

The Succession and the Sustainable Development of Oases Ago-Ecosystem in the Valley of Manas River

【作者】 张凤华

【导师】 陈阜;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以新疆最大的绿洲农耕区玛纳斯河流域绿洲为典型区域,通过区域调查分析、田间定位试验、数学模拟等方法,从生态环境、结构、功能及生产力方面系统研究绿洲农业生态系统50年来的演替过程,结合绿洲与外围山地、荒漠的耦合关系,提出该区域绿洲农业可持续发展方向及关键技术。 绿洲生态环境演替过程分析表明:水资源经历了地表水大规模开发→地表水与地下水联合开发→水资源高效节约利用阶段,农田土壤的开发表现为大规模开垦→大面积弃耕→恢复重建→再开垦四个阶段。区域生态环境变迁主要表现为人工绿洲替代天然绿洲、人工绿洲替代荒漠、戈壁及荒漠替代绿洲的过程。绿洲耕地近年在不断扩大,但荒漠化面积也在增加,绿洲化与荒漠化始终是该区域演替的两个方面。绿洲小气候条件总体表现为增暖趋湿,蒸发量减少、年较差降低,风力减少,朝着适合农业发展及人类生活的方向演变。 绿洲农业结构不合理,单一化现象明显,但由于适合当地品种、种植模式、农田培肥、灌溉方式等特殊技术体系的协同演进,在一定程度上弥补了农业结构不合理引起的隐患,使生产力及经济趋于不断上升。绿洲农业生态系统稳定性指数介于0.4527-0.5819之间,属中等偏低水平。稳定性强弱依次为:冲积平原绿洲→冲积洪积扇绿洲→干三角洲绿洲。 水土资源的开发始终是绿洲农业发展的核心问题。通过对水土资源开发利用及荒漠化弃耕地产生、恢复重建过程分析,提出新时期水土资源应打破传统的沿河道溯源发展而转向流域下游及尾闾部位开发。即在冲积扇及冲积平原区域,通过合理井灌井排、人工种植草场及机械化除盐等技术进行恢复盐渍化弃耕地为主来扩大耕地,避免重新开荒又撂荒局面的发展;在流域下游干三角洲及沙漠边缘区域,通过膜下滴灌等高效节水技术发展特色作物,以节水垦荒来扩大耕地面积;河流尾闾湖滨平原通过跨区域引水工程发展林纸一体化。 从能量流、物质流及经济流角度研究了山地、绿洲、荒漠三者之间耦合效应。提出沙漠增温效应的观点,表明增温效应是导致绿洲热量资源丰富的主要原因,并对绿洲农业产生多方面影响,农业发展应发挥这种特殊资源并体现经济价值。山地与绿洲间通过4种模式的农牧结合能使系统整体经济增值,引发功能耦合放大。水土资源是联系山地、绿洲、荒漠的物质流纽带,在山盆系统中存在典型分异特征,农业开发应该遵循这种规律。 研究提出了山地、绿洲、荒漠三大系统的功能定位,分析了绿洲农业可持续发展方向,构建了水土开发模式,提出高效节水灌溉、保持水盐平衡、弃耕地植被恢复重建等关键技术。

【Abstract】 This paper studied the Oases succession process for the past 50 years in Manas river basin of the biggest agricultural district in Xinjiang. On the basis of analysis of ecological environment, structure, function and productivity, the direction and key techniques for the sustainable development of Oases agriculture were put forward.The use of water resources for Oases in Manas river valley have experienced from large scale surface water exploration stage to surface water & groundwater development stage and then to the high efficiency and economical stage. The use of farmland soil can be separated into four stages in order: large-scale reclamation, large-scale abandoning, recovery and reconstruction and reclamation. The changing of ecological environment can be summed up the following respects: the artificial oases replacing the natural one, the artificial oases replacing the hungrinesstification (desertification and salinization) and desertificati on replacing Oasesization. Farmlands in Oases have been enlarging constantly in the recent years, but at the same time the salinization areas also increases. Oasesization and desertification are always the two major aspects of succession in this region. Regional climatic condition has become warmer and wetter. The gap of humidity, temperature between years, wind-force and the days of dust and sand have reduced, and microclimate are toward to suitable for agriculture development and mankind living.The structure of oases agro-ecosystem was not sound for the agriculture development and the structure showed in simpliness. However, productivity and economy are still increasing with technologies such as good variety, planting pattern, field fertilization, which compensate the shortcomings of the simple agriculture structure. The stability index of Oases agro-ecosystem ranged from 0.4527 to 0.5819, a middle standard level partly lower. The order sorted in oases stability are alluvial-plain oases, alluvial-fan oases, delta oasis.The exploitation of water and soil resources is always the core problem of oases agriculture development. With the analysis of the utilization of water and soil resources and the process of recovery and reconstruction of abandoned field, some tactics for the utilization of soil and water resources were put forward. The exploitation of water and soil resources should change the traditional way tracing to the source along river to developing from downstream and lower basin in future. That is to say, in the alluvial and flood plain, some high techniques such as high efficient water-saving, well irrigation and draining, vegetation rebuilding techniques, should be practiced to recover and reconstruct the abandoned land and also should pay more attention to avoid abandoning the land that reclaimed newly. In delta area located the lowest reach and the area of the desert edge, the technique of high efficiency water-saving should be used to enlarge farmland area, for example, trickle irrigationunder-film for special crops. In bitter end, develop wood and paper integrally through the water diversions.This paper also discussed the coupled mechanism among mountain, oases and desert in mountain-basin system with the analysis of energy-flow, substance-flow and money-flow. The warm effect of desert to the oases is the main reason for the rich heat resource of the oases and affects oases agriculture. To improve the whole system economic value, the desert warm effects should be used for oases agriculture. And also, 4 kinds of patterns of agriculture and animal husbandry should be practice in mountain and oases area to increase the economic value. The soil and water resources are the important tie of mountain, oases and desert matter flow. Characteristic of differentiation was exited in mountain-basin system and agriculture development should follow this rule.This research also confirmed the function of mountain, oases and desert system and analyzed the direction of agricultural sustainable development of the oases. The mode of soil and water resour


