

【作者】 李勇坚

【导师】 刘树成;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 西方经济学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文以知识与增长之间的关系为主线,以八十年代中期以后发展起来的内生增长模型为背景,对于以知识为基础的内生增长模型进行了分析。全文共分第12部分。第2、3部分对本文分析的基础:知识的定义与知识的经济学性质以及引进知识的非竞争性与部分排他性后的基本内生增长模型(第一代内生增长模型)进行了分析。如果引进知识的创造性破坏效应,则产生了知识的双重外在性,代表着内生增长模型发展方向的Neo-Schumpeterian增长模型对此进行了研究,本文第4部分对这些模型进行了讨论。如果单纯考虑知识的正的外在性,则所得到的内生增长模型大多均有规模效应,为了避免这个问题,在九十年代末期发展了大量非规模效应增长模型,本文第5部分对此进行了研究与分析。Neo-Schumpeterian增长模型以垄断作为知识的生产动力,必然与市场结构相联系,本文第6部分对于市场结构与内生增长之间关系的模型进行了研究。如果将知识的外在性剥离出来,就产生了以一般目的技术(GPT)为基础的增长模型,本文第10部分对此进行了分析。本文在第7、8、9、11部分还对人力资本与知识交互作用的内生增长模型、以知识为基础的内生增长模型中的多均衡与不确定性、知识扩散与内生增长之间关系的模型、以知识为基础的内生增长模型的政策含义等进行了研究。 最后,本文第12部分从发展逻辑、模型假设、方法论等多方面对以知识为基础的内生增长模型进行了简要评论。

【Abstract】 Economic growth is the term economists use to describe the growth in output from an economy. Beginning with the seminal work of Romer (1986), The relations between knowledge and economic growth have been the major topic of macroeconomics since mid of 1980’s. It is beyond the scope of this paper to present an exhaustive discussion of growth theory. The aim of this paper is to explain how economists try to understand the relations of economic growth and knowledge. To make the task manageable, the focus is on major issues and the models of endogenous growth which include knowledge. The paper is organized as follows. We introduce the developing of endogenous growth theory from view of the knowledge and growth in section. We begin our discussion in Section 2 by expositing the definition and the nature of knowledge in economics In section 3,we set out some basic generic models and show how it yields some key models that have played a prominent role in the recent literature on economic growth models based knowledge. The base of these models is that knowledge has the nature of non-rival and partly non-exclude. The first generation endogenous growth models discussed in section 3 didn’t consider the. The Neo-Schumpeterian growth models discussed in section 4, which represent developing of the endogenous growth models in future, base on the effect of creative destroy. In these models, growth is primarily driven by a sequence of quality-improving innovations each of which destroys the rents generated by previous innovations.The initial models discussed in section 3 and section 4 had the characteristic that the economy has scale effect. This is clearly a limitation. Criticisms of these endogenous growth models have led to the development of the non-scale model. Section 5 discusses the non-scale models. The advantage of such models is that they are consistent with the experiments research. From this standpoint, non-scale growth models should be viewed as being the norm, rather than the exception. In this view of point, these models are in many aspects a hybrid of endogenous and neoclassical models.In the endogenous growth models, the incentive of innovations is the monopoly rent of innovation. The models of market structure and endogenous growth provide important insights into this relationship. In section 6, we research this kind of models. Some important issues about knowledge and growth is researched in the rest of the paper. In section 8 the endogenous growth models including multiple balanced growth equilibria and indeterminacy is discussed. In section 9, the endogenous growth models including knowledge spillovers. In section 10, the endogenous growth models including general purpose technologies (GPTs). In section 11, the policy issue of the knowledge and endogenous growth models.In section 12, the author reviewed briefly the knowledge-based endogenous growth models.

【关键词】 知识内生增长规模效应
  • 【分类号】F061.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】655

