

Philanthropic Foundations and the Politics of the U.S.

【作者】 李韬

【导师】 王缉思;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国际政治, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 美国不仅是一个民族的大“熔炉”,同时它还是一个政治与文化多元化的国家。在美国的政治生活中除政府、政党、国会等凸显因素外,还有利益集团、大众传媒、宗教社团、思想库、慈善基金会等多种因素。其中慈善基金会作为一种独特的社会中介力量,在美国及世界其他地方捐资支持了大量的项目,为社会的进步,尤其是文化与科技的发展做出了贡献,对美国的内政与外交产生了深刻影响,是一个非常值得研究的课题。 本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,对以卡内基、洛克菲勒和福特等基金会为代表的美国慈善基金会与美国政治的关系加以真实、客观地分析,从而理清慈善基金会在美国政治与社会生活中的地位、与其他政治行为体的关系、及其所体现的思想与所代表的利益。 本论文共分七个部分,具体内容和主要观点如下: 第一章绪论,回顾与分析国内外与本专题有关的研究情况及本专题研究的意义、本文拟采取的研究方法及结构。 第二章美国的现代慈善基金会,分析本论文研究对象的性质、范围、特点、宗旨及类别。指出慈善基金会以传播文化、增进知识为己任,具有相对的独立性、稳定性、中介性和国际性。依据不同的标准可以将基金会分为不同的类别。 第三章慈善基金会的缘起与发展,分析慈善基金会20世纪初在美国兴起的各种原因。19世纪末美国经济的快速增长造就了一批百万富翁,他们有了创办慈善基金会的财力,美国文化与宗教中鼓励捐赠、谴责贪婪的传统成为这些百万富翁创办慈善基金会的内驱力,当时的政治形势,尤其是“进步主义”和“黑幕揭发”运动以及国际工人运动的高涨,是促使富翁们创办慈善基金会的外驱力,这多种因素的结合催生了美国的现代慈善基金会。慈善基金会不断发展壮大,成为美国社会和政治中一个重要的行为体。 第四章慈善基金会与美国内政,分析基金会在国内资助的大量文化、教育、卫生和科研项目,指出基金会的捐赠弥补了政府在这些方面的投资不足,为美国文化与科技的进步做出了贡献。基金会还资助种族问题研究与民权运动,促使政府在这些问题上有所作为,缓解了国内的阶级与民族矛盾。基金会所资助的社会科学研究的成果为政府制定政策提供了理论参考与指导。 第五章慈善基金会与美国外交,分析慈善基金会的海外行为与美国外交政策的关系。基金会积极促进美国文化在全球的传播,利用文化交流与资助发展中国家高等教育等方式来培养亲美人士,为巩固美国的霸权地位服务,成为美国外交政策的“沉默的伙伴”。 第六章慈善基金会与美国政府,研究基金会与政府的关系。尽管基金会是非政府、非赢利、独立运作的民间机构,但在实际的运作中却与政府有着千丝万缕的联系。慈善基金会与美国政府既有互动合作、又有矛盾冲突。基金会及其所资助的一些思想库还起到了为政府储备和提供人才的作用。基金会在总体上服务于美国的大政方针,但它们在国内所得到的并不是一片赞美之声,左倾民粹主义者和右倾保守主义者都对它们的行为与目的提出质疑并由此引发了国会对基金会的调查,这些调查促成了美国的税法改革,也规范了基金会的行为。 第七章结语,总结全文,指出现代慈善基金会是美国所特有的一种社会中介组织、发挥着剩余财富再分配的作用,并得出这样的结论:即从根本上看,基金会所代表和维护的是美国社会中少数精英的利益,这些社会精英是美国现行制度的既得利益者,因而基金会也就成为了美国现行资本主义制度的支柱之一。

【Abstract】 As it is known that the United States is a "melting pot" containing people from nearly all the countries and nations. It is also a country with multi-politics and multi-culture. Many actors, besides the government, congress, senate, and political parties, play important roles in its political arena. Interest groups, mass media, religious bodies, think tanks and philanthropic foundations are some of them. Among these actors, philanthropic foundations are unique intermediary institutions in the American society. They are so prosperous, influential and broad in scale that no philanthropic institutions in other countries can be equal to them. Few important cultural projects in the U.S., large or small, are not related to the ideology and influence of foundations directly or indirectly. They exert great influence on the American politics. It is a subject deserving of study.In this dissertation, the author, under the guidance of the dialectic and historical materialism, makes an objective study of the relations between foundations and the politics of the United States with special reference to Carnegie, Rockefeller and Ford foundations. He points out that philanthropic foundations represent the ideology and interests of the elite in the United States.The structure and major points of this dissertation are as follows.Chapter One-Introduction. In this chapter the author reviews and analyzes the study of this special subject and its significance and puts forward the research methods and structure of this dissertation.Chapter Two-Modern Philanthropic Foundations of the U.S. In this chapter the author defines the objects of this study and analyzes their characteristics, ranges, purposes and categories. He also points out that philanthropic foundations in the United States enjoy great independence and stability. They can be divided into various categories according to different standards.Chapter Three-Origin and Evolution of Modern Philanthropic Foundations in the U.S. In this chapter the author analyzes why philanthropic foundations originated in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. The boom in economy at the end of the 19th century created many millionaires who were able to establish foundations. The cultural and religious traditions, the "muckraking" during the Progressive Era and the rising of labor movement in the world also contributed to the establishment of philanthropic foundations. In their one-hundred-year history, philanthropic foundations grew more prosperous and influential and became one of the important actors in the political arena of the United States.Chapter Four-Philanthropic Foundations and Domestic Affairs of the U.S. In this chapter the author analyzes the influence of the activities of the foundations on the domestic affairs of the United States. Philanthropic foundations supported many cultural, educational, public health and scientific research projects which contributed greatly to American society. They also supported the study of racial problems and the civil rights movement, which led the government to solve these problems. The achievements in the study of social sciences were useful guidance and reference for the government to formulate policies.Chapter Five-Philanthropic Foundations and Foreign Affairs of the U.S. In this chapter the author analyzes the relations between the international activities of philanthropic foundations and foreign affairs of the United States. Philanthropic foundations were active in spreading culture, surely the American culture, worldwide. They supported many cultural exchange and highereducation projects that trained many pro-American figures. They contributed a lot to the strengthening of American hegemony over the world. Therefore, they were considered "silent partners" in U.S. foreign policy determination.Chapter Six-Philanthropic Foundations and the U.S. Government. In this chapter the author focuses his study on the relations between foundations and the government. Philanthropic foundations have one thousand and

【关键词】 美国慈善基金会美国政治
【Key words】 U.S.Philanthropic FoundationPolitics of the U.S
  • 【分类号】D771.2
  • 【被引频次】47
  • 【下载频次】3111

