

Study on the Motives, Conditions & Effects of Foreign Direct Investment

【作者】 王恕立

【导师】 万君康;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,对外直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment.FDI)作为参与国际分工、通过生产资本的跨国转移优化资源配置的一种有效形式,被广大发达国家和越来越多的发展中国家所采用。与此相对应,国内外关于对外直接投资问题的研究也获得迅速发展。在20世纪60、70年代,这一领域的研究主要沿着四个方向发展:一是根据产业组织理论,研究跨国公司进行对外直接投资所拥有的净优势,如海默的垄断优势理论;二是采取动态分析方法,将对外投资与对外贸易结合起来研究,如维农的产品周期理论;三是根据生产区位理论,研究跨国公司为什么在某国而不是在其他国家进行直接投资;四是依据厂商理论,强调市场不完全对跨国公司的对外直接投资行为的影响,如巴克莱和卡森的内部化优势理论。应该说,这些理论各有所长,但都只能对对外直接投资现象作出部分的解释,缺乏普通意义的解释能力。因此,当邓宁(1977年)把各种理论集合在一起提出其折衷理论时,立刻被喻为“集大成者”。尽管后来也有部分学者提出了一些异议,但总体看来,“折衷理论”作为对外直接投资核心理论的地位是不容置疑的。20世纪80年代之后,发展中国家的对外直接投资,特别是对发达国家的直接投资开始发展起来,使当时已有的主流理论面临严峻的挑战,新的投资现象需要新的理论观点来解释和引导。1983年,Wells利用维农的产品周期模型分析框架进行研究,得出了产品周期的尾部对发展中国家对外直接投资具有解释能力的结论;1986年,邓宁进一步提出了以折衷范式为基础,以企业国际化为线索的投资发展阶段论。此后,其他学者也先后针对发展中国家企业、中小企业进行研究,得出了有一定参考价值的观点,但都并不足以构成一套系统的理论。 本文的研究是以理论研究为主的,因此在研究过程中对上述主流理论及其观点的分析和借鉴是必不可少的。根据研究的需要,本人将一些主要的理论依其理论方法和结论的不同,划分为动因理论、条件理论和效应理论。并分别进行了简单的介绍和评述。在此基础上,运用这些理论对对外直接投资的动因、条件和效应分别进行研究。武汉理工大学博士学位论文 文章总结提出了企业对外直接投资的8种动因,并以企业所处的三个不同的发展阶段为参照,提出了处于不同发展阶段的企业各自不同的动因结构,同时从经验实证角度进行了分析。 关于对外直接投资条件,本文在借鉴OIL模型、OL模型分析框架的基础上,创造性地引入母国变量,形成了对外直接投资条件的三维分析范式。同时,分别从企业变量、东道国变量(区位变量)和母国变量等三个不同的角度总结论述了各自的影响因子及其作用模式。 企业效应、东道国效应和母国效应是从对外直接投资所涉及的三维主体角度所做的效应分类,这与对外直接投资的动因和条件分析的思路和角度都是吻合的。文章重点从内部化效应和学习效应两个方面探讨了对外直接投资的企业效应;同时从就业、国际收支、结构调整、技术进步等多个方面探讨了对外直接投资的东道国效应和母国效应。 对外直接投资的动因、条件、效应三者之间有何关联,是本文研究的重要内容之一。文章从理论角度提出了对外直接投资的“动因—条件”理论,探讨了对外直接投资动因与效应的因果关联,建立了“动因—条件—效应决策链。 在前述理论分析的基础上,文章结合中国的对外直接投资实情,从企业对外直接投资动因和政府在对外直接投资中的作用等两个方面进行了分析。

【Abstract】 For a long time, FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) acted as a effective form to optimize resource configuration globally via participating in international dividing and cross-border capital transferring, has being adopted by numerous developed and developing countries. Correspondingly, the study on FDI also has got rapid development both in home and abroad. During 60’s and 70’s in the 20th century, the study in this field mainly developed toward four directions: (1) Studying the pure advantages owned by MNE( multinational enterprise)according to industry organizing theory, such as the Specific Advantages Theory by S.H.Hymer; (2) Studying on FDI was linked with foreign trade with a dynamic analysis method, such as product cycle theory by R.vernon. (3) According to production location theory, studying was concerned on why MNE invest in certain country rather than the others. (4) According to the Firm Theory, studying on the influence of incomplete market on the MNE’s FDI ,such as the Internalization Theory by P. J. Buckley and M. C. Casson. Undoubtedly, all of these theories have their own advantages but they all can only partially interpret the FDI phenomenon, lacking generally interpreting ability. Therefore, as soon as Tohu.H.Dunning put forward his "eclectic paradigm" theory in1977 which was aggregated from all kinds of investment theories, he immediately was called a "conglomeration". Although some scholars brought forward many questions to the eclectic paradigm theory, it still was the core theory. However, after 1980’s, the development of FDI in developing countries, especially the FDI towards developed countries began to progress with a rapid speed, which gave a big challenge to the mainstream theories mentioned above. This new phenomenon needs new theory to explain and steer it. So, in 1983, utilizing Vernon’s product cycle theory," Wells got a conclusion argued that the last period of product cycle can interpret the FDI made by developing countries; and in 1986, based on eclectic paradigm and enterprise internationalization, Tohu.H.Dunning put forward another theory-" investment developing stage "theory . Afterwards, some scholars studied the enterprises or small-medium enterprises in developing countries have gotten some valuable conclusions, but none of them could be considered as a systemic theory.In this paper, the author’s study was mainly concentrated on theoretical studying, thus it is necessary to refer to some primary theories got by predecessors. For the purpose to study, author sorted these theories into motive factor theory, condition theory and effect theory. And according to this criterion, authors gave a brief introduction and remark on them. In the meanwhile, author made a further study on the FDI’s motive factor, condition and effect respectively.Through studying, author sum up eight kinds of motives for enterprises to invest abroad and put forward different motive structure for enterprises in different developing stages. And an experiment analysis also made by author.As far as the condition of FDI, based on referring to OIL mode and OL mode, this paper creatively introduced "mother-country" variable and formed a 3-dimension analysis model on FDI condition. Furthermore, author made a study on different influence factors and their action mode respectively form the aspect of enterprise variable, host-country variable and mother-country variable.The effects of FDI also were classified as enterprise effect, host-country effect and mother country effect according to the three bodies involved in FDI. This method is completely in line with the method adopted in the analysis on the motive factor and condition of FDI. As far as enterprise effect, this paper mainly studied it from the aspect of Internalization effect and studying effect. And at the same time the host-country effect and mother-country effect were both studied from the aspect of employment, international balance and structure adjustment as well as technology advancement.The relationship among motive, conditions and e

【关键词】 对外直接投资动因条件效应
【Key words】 FDIMotivesConditionEffect

