

Research on Computational Theory and Design Method of Moderate High-rise Multi-ribbed Slab Structure

【作者】 贾英杰

【导师】 姚谦峰;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 作为一种新型结构体系,密肋壁板结构在多层房屋建筑中的研究应用已取得较好的阶段性成果,但对结构体系在中高层建筑中的理论与应用研究尚处于空白。本文以中高层密肋壁板结构的计算理论及设计方法研究为主线,就结构体系的受力特征、破坏形态、承载力水平以及整体结构的工作性能、变形特征、基于位移的抗震设计方法等进行了较为详细的研究,主要的研究内容如下: 根据前期密肋复合墙板的试验结果,提出了带边框密肋复合墙板三种典型的破坏模式;结合现行规范中各设计阶段的要求,建立了与墙板不同受力阶段工作状态相对应的计算模型。通过试验研究及理论分析,提出了中高层密肋复合墙体的抗弯等效模型以及结构设计的内力分析、承载力验算、抗倒塌设计三个阶段。 在对密肋复合墙板运用ANSYS(?)程序进行数值模拟、分析验证的基础上,对典型组合墙体在不同连接构造和不同荷载效应组合作用下的受力形态和破坏模式进行研究;计算分析了复合墙体剪跨比、边框柱截面尺寸、边框柱配筋大小以及墙板内肋梁肋柱配筋等诸多因素对密肋复合墙体承载力及刚度的影响,得出其变化规律。 通过对12层房屋1/3比例模型的锤击试验与层间刚度测试,得出模型房屋的模态参数和弯曲变形为主的弹性变形特征:通过模型的拟动力试验,揭示其按“墙板内填充砌块开裂-墙板内小梁、小柱开裂-外框架角柱开裂-外框架角柱纵筋屈服”顺序进行的结构破坏过程,并反映出密肋壁板结构在弯矩作用下的截面变形趋势;得出模型房屋整体和节点部位的地震反应、破坏特征以及独特的抗震性能,为建立结构在地震作用下的设计方法提供了详实、可靠的依据。 提出了密肋复合墙体开裂的判别条件;对于墙体在弯剪压耦合作用下的极限抗剪承载力性能,分析了其构成因素及其随破坏过程的变化规律;在试验研究和数值分析的基础上,提出密肋复合墙体抗剪和抗弯承载力表达式,并对典型墙体多遇地震作用下的承载力可靠指标进行了验算;对影响墙体抗剪能力的各种因素进行了显著性分析。西安建筑科技大学博士学位论文 分析对比了密肋壁板结构受荷初期与剪力墙结构之间抗侧刚度、变形特征的异同,提出了密肋壁板结构在“小震不坏,中震可修,大震不倒”三个性能水平下的损坏极限状态,规定了弹性和弹塑性状态下的层间位移角限值;运用静力弹塑性分析(Push一over)方法,得出与剪力墙结构在大震作用下反应后期不同的屈服与破坏模式:并提出了密肋复合墙体基于位移设计的基本途径以及实际工程设计中需要注意的一些问题。 通过与传统结构体系的对比,结合钢筋混凝土结构成熟的研究成果和本体系的试验研究及理论分析结果,建立了中高层密肋壁板结构房屋的概念设计原则以及抗震设计方法、截面构造要求等规定:结合一12层房屋工程的设计实例,得出中高层密肋壁板结构的抗侧刚度、地震反应以及承载力水平;提出了保证结构计算模型简化与等效合理性以及增强结构整体性能的施工构造要求。 本文的创新之处在于: (1).密肋复合墙体不同受力阶段计算模型的建立 根据密肋复合墙体在试验过程中表现出的分阶段、多模式的破坏形态,结合各阶段所建模型的服务对象,通过针对性的简化假定和对影响因素的取舍,建立了与现行规范各设计阶段相对应的计算模型。并对内力分析、承载力验算、抗倒塌设计三个阶段中第一阶段时密肋复合墙体抗弯等效模型的建立与适用性做出评价。 (2).影响密肋复合墙体承载力水平的因素分析 运用非线性有限元分析技术,对密肋复合墙体在不同构造、不同效应作用下的受力状态进行研究,得到了各种因素影响墙体承载力的规律性认识,为构件设计方法奠定了基础。 (3).中高层密肋壁板结构大比例房屋模型的试验研究 采用大比例房屋模型的拟动力试验,研究了中高层密肋壁板结构在地震作用下的结构反应、破坏形态及耗能、抗倒塌性能和截面变形趋势,对整体结构和构件节点在地震作用下性态有了充分的认识,为结构体系在中高层建筑中应用的可行性提供了保证。 (4).密肋复合墙体承载力实用设计表达式的提出 根据试验结果和数值分析,建立了的密肋复合墙体抗剪和抗弯承载力表达式,并对其在地震作用下的可靠性进行了分析,得出了墙体的承载力可靠指标。 (5).中高层密肋壁板结构基于位移的抗震设计 将基于位移的抗震设计思想引入结构设计之中,规定了密肋壁板结构满足不同性能要求的层间位移角限值,并应用静力弹塑性分析方法得出体系与混凝土剪力墙结构在大震作用下的不同反应特征。 (6).实用设计方法的建立和完善 通过中高层密肋壁板结构房屋的工程设计,结合其他结构体系的相关研究成果,初次建立了中高层密肋壁板结构房屋的概念设计原则和抗震计算方法。并通过施工阶段的全程参与跟踪,西安建筑科技大学博士学位论文完善了新结构体系的节点构造要求。

【Abstract】 As a new structural system, MRS(multi-ribbed slab structure) has achieved staggered fruit in multi-story buildings study and application. But the system’s theoretical investigation and application study for moderate high-rise building is being nothingness yet. To establish the system computational theory and design method, the thesis is devoted to detailed studying on main member’s atress characteristic, failure mechanism, carrying capacity in high-rise building and whole structure’s service behavior, deformation characteristic, displacement-based seismic design method. Such work has been done as follows:Based on previous test result of multi-ribbed slab with frame enhancement, the three classic failure mode is proposed. Linking with the different design stage involved in actual codes, the corresponding analysis model is set up. By means of experimental investigation and theoretical analysis, a equivalent flexural stiffness model to origin slab is set up to meet tall building’s design require and the structure’s design procedure is stipulated to three phases-internal force analysis, carrying capacity checkout and anti-collapse design,.Based on the numerical simulation and accuracy analysis to previous slab’s test with the ANSYS program, the study of composite wall, with various detail design under potential load action respectively or jointly is carried on and the wall’s atress behavior and failure mode is obtained, also the influence to wall’s stiffness and bearing capacity by kinds of factors, including wall’s shear span ratio, member’s section, bar arrangement, etc.Based on the hammer blow test and stiffness test, a 1/3 scale ten-bay model’s modality parameter and elastic deformation characteristic is analyzed. The pseudo-dynamic test gives the model’s earthquake response, failure characteristic and special seismic property, unveil the structure’s failure procedure of "low density setin block’s break- slab rib’s break- end post’s concrete craze-end post’s steel bar yielding", providing full and accurate experimental information to establish the seismic design method.The slab’s crack discrimination condition is prescribe. The extreme shear strength bearing moment, shear and pressure synchronously shows the bearing capacity components and change in slab’s failure process. Based on the experimental investigation and numerical analysis, the slab’s shear and bending resistant expression is proposed and a representative wall’s reliability index under small earthquake is figured out. Sensitivity of every factors affecting shear strength is evaluated.The elastic stiffness and deformation of MRS and shear wall structure is compared. The MRSthree extreme failure statuses corresponding with distinct performance levels-natural service reparable damage, no collapse ruin are proposed.. The structure displacement angle limit in elastic or elasto-plastic state is presented respectively. With static elasto-plastic analysis method, the MRS behavior different from shear wall structure in intense earthquake is obtained. The basic way employing displacement-based design method for the structure and points for attention in practical project design are indicated.Based on the experimental and theoretical achievement and compared with the general RC structure systems, moderate high-rise MRS conceptual design principle, seismic design method and section requirement is stipulated. In a 12-storey building’s project design, the high-rise MRS stiffness, seismic response and carrying capacity is obtained. Detail design of joint to strengthen structure’s wholeness and assure modeling rationality is required.The originality of the thesis lies in:(1) Establishment of analysis model for different design phases of multi-ribbed slabIn accordance with the slab’s grading and multimode failure mode, by felicitously assumption and affecting factor’s evaluation, the computational model corresponding to codes’ requirement is proposed. The equivalent concrete wall model with same flexural stiflhess to prototype comp


