

【作者】 安筱鹏

【导师】 饶会林;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 区域经济学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 城市是人类社会生产力发展到一定阶段的产物,是生产要素和产业在空间聚集的必然结果。城市从来就不是一个封闭的系统,它与其周边广大的区域及邻近的城市有着密切的经济和社会联系,城市发展的过程也是城市与其所影响的区域之间不断交流过程。随着生产力水平的提高,城市化进程的加快,已有的城市规模持续扩张,新兴城市不断涌现,城市间的各种联系日益紧密,区域内已形成了一个以不同规模和层次的城市为主体组成的城市体系,这些城市体系在国民经济中的地位和作用越来越突出,并支配和影响着世界经济格局及演变趋势。研究没有腹地区域的城市同研究没有城市的区域一样已没有多少意义。 随着一定地域内城市体系的不断完善,国内外学者提出了大城市地区(Metropolitan District)、城市群(Urban Agglomerations)、都市连绵区(Metropolitan Interlocking Region, MIR)等对不同规模和层次的城市体系进行描述的概念,这些概念是地域城市化的特殊空间表现形式,是对由中心城市、城市边缘区、城市远郊区、卫星城市、人口聚集区的中间地带及精耕细作的传统农业地带等空间要素综合归纳的结果。在综合了国内外学者研究成果基础上,作者提出了城市区域的概念,城市区域是指非农业人口聚集的城市建成区与其具有内在的、广泛的经济及社会联系的城乡地区之间,在生产要素集聚与扩散中过程中,形成以中心城市(群)为依托,与具有经济关联和经济辐射所及的腹地城镇共同构成在生产、流通等方面紧密联系、互相协作的经济综合体。城市区域可以划分为大城市区域(全国性的)、中等城市区域(地区性)和基本城市区域(地方性)三个层次。在此基础上,论文研究了城市区域的基本特征、城市区域的内部结构、城市区域的发展阶段及城市区域形成发展过程中的空间扩散规律。在城市区域概念的基础上,提出了城市区域经济一体系的概念及表现,作者认为城市区域经济一体化应当包括五个方面,即:城市区域内要素市场、产品市场及服务市场的一体化;城市区域产业分工的一体化;城市区域空间布局的一体化;城市区域基础设施建设及管理的一体化及城市区域内资源环境开发与管理的一体化。城市区域经济一体化是社会分工的内在要求,是经济发展的必然结果。 在提出城市区域及经济一体化概念的基础上,论文对中国城市区域的发展城市区域协调发展的制度变迁与组织创新现状及特点进行了研究。论文首先从历史发展的角度对中国的城市化进程进行了分析、评价。建国以来,中国的城市化在波折中缓慢前行,纵观中国半个世纪的城市发展,可以看出,中国的城市化总体上是一个以政府为主导自上而下的人为城市化过程。中国城市化制度形成的根源在于,新中国成立以后,中国选择了重工业优先发展的赶超型发展战略,而重工业优先发展战略与我国当时经济发展水平条件下的资源享赋及资源动员能力产生了尖锐的矛盾,为了解决这一问题,在建国之初基本上形成了“三位一体”的传统经济体制。城市化的进程、方向、规模、布局等都是政府直接调控的结果。改革开放以来,随着经济的持续高速发展,中国城市化进程加快,一定区域内不同规模和层次的城市之间经济和社会联系日益紧密,在经济发达的沿海地区,正在形成以几个特大城市为主导的大城市区域,中国经济正在进入以城市区为主导的新阶段,大城市区域正在成为国民经济发展的主体和核心。作者在总结了前人关于中国城市区域划分的相关成果的基础上,重点分析了我国长江三角洲城市区域、珠江三角洲城市区域及京津城市区域在国民经济中的地位和作用、内部结构和发展趋势。 随着中国不同规模和层次的城市区域快速发展,城市之间的内在经济和社会联系日益加强,城市区域经济一体化的进程加快,但是中国城市区域经济一体化进程中仍面临一系列问题。作者全面系统地分析了改革开放以来我国城市区域发展所面临的主要问题,它表现在:一是在城市区域内要素市场、产品市场及服务市场分割依然存在:二是城市区域内合理的产业分工体系尚未形成;三是城市区域空间布局的非一体化:四是城市区域内重大基础设施供给不足与供给过度并存;五是城市区域内环境与资源问题日益突出等方面。城市区域一体化进程中所面临的问题影响了城市区域及整个国民经济的持续健康发展,它表现在资源配置上的无效率、城市区域内产业竞争力的下降、城市区域内企业组织结构的低度化及城市区域内合理的城市体系难以形成等方面。 中国城市区域协调发展过程中面临的问题是如何形成的?作者从制度经济学的角度对这一问题进行了分析。城市区域非一体化产生的原因在于区域经济发展过程中存在由于市场化改革没有完成而引起的政府缺陷和市场缺陷,以及由于市场经济体制本身所具有的功能性政府缺陷和市场缺陷,同时由于存在政府缺陷和市场缺陷而引起了城市区域协作组织缺陷,概括起来,城市区域非一体化的根源在于经济发展过程中存在制度缺陷。作者论述了政府缺陷的表现,内容摘要进步分析的政府缺陷)}爹成的原因,即:’已是城一币区域内的地方政府组

【Abstract】 Formation of city is the inevitable result of industry and production factor conglomeration. There are firmly economic and social connections between the cities and their near region. Along with the development of economy, existing cities continuously expanding, burgeoning cities emerging cosmically, the various connections between cities strengthen and the urban system composed of different scale and level cities and towns is coming into being. The urban systems are controlling and affecting the development of world economy. It’s meaningless to research the urban without inner land and to research region without cities.According to the development of urban system, domestic and international scholars bring forward some concepts on it, such as Metropolis District, Urban Agglomerations and Metropolitan Interlocking Region and so on. These concepts are used to analyze the space appearance of urbanism, which is composed of central city ,city edge district, urban district and satellite town. On the basis of these, the author puts forward the concept of Urban Region .The Urban Region can be divided into Great Urban Region, Medium Urban Region and Essential Urban Region. The author analyzes the basic feature of Urban Region , the internal structure of Urban Region and the developing stages of Urban Region .At the same time, the author puts forward the concept of the Urban Regional Economic Integration.The author thinks that Urban Regional Economic Integration should include 5 portions: the integration of the product market,service market and production factor in Urban Region; the integration of Urban Regional industrial distribution; the integration of Urban Regional spacing layout;the integration of Urban Regional infrastructure construction and management ;the integration of resources and environment development and management. Urban Regional Economic Integration is the inner requirement of social division of labor, and the inevitable result of economic development.This dissertation studies on the development of China’s Urban Region. Firstly the paper analyses and appraises the development of the urbanism. we can find outthe urbanism of China is government dominating urbanism. After the set up of PRC, the central government selected the "’up and surpass strategy", and they put more priority on the development of heavy industries. This induced sharp contradictories between national resources and the goals. To solve this problem, the government organized the traditional economic institution. Since reforming and opening up to the outside world, with the continuous development of economy, Chinese Urban Regions are becoming the core and main parts of national economy. The author analyses the development of Pearl River Delta Urban Region ,Yangtze River Delta Urban Region and Beijing and tianjian Urban Region.With development of the different scale and level Urban Regions, the inner connections between cities strengthen increasingly, the process of economic integration accelerates continuously, but there still are many problems that Urban Regional Economic Integration facing with. The author discusses systematically the major problems: l.The segmented production factor market, commodity market and service market in the Urban Region; 2.The reasonable industrial distribution in Urban Region has not been formed; 3.Urban Region space layout is not integration; 4.The supplement of crucial infrastructure is deficiency or excess in Urban Region; 5. The confliction between resource and environment is becoming outstanding in Urban Region.The author analyses the problem from the point of view of the Institutional Economy. The reasonable interpretation of low level Urban Region’s integration is the market institution defects and government institution defects, which reduces the defect of Urban Regional Cooperation organization .The author analyses the government defect that is the local government in Urban Region Organization has become an independent decision-maker who want to pursue the maximized economic benefi


