

Treatment of Intensive Turtle Effluent by Pasture Bio-filter Eco-engineering System

【作者】 谢可军

【导师】 崔绍荣; 苗香雯;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 水产养殖业是全球增长最快的食物生产体系,随着自然鱼类产量接近了它们的生态极限,设施水产养殖业必将在全球水产品的供需上扮演了一个不可替代的重要角色。由于设施水产养殖水体是一种人工生态系统,主要靠人工调节能力来维持系统的生态平衡,为追求高产,部分生物因子被人为的强化,造成废物的浓度累积更大,外排废水造成对邻近水域营养物的负荷逐年增大,成为水体富营养化的污染源之一。 水产养殖环境工程技术作为当今社会经济和环境领域的一项系统工程,如何实现养殖污水的综合利用与无害化排放具有极大的研究开发价值和广泛的应用前景。国外设施水产养殖应用的水处理技术,其复杂的处理机制、技术流程和机械设备直接提高了生产成本,极大限制了这些技术在发展中国家的应用。设施养殖废水主要为有机物污染,而有机物正是植物生长所必需的原料,利用植物作为重要的生物过滤体来滤清污水,然后收获产品的办法被誉为既保护环境兼收经济效益的良策。鉴于水产养殖废水的特性和水处理装备的特殊性,中国作为世界上最大的水产大国,如何发展适合我国水产养殖废水处理的生态环境工程技术就显得相当迫切。 本项目“设施养鳖废水牧草生物滤清生态工程系统研究”,在分析养鳖排放废水特性的基础上;以COD为毒性指标,研究了养鳖废水对多年生黑麦草的生理毒性;从保护酶活性系统变化的角度,探讨养鳖废水胁迫牧草生理机理;设计了基于牧草生物滤清的无土草皮生产系统;研究了多年生黑麦草滤清鳖废水过程中水体和植株N素营养盐的变化,提出其滤清生态工程设计的参数;针对牧草滤清系统中对时钟周期的要求,设计出一种采用单片机控制的多功能程控定时器。具体研究结果如下: (1)养鳖废水以NH4+-N为主,NO3--N含量较低,UIA含量较高,COD超出一般养鱼池十多倍,DO值很低,TN、TP含量远远超出标准的一类富营养化废水。 (2)养鳖废水生理毒性试验结果表明:当[COD]>1009.11mg/L时,将引起多年生黑麦草长期严重的伤害,抑制根系的生长,叶绿素含量降低,植株CAT酶活性由最初的激活到被破坏而不能发挥酶的正常功能;当581.36mg/L<[COD]<1009.11mg/L时,废水对植株的生长有短期毒性作用,但通过一定时间的适应后,种群能得到恢复;当[COD]<581.36mg/L,废水对植株的生长无毒性伤害效应;计算出多年生黑麦草处理鳖废水运行的最佳控制条件为[COD]<581.36mg/L,最优处理浓度为[COD]=189.74mg/L。 (3)养鳖原废水胁迫牧草生理机理试验结果表明:在设计的高低两种浓度鳖废水胁迫下,低浓度处理抑制多年生黑麦草的生长,以及植株鲜重和干重的积累,高浓度处理对它们有促进作用。两种处理均促进高羊茅地上部分鲜重和干重的积累,且高浓度处理还能促进高羊茅地下生物量的积累;高浓度处理下多年生黑麦草叶绿素含量无显著变化。两种处理均促进高羊茅叶绿素含量,且高浓度处理较低浓度处理对叶绿素a的促进作用更为明显;两种废水处理均能诱导植株印O、Sco、CAT酶活性的提高,对多年生黑麦草而言,高浓度处理诱导Sco活性要强于低浓度处理,其】〕印和以T酶活性的变化规律相似。对高羊茅而言,CAT酶活性的诱导要滞后于对SOD酶活性的诱导;两种处理均使植株游离脯氨酸、姻A大盘积累。相关性分析结果表明,高羊茅可通过增加游离脯氨酸含量来防止膜脂过氧化加剧,提高植物抗逆境胁迫的能力。 (4)研究了基于牧草生物滤清的无土草皮生产系统,结果表明:养鳌排放原废水处理均降低了处理种子的发芽率:废水胁迫延缓种子达到80%发芽率的进程;但对种子出二叶和二叶的时间间隔无影响;到处理末期,四种草种幼根均穿过无纺织布生长;废水胁迫在株高上差异均显著,但对草皮盖度达80%以上的成坪时间无影响:从成坪效果来看,多年生黑麦草要优于其它草种;采用灰色系统关联分析法对四种牧草的生物滤清效果以及设计三种浓度废水处理的多年生黑麦草成坪和幼坪移植特性研究表明,多年生黑麦草表现出最优的机械和生物滤清的效果;废水处理的多年生黑麦草幼坪成坪效果均优于土培的成坪效果:从移植的情况看,经处理废水的无土草皮铺地后,需要一个较短时间的恢复(2d),.至移植铺地后的第j、天能够完全恢复正常土培生长。 (5)研究多年生黑麦草静态和动态生物滤清结果表明:在静态水培穿浮1二下,只有在能够满足多年生黑麦草生长的养鳌废水浓度,才能获得较好的去除效率;在动态水培条件下,水体COD匕、55、NH4+-N、翎、TP的去除率分别为94.09%、89.19%、92.15%、55.83%、6098%。废水中翎‘TP的去除主要以植株吸收为主,植株地上部分1刊和TP的积累量均大于地下部分的积累量,其中植株地上、地下IN和仰积累量分别占水体TN和开去除量的71 .82%、16.63%、72.61%困J】2.42%;研究还表明,在水体中同时存在NH’一N、NO犷-N的情况下,植株优先吸收NHf一N.经计算,对COOQ、NH4+一、俐、TP、55的工程设计参数分别为:0.94、0.42、0.37、0.033、o.som留UmZ·d。 (6)基于多槽道牧草生物净化系统中对时钟周期的要求,设计出一种采用单片

【Abstract】 Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production industry in the world. Along with the amount of natural fish approaching the bionomic maximum, intensive aquaculture will certainly play an unsubstitute important role in the aquatic product supply. As the intensive aquaculture system is a kind of manual ecology system, the ecologic balance of the system is mainly maintained by manpower, in order to pursue high yield, some biology factors are intensified factitiously, which leads to the increasing cumulation of waste concentration. The waste water letted without treatment will burthen the nutrient in the nearby waterbody, which is one of the eutrophicated pollute fountainhead.As a system engineering in the field of modern environment, aquacultural engineering and technology is faced to many limits, especially on technologies of integrated utilization and environment-kind discharge of aquacultural wastewater, which will have a great value and a wide application. The wastewater treatment technologies in developed countries are complicated, high-technology and high-cost, which seriously restrict applications in developing countries. On the other hand, organic masses, the main waste in aquacultural wastewaters, are necessary materials for the growth of plants. Using plants as bio-medias to treat organic masses and then make out products, can not only protect the environment, but also bring economic profit, which is especially welcome in our country. Considering the characteristic of aquaculture waste water and the particularity in treatment equipment, to develop an aquaculture waste water treatment eco-engineering technology which suited for our country are being extremely urgentIn this project, treatment of intensive aquaculture wastewater by pasture bio-filter eco-engineering system", main compounds in the effluents from a turtle-production system were analyzed; The physiological toxicity of the wastewater to ryegrass (Loliwn perenne L) was studied using COO as an evaluation standard. The physiological mechanism under the stress on turtle effluent in pasture is researched from the changes of protective enzymes activity. A soilless sod-production system was set up to treat wastewater. Dynamic change of nitrogen compounds in water and plant was investigated during the process of bio-filtration, and it was used to decide parameters in the development of treatment systems. To meet the requirements of control of recircukting strategy, a multi-function timer upon support of MCU was developed. Details were listed as followed:(1) In intensive turtle-production wastewaters, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) are far higher than the first level of rich-nutrient wastewater standard. The main nitrogen compounds was ammonia nitrogen, mostly in un-ionized style, and relatively low level of nitrate nitrogen. Chemical oxygen demands (COD) of turtle-production wastewaters were usually ten times as high a normal aquacultural waters. Additionally, dissolved oxygen (DO) level was very low.(2) The result of physiological toxicity test under the treatment of turtle effluent indicates that when [COD]>1009.1 lmg/L, it’ll cause long-time serious damage to ryegrass, restraining the growth of the root, reducing the chlorophyll content The CAT activity changes from initially activation to be destroyed. So the natural function of the enzyme can not exert While 581.36mg/L<[COD]<1009.11mg/L,the waste water causes short-time toxicity function on the growth of the plant. But through some time of adaptation, the community can resume. While [COD]<581.36mg/L, the waste water has no toxicity function on the growth of the plant It turns out that [COD]<581.36mg/L is the best control condition for ryegrass dealing with the turtle effluent, and [COD]=189.74mg/L is the best deal concentration.(3) Effects of turtle effluents stress on pasture physiology activity were studied. As for ryegrass, in terms of plant height, the fresh weight and dry weight in above-ground and under-ground, the treatment of low concentration showed si

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期

