

On the Rhetoric of Science

【作者】 李小博

【导师】 郭贵春;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本论文由导言、四章系统性论述和结束语组成。 在导言部分,论文首先简要考察了国内外科学修辞学的基本研究状况和视角,提出了进行科学修辞学研究必须注意的几个关键概念和必须思考的一些重要问题,在此基础上叙述了本篇博士论文写作的基本思路和主要观点,说明了进行科学修辞学研究的理论意义和价值。 在第一章,论文立足于20世纪人类哲学理智发展的背景和趋势,探讨了科学修辞学形成的理论基础。西方的修辞学先后经历了传统修辞学、近代修辞学和现代修辞学的发展阶段,西方的科学哲学也呈现出“语言学转向”、“解释学转向”和“修辞学转向”的演进轨迹,正是现代修辞学朝向科学的转向和科学哲学朝向修辞学的转向共同促成了科学修辞学的诞生。 在第二章,从科学修辞学的操作域面入手,具体分析了修辞学理论和方法在科学事业中的独特作用。科学概念、科学理论、科学事实的发现离不开隐喻、类比、模型等修辞方法,科学实验、科学论文、科学社会必然需要修辞学的建构,而对科学事实、科学理论、科学信念、科学利益等方面争论的解决也要依靠修辞学的参与。 在第三章,论文主要探讨了科学修辞学与“解释学转向”、后现代主义、科学社会学之间的思想交流和理论关联。科学修辞学不仅具有鲜明的解释学特征,也是对解释学难题的解答、对解释循环的超越和解释实践的修正。科学修辞学是对传统“等级”、“中心”和“意义”的否定,也是对后现代主义解构论、整体论和多元论某些趋向性特征的体现。科学修辞学是对规范主义、历史主义和建构主义科学社会学的修正,也是对一种“科学的社会修辞学”的倡导。 在第四章,从认识论、方法论的层面以及更为综合广阔的哲学层面,展示了科学修辞学的理论意义。在对传统认识论进行批判和重建、产生逻辑性、社会性和推理性知识的过程中,科学修辞学确立了自身的认识论地位。在建构科学语言、解答科学难题、形成科学共同体的过程中,科学修辞学体现了自身的方法论特征。在借鉴哲学转向成果、改造哲学传统理性、优化哲学理论文本的过程中,科学修辞学拥有了哲学上的合法性。 在结束语部分,论文在对科学修辞学的研究意义和发展前景给予积极评价的基础上,提出科学修辞学研究需要进一步思考和解决的一些理论问题,以及科学修辞学的一些缺陷和不足之处,进而描绘出科学修辞学在未来的调整策略和发展趋向。

【Abstract】 This thesis consists of a preface , four systematic discussions and a concluding remarks.In the preface , I first narrate briefly the domestic and overseas research condition about the rhetoric of science , advance some key concepts and some important questions in the research of rhetoric of science. Then I narrate the basic train of thought and main point of view in writing this theis , illustrate the theoretical meaning and value of research of rhetoric of science.In the first part of this thesis , on the base of the developing background and trend of human being’s philosophy and intellect in 20’s century , I inquire into the theory foundation of the rhetoric of science . In my opinion , western rhetoric has passed three stages that including traditional rhetoric , modern rhetoric and contemporary rhetoric , western philosophy of science also appears a gradual progress that including "the linguistic turn" , "the hermeneutic turn" and "the rhetoric turn" . I think , contemparory rhetoric’s turn toward science and philosophy of science’s turn toward rhetoric help to bring about the rhetoric of science.In the second part of this thesis , from the perspective of the rhetoric of science’s theoretical territory , I analyze the rhetorical theory and method’s effect in the science enterprise .1 think , the discovery of science concepts ,science theories and science facts can’t be separated from rhetorical method such as metaphor , analogy and model , scientific experiment , scientific thesis and science society must need the rhetorical construction , the solution to those quarrels about scientific facts , scientific theories , scientific beliefs , scientific benefits need the rhetoric’s paticipation , too.In the third part of this thesis , I mainly discuss the thought communication and theory relation between the rhetoric of science and "the hermeneutic turn" , the rhetoric of science and the postmodernism , the rhetoric of science and the sociology of science . I think , the rhetoric of science not only has the distinct characteristic of the hermeneutics , but also is the answer to the hermeneutic questions , the transcendence over the hermeneutics circle and the correction to hermeneutic practice .The rhetoric of science is the denying of traditional "degree" , "center" and "meaning" , it also the manifest of the postmodern deconstructionalism , holism and pluralism . The rhetoric of science is the reformation of the normative sociology of science , the paradigmatic sociology and constructive sociology , it also is theinitiation of "the social rhetoric of science" .In the fourth part of this thesis , from the angle of epistemology , methodology and from the more broad and comprehensive angle of philosophy , I reveal the theoretical meaning of the rhetoric of science . I think , through the criticize and reconstructing of traditional epistemology and producing logical knowledge , social knowledge and theoretical knowledge , the rhetoric of science establish its epistemological position . Through the construction of science language , solving to the science problems and the creation of science community , the rhetoric of science manifest its methodological characteristic . Through drawing lesson from philosophy turn , reforming traditional philosophy reason and optimizing philosophy theory and text, the rhetoric of science possess the legal status in philosophy .In the concluding remarks , after a positive evaluation of the significance and prospect of the study of rhetoric of science , I put forward some theoretical questions that need to further think and solve in the study of rhetoric of science , some defects and insufficiency of rhetoric of science . In final , I describe the revising tactics and developing trend of the rhetoric of science in the future .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】H05
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】883

