

Study on Special Switching Power Supply Techniques and Their Applications in Wastewater Treatment

【作者】 李冬黎

【导师】 何湘宁;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 随着环境污染的日趋严重,环境治理与保护已成为全球性关注的焦点。特种电源技术最近十几年在环境治理和保护的诸多领域中蓬勃发展,显示出了无比广阔的应用前景。本文着重研究了形变特种开关电源相关技术及其在污水处理中的应用。论文研究过程中采用理论建模、模型参数辨识、软件仿真和工程实验等多种研究方法,得出了一些有意义的研究成果。 设计和制作了用于污水处理的形变开关电源样机。该样机能输出任意形状的脉冲电压波形。脉冲电压的幅值、脉冲频率和占空比等参数在较大范围内实现可编程数字调节。电源的全桥功率变换器采用基于电压瞬时值反馈的数字PID控制。在实现数字变频过程中提出了基于DSP的查表计算混合SPWM生成算法。 论文对直流电源作用下电凝聚法处理污水负载特性进行了详细地分析,结合理论建模和最小二乘法参数辨识,得出了相关负载数学模型,并在不同的实验条件下对模型进行验证。在直流负载特性的基础上,进一步分析了脉冲电源作用下的负载特征。双电层电容效应是其一个重要的负载特性。提出采用双极性电极接法和增加电极数目可有效地减少负载的等效电容量。 利用自行研制的形变电源,在不同的输出电压波形下进行了一系列印染污水处理实验。实验研究结果表明,与传统的直流电压波形相比,脉冲电压波形在取得满意的COD去除率和色度去除率的同时,节省可观的电耗和电极损耗,提高电能净化效率,降低污水处理的经济成本。其中周期换向方波不仅能节省电耗和电极消耗,还可以有效地防止电极钝化和电极表面结垢,出水水质稳定。因此,周期换向方波是一种具有工业实用价值的污水处理波形。脉冲电压波形主要影响废水处理的三个物理化学过程,即:电容效应、液相传质、吸附和脱吸附。 论文提出将仿生学方法引入电力电子学研究。学习和借鉴大自然中各种生物结构和功能机理,在电力电子学研究过程中可以产生一些新的研究思路。基于冗余思想,提出了一种具有自修复功能多电平变换器拓扑。该电路拓扑中所有电容电压能实现自平衡,并且对开关管故障具有容错能力。借鉴人体等生物系统结构特点和控制策略,基于自律电力电子组块,提出了一种在硬件结构上采用分层递阶结构,在控制上采用自律分布策略的电力电子系统。这种电力电子系统具有诸多优点,代表了今后电力电子系统的一种极具前景的发展方向。

【Abstract】 Today, the environmental protection has been drawing more and more attention on people in the world with the environmental pollution continually becoming worse. Particularly, the bright development of special power supply and its wide applications in environmental protection is valuable to pay more attention. The study on the technology of switching power supply and its application in wastewater treatment was investigated in the paper. The research was carried out in the methods such as theoretical modeling, identification of model parameters, software simulation and experiment validation. And some valuable research results were obtained.A switching power supply that can output any arbitrary voltage waveforms was designed and made for wastewater treatment. The output voltage parameters such as amplitude, frequency and duty ratio can be variable in a wide range with programmable digital adjustment. The full-bridge converter was controlled with the PID strategy based on the feedback of voltage output. The real-time SPWM generation algorithm using a combination of look-up and interpolation base on DSP was proposed for digital altering frequency.The load characteristics of wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation with DC power supply was investigated. The theoretical model describing the relation between electrolysis voltage and the other variables of an electrocoagulation process was established, the model parameters being determined using least squares identification. Moreover, the experiments were performed to validate the established model. The load characteristics of clearing wastewater by electrocoagulation with the pulse power supply was also analyzed. The double layer capacitor effect is significant. Using bipolar electrodes and adding electrolysis separators can reduce the value of the load capacitor.The wastwate treatment experiments were conducted using the diverse voltage ouput with the disngned special power supply. The experiments demonstrated that the removal of color and chemical oxygen demand (COD) and decolorization percentage is satisfying using pulse voltage waveform. Moreover, the applications of pulse voltage waveform in the wastewater result in less power and electrode consumption than DC voltage, which reduces the cost. The cyclic reversed-polarity square voltage not only saves power and electrode consumption but also preventes from electrode passivation and scaling on the surface of electrode resulting in steady quality of purified water. So the cyclic reversed-polarity square voltage could be applied in thewastewater treatment. The effects of pulse voltage waveform on physical and chemical water treatment processes include double layer capacitor effect, mass transport, absorption and deabsorption on the surface of electrode.The applications of bionics in power electronics were firstly proposed as a new research subject. Some inspiration or new ideas on the technology of power electronics can be drew from nature. Based on redundancy, a multilevel converter topology with self-repair ability was proposed. The multilevel topology has fault-tolerant ability in case of switch failures as well as self-voltage balancing ability without any additional control or neutral-point balancing circuit. Under the inspiration drew from hierarchical architecture and control strategy of the human biological system, a overview of bionic power electronic system characterized by hierarchical architecture and autonomous decentralized control was proposed, which was made up of autonomous power electronics building cells. The proposed power electronic system has a promising prospect and paves the way towards future Plug and Play power electronic system for with many significant advantages.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期

