study, the paper disloses its orbit of rise and fall,development,evolving and decline to think deeply ,then expounds the parallel-prose writing during the Period of Qianlong and Jiaqing has not only contributed to literature creation , but also played a far-reaching influence on the whole of parallel-prose writing and even the whole literature development of Qing Dynasty .meanwhile it also has inherent connections with people’ cultural ideas and social morals at that tune. By virtue of researching it, not only we can enrich the understanding of the parallel-prose writing in Qing Dynasty and the whole developing history of parallel-prose writing and ancient Chinese literature . but also it can present us with the important document and positive meaning when we research the history .society and culture in the whole Qing Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】959

