

The Landscape Structure and Its Function and Ecological Regionalization of the Ecotone between Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Northeast China

【作者】 梁存柱

【导师】 祝廷成; 周道玮;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 生态学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文利用遥感与地理信息系统方法与技术对东北农牧交错区景观结构、功能和景观生态区划进行了系统研究。完成了1:100万东北农牧交错区景观结构与土地利用图,在此基础上制定了景观生态分类的原则、系统和方案;统计和分析了各景观类型的数量与景观指数及其在不同尺度下的空间分布格局;分析了在不同尺度下景观空间格局的成因;应用生态系统服务的观点与方法,对景观生态类型进行了功能分类,并统计分析了各功能类型的数量与分布特征;分析了景观格局对生态过程的影响;在上述研究的基础上,从景观生态学的角度,提出了东北农牧交错区景观生态区划的原则、系统与区划方案,并分析了各区景观格局与土地利用特征。研究结果表明: 1.东北农牧交错区处于我国农牧交错带的最东部,大体位于北纬41°~51°和东经117°~125°之间,行政区域涉及4个省(区),57旗(县、县级市或县级区),总面积约38.3万km~2。 2.根据景观分类的原则,将景观生态类型划分为2个一级景观类型,9个二级景观类型和38个三级景观类型。一级景观中自然景观约占总面积的57.1%,人工景观约占42.9%。在二级景观中,农田景观面积最大,占42.3%;其次是山地景观占25.8%;低山丘陵景观占9.2%;沙地景观占8.9%;河滩低湿地景观占6.2%;湖盆低地景观占4.8%;高平原、平原自然植被景观占2.2%;人工建筑景观占0.5%;人工林景观占0.1%。 3.景观格局指数分析显示:农田景观与整个区域的相似程度最高,是研究区的主体景观。其次是山地景观,这两大景观几乎占整个区域3/4,且景观斑块密度相对较低,景观较完整,构成了东北农牧交错区景观格局的骨架,其中,农田景观的斑块周长数值最大,在生态过程中的影响也最大;河滩低湿地景观是景观中的重要的廊道景观,呈长条形或枝状分布于整个景观中,虽然面积较小,但斑块周长却仅次于农田景观,在景观的各种扩散过程中承担重要的作用。湖盆低地景观斑块数最多,密度最大,破碎化程度较高。总体上随机星散分布于整个景观中,但在东北部平原区相对集中。 4.在大尺度景观背景下,山地和低山丘陵景观均呈条带状连续分布格局,大体沿东北一西南方向贯穿于整个景观中,其东侧为连续分布的农田景观;沙地景观集中分布于中南部。高平原、平原自然植被景观、人工建筑景观和人工林景观面积很小,对区域景观格局影响甚微。在中小尺度水平上,景观格局主要体现在三级景观类型的空间布局上,这些类型在不同的区域,表现出不同的分布特征。 5.地貌、气候、地形等自然因子,人类活动方式、文化背景、人类活动历史等人为因子以及数千年的气候变迁等因子共同作用下形成了交错区现代景观格局。其中地貌因子和气候因子是大尺度景观格局形成的主导因子,地形因子在中小尺度的景观格局中起重要作用;人为因子与气候历史变迁对不同尺度的景观格局都有较大影响。 6.根据生态系统的服务功能,可将景观类型划分为多功能景观,环境服务景观、生产性景观、消费性景观褐和无重要生态功能景观,其中生产性景观面积最大,占总景观的50%。其次是多功能景观,占35.9%;环境服务景观占13.2%;其余2类共计1%。 7.东北农牧交错区可划分为大兴安岭东麓低山丘陵农、林、牧景观生态区,兴安南部山地、丘陵农、林、牧景观生态区,赤峰丘陵农、林、牧景观生态区,科尔沁沙地农、牧、林景观生态区和松辽平原低湿地(盐碱化)农、林、牧景观生态区5个景观生态区和11个景观生态亚区。文中对各景观生态区的景观结构特征、土地利用及主要生态环境问题做了概述。

【Abstract】 This paper is a comprehensive account of the landscape structure, its function and landscape ecological regionalization of the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in Northeast China by using the ways of remote sensing (RS), geographic information system (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS). The paper discusses the principle and system of the classification of landscape elements and classifies the patch types in the region. The landscape pattern index, such as average patch area, landscape similarity index, largest patch index, patch density, landscape perimeter density, landscape shape index, landscape diversity index, and etc., the spatial pattern and the mechanistic that come into being their patterns are analysed. The patch function types, their quantity characteristics and ecological process are also discussed. Finally, the principle and scheme of landscape ecological regionalization are constituted base on above the analysis results, and general situation of every regions are introduced. The primary conclusions are as follows.1. The ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in the Northeast China, sited in the east of the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in China. Its north latitude is from 41 to 51,and the east longitude is from 117 to 125. The districts include 57 counties (or towns) belong to 4 provinces. Its total area is about 3.8 millions km2.2. The patch types are made up of 2 high-level types, 9 secondary types and 38 low-grade types.3. The similar degree of farmland landscape with regional landscape of is topmost and is primary landscapes. The mountain landscape is secondly. The two large landscapes form the framework of the ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in the Northeast China. The patch number and density of bottomland landscapes is the maximum. The area of fluvial landscapes is smaller, but the patch perimeter is biggish.4. In broad-scale, the landscape of mountains and upland form zonary pattern, and run through regional landscape from northeast to southwest, and east side there is continuous farmland landscape. In fine scale, the distributing pattern of low-grade types is very different in each area.5. The factor of the physiognomy and climate is dominating natural factors in forming broad-scale pattern. The factor of local landform is acting in forming fine-scale pattern. But human factor influences on landscape pattern in all levels scale.6. Bases function of ecosystem service, landscape patch types are divided multifunctional patch, environmental service patch, production patch, consumption patch and no function patch.7. The ecotone between agriculture and animal husbandry in the Northeast China can be divided into 5 landscape regions and 11 sub-regions.

  • 【分类号】S181
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】803

