

Research on Creation of the Cadre Education

【作者】 陈方猛

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 世纪之交,世界形势正发生着全面的变化,经济一体化,政治全球化,文化多元化的特征日益明显,在此背景下,我国的干部教育也在经受着前所未有的冲击与挑战。我国的干部教育应该如何应对这些挑战,是事关国家兴衰的大事,也是一个严肃的学术课题。在西方文化以强劲的势头横扫我国时,西方公务员培训的理论也飘洋过海,成为干部教育研究者最热衷讨论的话题。如何在国际化的大潮中,既吸收西方公务员教育理论和实践的精髓,又保持我国干部教育的特色,也是目前干部教育研究需要谨慎以对的问题。本研究以创新为贯穿全文的线索,从干部教育的历史沿革、西方公务员教育理论与实践的借鉴、干部教育实践模式创新、干部教育评价理论创新等角度,探析了我国干部教育在世纪之交的变革趋向。文章首先对我国的干部教育理论和实践作了全方位的分析与总结,通过阐释我国干部教育实践发展史和干部教育思想发展史,从理论扬弃与实践创新的维度,指出我国当前干部教育发展应吸收与借鉴之处。西方公务员的培训理论与实践为我国干部教育的发展提供了“他山之石”,通过分析西方发达国家公务员教育培训的主要特点以及西方发达国家公务员教育培训发展新趋势,旨在说明在多元文化共生的全球化背景中,我国干部教育既要保持自己的特色,又要紧跟世界潮流。在全球化的背景下审视我国的干部教育,可以发现我国的干部教育必须逐步走国际化、网络化、法制化的道路。没有办学理念的国际化、硬件设施的网络化、管理的法制化,我国干部教育就无法应对目前复杂多变的国际形势。此外,我国干部教育培训机制必须创新,在办学管理机制、投入机制、结构机制、供需机制等方面进行新的变革。我国干部教育培训效益较低与我国长期以来干部教育评价的落后有密切的关系,在充分借鉴教育评价理论的基础上,对干部教育评价的功能、范围、评价体系作了翔实的剖析。我国干部教育运行模式的变革也是关乎干部教育培训效益的大事,在剖析传统干部教育实践模式的基础上,论证了我国目前实施党校干部教育模式和依托高校干部教育模式的特点和优点。

【Abstract】 Mankind has entered a new century and a new millennium. This is an important juncture in the development of human history. The world is undergoing complex and profound changes, which is increasingly characterized with integration of economy, globalization of politics and plurality of culture. In this situation, the cadre education in our country is also facing unprecedented challenges. As a crucial task for our country’s development and prosperity, the cadre education needs to be carefully considered. When experiencing the inevitable western cultural exchanges, the western theory of civil service training is becoming the focus of attention of the researchers. How to absorb the essence of the western countries’ civil service training theory and practice, and at the same time, to maintain the localization, pertaining to our particular features are issues we should ponder over in seriousness and with prudence.Regarding creation as the clue running through the whole article, my research begins with the history of the cadre education. The whole research explores and analyses the transition trend of the cadre education in the turning of the century through different angles, such as the absorption of the western theory and practice, the creation of the practice pattern, the creation of the evaluation theory and so on.My research first gives a comprehensive analysis and summary of the cadre education theory and practice in our country. Through describing and explaining the history of cadre education practice and the development of cadre education thoughts, the research indicates how to create the theory and practice of the present cadre education.The western theory and practice of civil service training offers us a good reference, which we can draw upon when we develop our particular cadre education. By analyzing the main characteristics of civil service training in the developed countries and its new developmental trend, the research points out that in the situation of globalization and multi-culture development, the cadre education in our country should not only maintain the local features and styles, but also keep pace with the world tide.According to such a survey in a global background, we can find out that we must pursue a road of internationalization, networking, and legalization. The international schooling ideas, establishments networking, and legalization of management are key steps. Without these three aspects changing, the cadre education could not cope well with the present complex international situation.Furthermore, the training system of cadre education must create a brand new way. We should carry out the reform in these fields, such as the system of schooling management, the system of resource utilization, the system of training structure and the system of supply-demand.For a long time, the efficiency of cadre training is low, which has a close relation with the underdeveloped evaluation system. The research makes a full and accurate analysis of the function, scale, and the whole system of the cadre education evaluation.The reform of cadre education operation pattern is also a task of vital importance concerning the efficiency of cadre training. On the basis of the analysis of traditional training practice patterns, the research argues it is essential and feasible to put cadre education in practice in party-school and in high school.

  • 【分类号】D262
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2066

