

Research on Theory and Application of Performance Based Aseismic Design Method to R.C. Buildings

【作者】 李应斌

【导师】 刘伯权; 史庆轩;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 基于性能的结构抗震设计理论是二十世纪九十年代土木工程学界出现的一种全新的抗震设计理念,引起广大学者的极大兴趣并展开多方面的研究。该理论以提高结构的抗震性能为目标,要求所设计的结构在未来地震作用下具有可预见的抗震性能。这一理论的研究在我国还处于起步阶段,因此,系统地研究基于性能的结构抗震设计理论,对我国抗震设计理论的发展具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。 论文首先对结构抗震性能等级和设计性能安全指数进行了研究。从结构在地震作用下的破坏程度为出发点,对结构的破坏状态进行了描述,并建立了结构的破坏程度与结构四种性能极限状态之间的关系;提出了结构性能安全指数的概念,并以结构的变形极限状态方程为基础得到了结构设计性能安全指数的计算方法和结构性能等级的划分标准。 论文讨论了结构变形控制的抗震设计方法。这种抗震设计方法从假定多自由度结构体系的层间位移开始,根据假定的振型反应,将结构简化为一个相应的等效设计单自由度体系,求得在所假定的位移反应条件下结构受力,然后根据原型结构的侧向力分布形式,计算结构的地震反应并对结构进行设计。设计位移的选择要考虑多种因素的综合影响。 对钢筋混凝土结构静力推覆分析(Push—over)的研究,主要讨论了静力推覆分析中水平侧向力的分布形式,提出了一种平面结构的改进水平侧向力分布形式和楼层平面出现不可忽略扭转反应的空间结构的水平侧向力分布方法,并用推覆分析实例验证了所提出的水平侧向力分布形式的正确性和可行性以及静力推覆分析适用于不规则结构的可能性,同时也验证了结构变形控制抗震设计方法的合理性。 论文还对结构抗震性能评估的能力谱方法进行了研究。对于规则结构引入了等效振型与等效振型参与系数的概念,将结构简化为考虑高阶振型影响的等效单自由度体系。按照结构抗震西安建筑科技大学申请博士学位论文性能评估能力谱方法的一般步骤,讨论了与等效阻尼相关的抗震性能评估能力谱方法和通过屈服强度折减系数对弹性反应谱进行折减得到非弹性反应谱的延性相关的抗震性能评估的能力谱方法。对于竖向不规则结构体系,以薄弱层的层间位移和薄弱层以上结构的质量为参数,应用层间能力谱方法进行抗震性能评估。对于扭转不规则结构体系,引入与结构偏心矩大小和结构平面整体尺寸有关的强度降低系数叮来考虑结构的扭转效应,选取结构的基底剪力和边轴线的最大反应位移为参数,应用能力谱方法进行抗震性能评估。计算表明能力谱方法同样可以适用于不规则结构体系的抗震性能评估。 论文最后讨论了基于性能的钢筋混凝土结构综合抗震设计方法。该方法将本文研究的各方面内容综合应用于结构设计的不同阶段,即在结构选择了合适的抗震性能等级后,采用结构变形控制抗震设计方法作为结构的设计方法,以结构静力推覆(Pusheseeover)分析方法作为结构的计算分析方法,以结构抗震性能评估的能力谱方法作为检验结构实际抗震性能的评估与验算方法,形成统一的结构抗震设计方法,在结构设计的各个阶段控制结构的抗震性能,体现基于结构性能的抗震设计理念。

【Abstract】 The performance based aseismic design theory is a new concept in the civil engineering field since 1990’s. Much attention has been paid to study it. Aiming at improving the target performance level of structures, the theory requires that the performance of structures designed using it should be predictable. In China, the study on it is in its first stage, so the systemic research is of great theoretical significance and practical value to the development of aseismic design theory.The paper firstly devotes to the structural performance levels and the safety index of the designed performance. The damage states are described in detail in terms of structural members and the relationship between the damage degree and the four types of performance limit states is built. The concept of the structural performance safety index is put forward and its calculation method is derived based on the structural deformation limit state equation.The deformation control design method is studied. In this method, the inter-story displacements and the mode of the structural vibration are postulated. The MDOF system is transferred into an equivalent SDOF system and the interior forces can be calculated. The design can be done after the structural earthquake response is got based on the distribution of lateral forces of the prototype. Many factors should be considered when the target displacements are selected.The distribution formats of the horizontal lateral forces are mainly studied when the static pushover analysis method of the R.C. buildings is discussed. An improved distribution method of the horizontal lateral forces to the planar structures and a new one to the structures with torsional responses are presented. The example of the pushover analysis testifies the validity and feasibility ofthe studied distribution method, and the potentiality of the use of static pushover analysis method to irregular structures is also proved.The capacity spectrum method of the structural performance evaluation is discussed in this paper. The concept of the equivalent mode and the modal participation coefficient is introduced when the regulation structures are studied. As to the vertical irregular structural systems, the inter-story capacity spectrum method is used and the strength reduction coefficient 77 is put forward when the capacity method is used to evaluate the performance of the torsional irregular structures. The calculation result shows that the capacity spectrum method can also be used to evaluate the performance of the irregular structures.The comprehensive aseismic design method to R.C. buildings is studied at last in this paper. The study objects of the paper are used in different stage of the design process in the design method. It is to say that after the target performance level is selected, the deformation control design method is used as the structural design method; the static push-over analysis method is used as the structural nonlinear calculation method and the capacity spectrum method is used as the structural performance evaluation method. So the unified structural design method of the performance based aseismic design can be formed and the aseismic performances of the structures can be controlled in every step of the design process. This design method embodies fully the concept of the "performance based".


