

【作者】 张剑渝

【导师】 蒋明新;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 问题的提出近年来,市场竞争越来越激烈,企业间竞争的方式也日益多样化。国内的联想、娃哈哈、波导等企业经由渠道优势获得竞争优势的成功经验,以及国外的沃尔玛、家乐福、宜家等成功企业依靠渠道优势在激烈的市场竞争中胜出的经典案例,吸引着越来越多的企业将获得竞争优势的希望放到了营销渠道上。不久前,在国内的一些工商类的报章杂志上甚至出现了所谓“得渠道者得天下”的夸张说法。国内外各类企业的发展史业已证明,得渠道者固然未必得天下,但无渠道者一定不会有市场上的立锥之地。渠道之与企业犹如船家之与行渡者,缺少了渠道,企业断然不能从生产的此岸经由市场的风浪到达成功的彼岸,渠道之重要由此可以想见。笔者认为,渠道的核心是渠道关系,对渠道的管理实际上就是对渠道关系的管理。渠道关系及其相关的问题,理应成为渠道研究与实践中应关注的重点课题。然而笔者看到,建立在单边(主要是制造商)基础上的现有渠道理论,其内容主要是对非连续的、短期的渠道行为进行的单边的设计与控制。这种单边性质,使现有渠道理论在对参与渠道活动的多边角色的日益互动化、多边关系的长期导向性、连续性的解释上,越来越显无力与苍白。这就表明,渠道中日益增强的双边性和多边形,业已产生以关系为核心发展现有渠道理论的要求。关于渠道关系的研究,国外有一些研究成果散见于各类期刊杂志之中,国内则几乎是空白。为了系统地解读渠道关系,弄清渠道关系的治理机制并结合中国的实际为业界人士提供如何构建基于关系规范的关系型渠道关系的程序与方法,笔者认为有必要对渠道关系进行系统地研究,研究的具体问题是:渠道关系是否存在于渠道管理的全过程之中?渠道模式、治理机制、渠道关系之间有无联系?能否建立解读这些关系的分析框架、构筑以关系为核心的渠道理论构架以及如何构建双边长期导向的关系型营销渠道? <WP=3>显然,追踪国外渠道关系管理的研究动态,依据本学科理论范式及其他相关理论系统地研究渠道关系,对于发展营销学术,服务中国企业渠道关系管理实践,无疑具有重要的学术与实践意义。研究设计与方法本文的研究设计如下: 一、提出本文拟研究的问题:渠道管理是事关企业持续竞争优势的问题。常规渠道下的单边管理与一体化渠道下的单边管理并不能实现关系治理的目的,要构建一个长期导向的具有持续竞争优势的渠道,需要建立渠道成员双边认同的关系规范,并以此关系规范指导实施关系管理的行为。然而,目前国内对渠道关系问题的研究几乎是空白,研究渠道关系问题无疑具有重要的理论与现实意义。二、将研究问题表述为研究命题:渠道管理即为渠道关系管理。(1)通过对现有渠道理论进行介绍,在说明渠道的重要性的同时揭示现有渠道理论的单边性质及其局限性。(2)通过搜集国内企业渠道管理方面的实际素材,以描述统计的方法描绘渠道关系在渠道管理中的重要性并指出渠道关系始于渠道设计贯穿于渠道管理全过程之中;(3)梳理用于渠道关系研究的基本理论;三、运用关系营销理论和交易费用理论,从渠道的表象——渠道模式入手,分析各类渠道模式的关系特点与渠道模式演变的动因。四、探讨各类渠道模式对应的关系治理机制五、在渠道模式、治理机制的基础上,加入依赖结构因素与关系要素因素,并将这三层内容、四类关系进行链接,构建一个渠道关系模型。六、根据建立的渠道关系模型,分析关系型渠道的生命过程及核心问题。本文在研究方法上主要根据关系市场营销、交易费用分析的理论范式,采用规范分析方法对渠道关系及其相关问题作演绎与理论推断分析,并结合大样本资料处理的结果与典型案例的分析作相应的归纳性的实证研究。论文结构与基本内容<WP=4>依据本项研究设计的逻辑思路,本文结构上的起、呈、转、合与之相呼应,分为这样几个部分:一、绪论;二、渠道与渠道关系。三、渠道形式:关系特点与形式演变的动因四、渠道关系:治理与治理机制:五、关系型渠道模型:一个以关系为核心的渠道理论构架六、渠道关系:构建、维持与发展的程序、方法与实证七、结束语本文的基本内容如下:以问题导向的研究思想为指导,本文开篇便从营销渠道的大环境、大背景、大趋势的角度引出渠道命题,指出渠道管理存在几种基本形式,即:以短期市场交易为基础的常规市场营销渠道,内部一体化的企业渠道,以长期市场交易为基础的关系营销渠道,与之相应,每种渠道均有各自的特点与问题,这些问题本质上其实就是一个渠道关系问题。从实践的角度看,渠道关系问题是一个事关企业获得持续竞争优势的问题,从渠道理论的角度看,是一个需要对之进行系统研究的问题。因此,研究渠道关系问题既具实践意义又有理论意义。为了对该问题进行研究,笔者对一些在文章中拟采用的基本概念进行了界定,同时对本文的研究目的、研究设计、研究方法等相关内容进行说明。本文的第二部分指出,按照已有渠道理论,渠道管理分为渠道设计与渠道实施两个阶段的工作内容,渠道关系似乎只存在于渠道实施之中。然而笔者

【Abstract】 Statement of the Problem/BackgroundThe rapid development of economic interaction now goes across national and ideological boundaries, so do competitions in all forms. In the market of China, domestic companies such as Legend, Wahaha, and Bird had already gained competitive advantage through distributional channels, while multinational companies, such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour, and Ikea, provide evidence of business success via channel management. Therefore, distribution channel management is now regarded as key of getting business success and competitive advantage by more and more within the market of China. In this context, abundant articles presented in many Chinese business newspaper and journals claim that the only way to control the market is to get the channel advances. Channel advances, however, by now means, are the must to control the market, according to histories of development of many companies both inside and outside of China. Without channel advantages, on the other hand, it is true that one cannot even survive in the marketplace. The relationship of channels verses companies is just like that of boats and people who want to go cross the river. One cannot get to the other side of the river without a boat, while a company cannot go from production to the marketplace. That is the importance of marketing channel.The opinion of this study is that the core of marketing channel is relationship among the channel members. Thus, to manage a market channel is to construct, retain, and develop channel relations. That is the key to the study of channel management theories and practical interpretation. Based on many studies, the author finds that producer channel theory, results in non-continuous and short-term oriented design and control. It is weak to explain and promote the current trend of channel management which is more focus on interactive, multidimensional, long-term oriented and continuous relationships. Therefore, it is clear that there should be a study from a new<WP=10>perspective, with an in-depth exploration focusing on the development of channel relation concept.In this context, it becomes clear why the management of channel relations is essential, not only for the standardization of process and system itself, but also to Chinese domestic firms who look to gain competitive advantages in the market. On the other hand, the existing researches on channel member relationship management are conducted mainly in other countries. This study, however, will provide in-depth insights of member relationship management for both academic and practical aspects.The systematic study of this research is designed to shed light on Critical Questions as following: These questions are: (1) If channel relation exists in ever step of channel management process, (2) If there is any interrelationship among models of the channel, system of management, and channel relations, (3) what the key elements are to construct a new channel management model focusing on the relationship of channel member in a tow-dimensional, and long-term oriented viewThis study collects both primary research and literature reviews to explore the issues of channel relationship management. The review on the literatures of foreign study helps to build the study instruments of this study, while the study on the social science and other related theories adding new ways of research to this study. MethodologyResearch Methods and Technique of this study are stated as following:1. Statement of the Problem: channel management is about bringing sustainable competitive advantages to different firms. The current channel management theory and practice focusing on producer (or one firm) now are unable to archive the goal of management channel relations. It is time calling for building a long-term oriented channel with mutually recognized rules and standards as management guidance and directions to get sustainable competitive advantages to the marketplace. By do so, this study has both practical meanings and academic devotions, since the cu

  • 【分类号】F713.3
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】3016

