

【作者】 龚云

【导师】 张海鹏;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 中国近现代史, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪30-60年代初中国近代史研究的兴起与发展与中国政治发展有密切关系。对中国近代史研究的学科发展进行学术史和政治史的双重考察,对于整合和提升中国近代史研究学术水平有着重要的理论和实践价值。 本文以历史唯物主义为指导,从学术与政治的双重视角,将20世纪30-60年代初中国近代史研究学科体系的形成、发展、演变置于这一时期中国政治发展演变的历史语境中,通过这一学科体系形成过程中,中国社会不同阶级、不同阶层的中国近代史研究者(不单纯指学者)代表性的中国近代史论著的文本分析,指出: 中国政治,是中国近代史研究学术发展过程中无法回避的外部因素,是推动其发展的最大动力,又是侵犯其学术独立的最大力量;政治发展是中国近代史研究的最大社会效用,也是中国近代史研究获得独立发展的强大保障。 中国近代史研究是这一时期中国政治发展的思想动力和启蒙工具;中国近代史研究的学科发展,记录了这一时期中国的政治变迁,折射了这一时期中国政治思潮的起伏跌荡,反映了这一时期的中国社会政治主题的演变:中国近代史研究为中国近代政治发展提供了历史借鉴,指明了政治发展方向,参与了政治意识形态的变迁和确立;中国近代史研究为中国政治发展过程中,各种政治派别进行政治思想斗争的工具、不同的政权获取政治合法性的有力武器和表达政治理念的重要载体。 论文最后得出结论:关注现实政治,为现实政治服务,是中国近代史研究服务社会的重要优势,也是20世纪30-60年代中国近代史研究学术发展形成的一个优良学术传统。中国近代史研究的学术相对独立和求真的关键取决于中国政治的发展。 论文全文包括导论和结束语共五部分,其中正文三章。在导论中,阐明了论文研究理由、目的、对象、方法、意义,梳理了研究动态。 第一章论述了中国近代史研究产生的政治前提和史学学术渊源,指出中国传统政治是“士大夫政治”,政治支配中国社会一切领域,政治是近代中国社会的主题,近代中国政治斗争激烈,构成中国近代史研究产生的政治前提。史学为政治服务,书写政治史和当代史的传统,中国史学近代化,是中国近代史研究产生的史学学术渊源; 第二章论述了20世纪30-40年代的中国政治与中国近代史研究兴起的关系,分析了这一时期中国社会不同阶级的有代表性的中国近代史研究者,包括为国民党主流意识形态服务的蒋廷黻,反映学者立场的陈恭禄,为无产阶级革命服务的李鼎声、毛泽东、范文澜、胡绳,通过中国近代史论著建构的中国近代史学科体系,表达自己的政治观点、政治态度,并服务于所代表的阶级立场; 第三章论述了20世纪50-60年代初的中国政治与中国近代史研究发展的关系,指出新中国的成立极大地推动了中国近代史研究的发展,使其成为一门独立的学科,马克思主义中国近代史研究成为主导的学术流派。中国近代史研究发展主要表现在《中国近代史资料丛刊》的出版,中国近代史分期问题的讨论和中国近代史研究学科体系的确立。中国近代史研究以学术的身份参与了这一时期中国政治发展,并服务于国家主流意识形态的需要。 在结束语部分对全文进行了结论性总结,并提出自己的观点。

【Abstract】 There is a close correlation between the beginning and development of modern Chinese history studies and development of modern Chinese politics from the thirties to the early sixties in the 20th century. So it is of immediate theoretical and practical significance for improving the academic level of modern Chinese history studies to explore the development of modern Chinese history subject from learning history and politics history perspectives.Under the guidance of history materialism, this thesis analyzes the works of representative modern Chinese history scholars who stand for different class stand during the course of modern Chinese history subject system taking shape and draws an conclusion:Chinese politics is an exterior factor which modern Chinese history study couldn’ t avoid. Chinese politics is also the biggest motive power for modern Chinese study to develop and the biggest factor to violate modern Chinese history study’s independence. Political development is the biggest social effect of modern Chinese history study and a strong guarantee for modern Chinese history study’ s independence and development.Modern Chinese history study is the thought motive and enlighten tool for China political development during this period. The development of modern Chinese history study subject records the changes of Chinese politics , refracts the changes of Chinese political thoughts and reflects the changes of political theme at that time. Modern Chinese history study provides history experience, points out the correct way for political development and participates in changes and founding of political ideology. Modern Chinese history study is a tool for political parties to have a hand in political thought struggle , a powerful weapon to win a legal status and a loading to express political ideas for different regimes .At last, this thesis comes to an conclusion: to pay attention to actual politics and to serve actual politics are a superiority , a good tradition for modern Chinese history study to serve the society. Modern Chinese history study’s independence and goal of seeking the truth depend on Chinese political development .In addition to the introduction and concluding remarks, the thesis consists of three chapters.The introduction expounds reasons, goals, objects, methods and significances. It also traces back to the trends of study.The first chapter deals with political prerequisite and academic sources of modern Chinese history study taking shape. The thesis points out that it is political prerequisite of modern Chinese history study coming into being that Chinese politics is "intellectual politics" , politics controls everything in traditional China, politics is the theme of modern China and modern Chinese political struggle is fierce. The thesis also points out that it is academic source of modern Chinese history study coming into being that historical science serves politics, historians write political history as well as contemporary history and historical science modernized.The second chapter focuses on the relationship between Chinese politics and emerging of modern China history study from the 30’ s to 40’ s in the 20th century. The chapter analyzes that representative modern China history study scholars of different class, including Jiang Ting fu,, who stands for main stream ideology , Chen Gong lu , who is an scholar , Li Ding sheng , Mao Ze dong , Fan Wen Ian and Hu Sheng , who serve proletariat revolutionary, express their political attitudes and opinions through modern Chinese history study course system in their modern Chinese history works.Chapter three is concerned predominantly with the discussion of Chinese politics and developing of modern China history study from the 50’s to early 60’s in the 20th century. It points out that the founding of the People’s Republic of China advanced the development of modern China history study, made it to be an independence subject, impelled Marxism school of modern China history study to be a guiding school. The development of mode

  • 【分类号】K25
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1971

