

Study on the Precision Stage Based on Magnetic Levitation Technology and Used in Micro-electron Manufacturing Field

【作者】 宋文荣

【导师】 何惠阳;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 机械制造及其自动化, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 论文系统地综述了国内外微电子技术的发展概况、发展趋势以及微电子产业在世界经济增长中具有的重大影响,概述了光刻技术和光刻设备的研究与发展状况,叙述了当前磁悬浮技术的研究及应用水平,阐明了研制新型磁悬浮精密定位平台的现实意义、重要性和可行性。介绍了磁悬浮技术和直线电机技术的一般理论基础,具体描述了磁悬浮轴承和列车的结构原理。 在参考国内外光刻机现有定位平台结构形式的基础上,根据磁悬浮轴承和列车的结构原理,以磁悬浮技术为基础、以直线电机无接触驱动为动力,研究并设计了具有自主知识产权的两种结构模式磁悬浮精密定位平台,以适应我国自主研制开发新一代光刻机的需要。通过性价分析对比,最终确定磁悬浮精密定位平台采用V型对称导轨结构形式。在此基础上进行了磁悬浮系统的刚度、阻尼、磁路等分析与设计计算,并给出了相应的取值范围以及指出了在设计计算时应注意的方面。 对影响定位平台垂直方向稳定精度的误差进行了理论分析,结果表明将工作点的位置选取在悬浮连接点决定的台面中心时,有利于减小磁悬浮误差对平台工作点的稳定精度带来的负面影响。 分析并计算了导轨式定位平台磁悬浮系统中存在的磁力耦合现象。在建立了磁悬浮系统的动力学模型基础上,对磁悬浮系统进行了解耦控制设计,并对解耦后的磁悬浮定位平台进行了阶跃响应和抗干扰能力的仿真试验。结果表明磁悬浮系统实现了完全解耦,一个输入量仅控制一个输出量,且解耦控制系统具有较好的抗干扰能力。 利用罗斯-霍维茨判据,理论分析了定位平台磁悬浮控制系统的稳定性。结果显示,磁悬浮系统在与定态相对应的平衡点(i0,z0)处是稳定可控的。 建立了磁悬浮定位平台直线定位运动的数学模型,根据传递函数,运用MATLAB软件中的SIMULINK仿真模块,构造了平台定位运动的PID位置反馈控制仿真模型。在该仿真模型基础上进行了针对多项系数及参数的仿真试验,得到多组试验曲线。分析比较仿真试验曲线可知:采用结构轻量化设计、选用较大弹性系数的直线电机等可以大幅度改善定位系统的位移输出动态性能,提高定应运动的控制精度,并有利于满足设备高生产率的需求。 构思设计了一种可变阻尼系统。该可变阻尼系统在平台启动时阻尼很小或为零,而当平台接近定位位置的瞬时阻尼很大。它将使定位平台既有高的响应频率,动作灵敏,又具有较高的定位精度。 制作了磁悬浮精密定位平台的原理样机,在不同状态下进行了原理样机直线定位运动的对比试验。结果表明,磁悬浮状态下的定位精度要高于摩擦状态下的定位精度,中国科学院博士学位论文:微电子制芯领域中磁悬浮精密定位平台的研究磁悬浮结乍J有利于提高平台的定位精度。在现有光栅尺精度为4脚的试验条件下,原理样机磁悬浮状态时的定位精度能达到10脚。 理论分析、计算和试验结果说明:磁悬浮精密定位平台的研制是成功可行的,它可以替代传统的摩擦定位平台或气浮定位平台。它无摩擦磨损,克服了由此产生的各种缺陷如金属粉尘污染等问题;省略了各种联结传动部件,减轻了机构的重量,消除了联结间隙,有效地提高了平台动态响应频率和定位精度。因此,采用磁悬浮精密定位平台加压电马达驱动能满足新一代光刻机超洁净制作环境、超精密定位精度、高生产效率的要求。

【Abstract】 The development status and trend of micro-electronics in China and others countries and the important influence of micro-electronics in the increase of world economy are discussed generally in this paper, and the research and development of laser lithography technology and equipment are summarized. The realistic significance, importance and feasibility of researching a new style of magnetic levitation(maglev) precision stage are narrated. Furthermore, the general theoretical technology of maglev and linear motor is showed also, and the structure principle of maglev-bearing and maglev-vehicle is described concretely.Referencing the existing laser lithography tools and according the structure principle of maglev-bearing and maglev-vehicle, two structure patterns of precision stage based on maglev technology and driven non-contactly by linear motor are designed and researched. The two maglev precision stages will be of freedom information property and adapt to develop and manufacture laser lithography tools by ourselves. After the contrast between performance and cost, the maglev precision stage with applying V-shaped symmetry structure is ascertained for the experiment model in the end. According to the V-shaped maglev precision stage, the hardness , damping and magnetic-road are analyzed, designed and calculated for the maglev system. The corresponding value ranges of above parameters are shown and the problems of design in the next stage are pointed out in this paper too.Through theory analysis for error that influence the vertical stabilization precision of the stage, the result showes that the negative influence that caused by the error of maglev system and acting on the stabilization precision of the stage working-point can be reduced, if set the work point on the center of the stage that determined by the maglev joint points.There are magnetic force coupling and displacement coupling on both horizontal y-axes and vertical z-axes in the maglev system of V-shaped stage, when the stage moves. The magnetic force coupling is analyzed and calculated. After building the dynamics model for the maglev system, discoupling design is run, and the simulation experiment with the leap response and capability of anti-jamming for maglev stage are carried out. The result illuminates that the maglev system is discouple completely, one input just only control one output, and the discoupling control system has good anti-jamming capability.By the Routh-Hurwitz rule, the stability of maglev system is analyzed theoretically. The result shows that maglev system is stable and controllable on the balance point( i0, z0 ) that corresponding to the stationary state.Mathematic equation for linear positioning move of the maglev stage is established. According to transfer function, after using the SIMULINK simulation module of MATLAB, simulation model of PID position feedback control for the stage positioning motion is constructed. Basing on the PID simulation model, simulation test for multinomial coefficients and parameters is carried out, and simulation experimental curves are gained. Through analyzing and comparing, the results are presented below: that applying light structure design and selecting larger elasticity coefficient linear motor can improve greatly displacement output dynamic capability of positioning system and controlling precision of position motion, and this is helpful to meet the demand of increase productivity.A variable damping system is conceived and designed. This system has very little even zero damping when stage starting; and then the damping becomes very strong when the stage is close to the positioning place. It makes the positioning stage not only has high response frequency and move sensitively, but also has high positioning precision.A principled sample machine of maglev positioning stage is manufactured. On different status, comparing tests are carried out for linear positioning motion of the sample. The result shows that the positioning precision when the sample is on maglev status


