

【作者】 高海霞

【导师】 宝贡敏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 博士


【摘要】 在市场经济条件下,任何企业的生产经营活动都必须直接地或间接地围绕消费者行为进行,以消费者作为营销活动的出发点和终极目的,通过提供满意的产品及全方位的服务来满足消费者物质及精神生活的需求和欲望,从而赢得更多的市场份额,创造独具特色的竞争优势。显而易见,对消费者购买行为规律、特征和购买决策形成的影响因素的全面、深入、系统的研究,不仅对于从事市场调查和研究的人员来说非常重要,同时,对企业营销战略和策略的制定也有着重要的借鉴和帮助。 消费者行为研究是对个人或群体认知、选择、购买、使用产品或服务来满足自身需要这一过程的研究。其中,消费者购买决策的做出是对企业产品认同及接受程度最为直接的表现,消费者之所以决定选择某种产品,是因为他相信该产品比其它竞争品牌能给他带来更大的效用或价值。这种价值更多地取决于消费者对该产品的感知价值(Perceived value)(Zeithaml,1988)。消费者感知价值的核心是感知利得(Perceived benefits)与感知风险(Perceived risk)之间的权衡(Wood and Scheer,1996)。相关研究结果显示,消费者购买时倾向于减少其感知风险而不是最大化其感知利得,感知风险在消费者购买行为的解释上更强而有力(Mitchell,1999)。也就是说研究感知风险比研究感知利得对准确把握和理解消费者的购买行为更重要。著名的营销学专家科特勒(Kotler)也曾指出:消费者改变、推迟或取消购买决策在很大程度上是受到感知风险的影响(科特勒,1997),因此研究消费者的感知风险无论在理论上还是实践中都具有重要的意义。 企业营销者的主要目的是增加目标消费者对其产品的购买,而购买行为的发生与购买意愿(purchase intent)直接相关,购买意愿是衡量消费者是否会产生进一步购买行为的指标(Bruce,2001)。在购买意愿的研究领域里,出现了两种不同的观点:以Zeithaml(1988)为代表的学者认为消费者在做购买决策时,会选择感知价值最大的方案;而以Bauer(1960)为代表的学者认为消费者会选择感知风险最小的方案。感知价值最大和感知风险最小二者之间如何联结?由于感知价值和感知风险都受到相似的外在线索的影响,彼此也可能互相影响,但确切的影响方向和效果为何?已有的研究对二者的整合性探讨则相当少见。 另外,消费者在做购买决策时,总是在得与失之间进行权衡,也就是说感知利得和感知风险会同时出现。但在过去的消费者行为研究中,要么单独研究感知利得,要么只研究感知风险,其中研究感知利得到的偏多,即过去大多数的营销重点都是放在增加顾客利得方面,对于减少感知风险的研究甚少。 鉴于上述感知风险相关研究领域所存在的缺陷,本研究将感知利得和感知风险同时纳入研究范围,来探讨消费者的感知风险及减少风险的行为,并尝试发现感知风险与感知价值之间如何联结,进而影响购买意愿。浙江大学博士学位论文 本研究首先回顾了消费者购买行为理论的相关文献和发展动态,在大量文献阅读和归纳的基础上,提出了本论文的研究架构。主要研究工作包括以下两个方面:(1)消费者的感知风险及减少风险行为的特点 感知风险及减少风险行为的特点主要指消费者感知风险的构面组成、感知风险的个体差异性和对于减少风险策略的偏好。其中,感知风险的构面组成是指消费者感知到的风险主要体现在哪些方面;感知风险的个体差异性是指具有不同特征的消费者(人口统计变量、购买经验、产品知识、卷入程度、风险态度不同)所感知到的风险的差异;消费者对于减少风险策略的偏好主要研究不同的消费者(人口统计变量、风险态度不同)所采取的减少风险方法的差异、以及对于风险减少策略的共同偏好。(2)感知利得、感知风险、减少风险、感知价值和购买意愿之间的关系 感知利得与感知风险之间具有什么样的关系?不同的风险感知和利得感知所采用的减少风险的策略有何差异?感知利得、感知风险与减少风险对感知价值是否有影响?影响如何?感知利得、感知风险、减少风险及感知价值对购买意愿是否有影响?影响如何?感知风险和感知价值在影响购买意愿的过程中如何联结? 针对上述两个方面的内容,本研究以我国手机市场消费者为样本,在访谈和借鉴国外研究成果的基础上,设计了相应的变量测量项目,并且经过前测对问卷进行了修正。正式问卷调查主要在北京、天津、上海、石家庄、郑州和杭州进行了抽样,共发放问卷1200份,获取有效样本716个。在调查数据的处理过程中,采用cronbach’s coefficient alPha信度分析、因子分析、独立样本T检验、方差分析、相关分析、回归分析和结构方程模型等多种方法对本研究所提出的假设进行验证。 与感知风险领域己有的研究成果相比,本研究比较有创新的成果主要体现在以下三个方面: (1)感知风险理论在国外研究的历史已久,但在已有的研究中,都基于一定的假设事先对消费者感知风险的构面进行了划分,而对感知风险组成构面的实证研究不够注重。另外,感知风险应该是基于具体产品而言的,购买不同的产品,消费者的感知风险表现也是各异的。因此本研究

【Abstract】 Under the condition of market economy, in order to win added market share and build characteristic competition advantage, any corporation’s activity must surround consumer behavior directly or indirectly, take consumer as activity’s start and ultimate aim, and provide satisfying product or service to consumer. As marketer and corporation as concerned, it is very important to study consumer behavior’s character and factor influenced buying decision completely, thoroughly and systemicly.Study of consumer behavior is the investigation concerning individual or colony’s cognizing, choicing, purchasing, using product or service. Purchasing decision making is straight behave of self-identity and acceptance of corporation’s product. The reason of consumer choicing a product is because he believes the product can provide more value compared with another. And the value is consumer’s perceived value. Perceived value is perceived benefits weigh against perceived risk. Some study’s result showed consumer was inclined to reducing risk but not increasing benefit when making purchase decision, so perceived risk is better than perceived benefit in explaining consumer behaviors (Mitchell, 1999). Namely, studying consumer’s perceived risk is very important for understanding consumer behavior. Consumer changing, defering and canceling purchase decision is often influenced by perceived risk (Kotler,1995). Perceived risk’s study has important significance in theory and practice.Marketer’s main aim is adding consumer’s purchase intent. In the domain of consumer behavior study, there are two different viewpoints appeard. One viewpoint consider consumer will choose product with maximal perceived value (Zeithaml, 1988), and another viewpoint consider consumer will choose product with maximal perceived value least perceived risk (Bauer, 1960). The commom ground of these two viewpoints is they all believe consumer will form apperceive when making purchasing decision. But how to connect perceived risk and perceived value, there is no answer in previous studies.In addition, consumer will balance gain and loss when making purchase decision, in other words, perceived benefit and perceived risk will appear in the same time. However, most previous researchs discuss either perceived benefit only or perceived risk only when studying consumer behaviors. And among these studies, investigations of perceived benefit are more than perceived risk, namely, emphases of previous studies are concerned with adding perceived benefit. Study concerning consumer reducingperceived risk is lacking.Considering limitations of previous studies above, this study take both perceived benefit, perceived risk into consideration and try to discuss consumer perceived risk reducing behavior. Also the connection between perceived risk perceived value, and consumer purchase intent is the content of the paper.The first section of this dissertation is literature review. Based on literature reading and induction, configuration of this study is put forward. The main work of this study include two aspects:(1) Character of consumer perceived risk and risk reducing behavior Character of consumer perceived risk and risk reducing behavior is refer todimensions of perceived risk, individual difference of perceived risk and preference of risk reducing method. Dimensions of perceived risk mean embodiment of perceived risk. Individual difference of perceived risk means that consumer with different demographic character, purchase experience, product knowledge, involvement and risk attitude, the perceived risk’s difference. Consumer preference of risk reducing method mean consumer with different demographic character and risk attitude, tht method they take to reduce risk is different.(2) Relation among perceived benefit, perceived risk, perceived risk reducing, perceived value and purchase intent.What relation between perceived benefit and perceived risk is? Consumer with different perceived risk and differene perceived benefit, risk reducing method they ta

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F713.55
  • 【被引频次】169
  • 【下载频次】5845
  • 攻读期成果

