

【作者】 林国庆

【导师】 邓子基;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 财政学, 2003, 博士


【摘要】 论文主题:本文从分析地方公共债务,主要是地方政府债务,研究和探讨公共债务与地方财政、地方经济发展之间的联系,重点阐述公共债务对地方财政、地方经济发展的影响和作用;目的是在吸收、借鉴国内外公债管理的最新成果上,建立一个地方公共债务的理论分析框架,提出经济转轨时期我国地方公债管理体制、机制和政策措施,力求在解决问题上有所创新。 研究思路:公债作为财政政策的工具,对经济社会的影响有其确定性的一面,也有不确定性的一面。中国地方公共债务的形成与发展,应与中国历史文化、政治、经济体制相结合,与区域经济社会发展相结合,与地方财政发展相结合,并从中找出规律性的变迁轨迹。笔者认为,只有将地方公债问题放在地方财政与地方经济发展的环境中才能予以全面认识,才有其研究的意义。因此,本文研究的实质内容是与地方财政、地方经济发展相联系的转轨时期的地方公债理论与经验问题,既不是单纯对经济增长的研究,也不是将地方公债理论置在空泛的框架内的分析。 本文研究运用三个相结合的方法:1、理论实证与经验实证相结合:2、实证研究与规范研究相结合;3、宏观分析与微观分析相结合。 内容安排:本文共7章,各部分研究的主要内容如下: 第一章 导论 简要介绍选题背景与研究的意义、国内外相关课题的研究情况、研究思路与研究方法和论文的主要创新与不足之处。此外,在第一章中还对中国地方公共债务的基本定义、特征以及全文结构和研究范围作了说明。 第二章 中国地方公共债务实证分析。其一是对我国地方公共债务规模和结构作出初步的判断。关于债务规模的(含直接显性、或有显性)的估计,与现有文献分析差别很大,主要原因是信息披露的不完整、不真实,甚至有债不报;其次采用的统计口径上的差异。本文根据调查,对不同类型的省域进行抽样、测算。现有文献选用的数据时点在1998年左右,与当前地方情况出入很大,债务规模大大低估,尤其对县、乡两级的估计。其二是对各种类型的地方公共债务进行全面的定量分析。其三是对四级地方政府债务以及村级债务的规模、特征进行分析。为了说明情况,本文还归纳、整理各种实证案例。 实证分析是本文的一个重点,在调查的基础上,对相关数据进行甄别,力求能基本反映债务存量;对增量部分则根据相关趋势进行测算。这是一项非常困难的工作,但本文的实证分析考虑的因素还是比较全面的,数据没有夸大,存在的误差仍不会影响定性分析的质量。 第三章地方公共债务形成机理分析。要全面考察地方公共部门,主要是地方政中国地方公共债务闷超研究府的举债动机是复杂的,本文主要从政治、经济、社会、技术和伦理五个方面进行分析:政策变迁,政治、经济、财政分权等因素是产生地方债务的政治因素;而区域经济竞争、地方财政自给能力下降、地方公共产品范围的扩大、“政府、企业、银行”三位一体等是其经济因素。社会因素主要表现在公债幻觉以及模仿行为。预算、管理和道德等主要反映在技术和伦理上的机理因素‘ 本章对地方债务形成的主要机理分析力求客观、全面。但是,机理是一项动态过程,不同时期,不同地区以及不同的经济条件,产生地方债务的主要机理也是各不相同的。 第四章地方公共债务与地方财政发展。本章首先研究地方公共财政与地方债务的关系,认为构建公共财政基本框架是解决地方债务问题的根本途径,接着分别就地方财政赤字、地方财政收支和地方财政体制等方面与地方债务的关系进行阐述。 债务对地方财政的影响是深刻和广泛的,促进地方财政发展的债务政策选择是本章的重点内容,力求多角度、多方面地论述这个问题,力求建立举债与解债相结合的理论模式。 第五章地方公共债务与地方经济发展。本章从理论与实证方面研究探讨地方经济发展的效应问题,重点分析地方债务的投资效应和再分配效应。地方政府的举债偏好主要动因是促进经济发展,两者是互为因果关系。那么,在转轨时期,特别是在法律禁止地方举债的情况下,其政策选择显得极其重要。需要指出的是,本章的逻辑思路是把债务政策放在促进地方经济发展的i背景下来进行分析。 第六章地方公共债务的可持续性分析。庞大的地方债务,能否持续是本文关注的焦点。这一章重点研究地方债务的适度规模凤题,指出现行国际上判断标准的缺陷,尝试建立符合国情的地方债务适度规模标准,分析债务适度规模与公共投资效益关系,深入研究地方债务风险问题,最后就防范化解债务风险提出政策建议。 地方债务的可持续性是理论界与政府部门共同关注的问题,本章从这几方面构建可持续理论框架:(l)地方债务适度规模,(2)地方债务最优结构,(3)地方债务效益标准,(4)地方债务风险预替系统。 第七章地方公共债务政策与管理。从第四章至第六章是本文在通过地方公共债务问题研究后的一些具体成果,旨在解决问题上下功夫,提高论文指导性意义。就政策与管理建议而言,侧重点各有不同,本章首先论述地方发行公债问题。从短期看,中国还不具备发行

【Abstract】 Topic of the thesis: From analyzing local public debt, mainly local government debt, this thesis makes a research and study on the relationship between public debt and both local finance and local economic development. It states and emphasizes influence and function of public debt on local finance and local economic development; its purpose is to establish a theoretical analysis frame for local public debt in absorbing latest foreign and domestic achievements in the management of public debt and using them for reference, and to bring up a solution in system, mechanism, and policy to the management of local public debt of our country at the time of economic transforming to try to make some innovations in the solution to this problem.Thoughts of the research: As a tool in financial policy, public debt has its certain and also uncertain influences on the economy and the society. The formation and development of Chinese local public debt shall be combined together with Chinese history and culture, and political and economic system, with the development of regional economy and society, and also with the development of local finance, so as to find a regular track of its change. In the author’s opinion, only placing the problem of local public debt in the developing environment of local finance and local economy can we have a comprehensive understanding of it and can it be of significance to make a research on it. Therefore, the essential content of this thesis is the problem of local public debt theory and experience at the time of economic transforming relating to the development of local finance and local economy. It is neither a simple research on the growth of economy nor an analysis of local public debt theory in an empty frame.Three combinations are applied in the research of this thesis: First, the combination of theoretical demonstration and experiential demonstration; Second, the combination of demonstration research with standard research; Third, the combination of macroscopic analysis and microcosmic analysis.Layout of contents: This thesis contains seven chapters totally, and the contents researched in each part are stated as follows:Chapter One Introduction. Briefly introducing the background of topic choosing, the significance of the research, domestic and foreign progresses in research of the problems concerned, thoughts and methods of the research, and main innovations and shortcomings of the thesis. In addition, statements have been made in Chapter One to the basic definition and feature of Chinese local public debt, and also the structure and research scope of the thesis.Chapter Two A demonstration analysis to Chinese local public debt. First, aninitial judgment is made on the scale and structure of the local public debt of our country. As to the large difference of debt scale between in estimate and in current documents analysis, main reason is incomplete and untrue information disclosing, and even debt concealing, and another reason is the difference in statistic specifications. According to the survey in this thesis, and the samples, measurements, and calculations made in different types of province, time of the data used in current documents is at about 1998, and they are very different from current situation in local regions. The debt scale is greatly underestimated especially in county and township. Second, a comprehensive analysis is made on various types of local public debt. Third, an analysis is made on the government debt of four levels of local administrations, and on the scale and feature of debt in villages. This thesis also concludes and arranges various kinds of demonstration cases so as to explain the details.The demonstration analysis is one of the focal points in this thesis. It is to discriminate the data concerned on the survey basis in order to try to reflect the existing quantity of debt in principle. However, a measurement and calculation is made to the increase according to the trend concerned. This is a very difficult task, but quite comprehensive f

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】F812.7
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2464

