

Key Competitiveness and Financial Corporate Culture Studying

【作者】 蒙宇

【导师】 曾康霖;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 金融学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本论文吸收了新制度经济学、伦理学、行为金融学和新社会经济学等理论的积极成果和分析方法,研究了核心竞争力与金融企业文化之间的关系,并对基于核心竞争力的金融企业文化评价体系设计进行了探索。而要研究本论文的主题,就必须对核心竞争力的理论演进、核心竞争力的特点和实质以及文化对企业的嵌入性进行系统分析,在此基础上寻找核心竞争力与金融企业文化之间的联系,最终得出金融企业的核心竞争力在于企业文化的结论。根据研究主体和研究思路,本文除导论外,共分五章,以此构成论文的整体内容框架。第一章,主要是对核心竞争力理论的综述。本章分析了核心竞争力的起源及企业战略理论发展的轨迹,并对企业能力理论各流派进行了理论梳理。在此基础上,分析了核心竞争力的内涵与外延,并考察了其本质、路径依赖及企业边界的确定与演变,最后对核心竞争力视角下的租金获取机制进行了研究。第二章,主要考察了企业中文化的嵌入问题。本章回顾了文化的涵义和作用力,并基于不同的理论视角考察了企业的本质。在此基础上引入嵌入理论,考察了文化如何实现对企业的嵌入。之后,对企业文化的内涵与本质、产生的基础及理论研究的演进过程进行了探讨。最后,从企业文化的激励、导向、约束、协调等四个功能入手,分析了这些功能具体的作用途径。第三章,主要分析了核心竞争力与金融企业文化的联系。本章首先从企业内部的压力——员工的道德风险和外部压力——市场的伦理冲突对金融企业生存发展构成了威胁入手,分析了金融企业文化是基于平和风险和冲突的机制而产生的。其次分析了金融企业文化的内涵,认为金融企业文化的本质是信用文化。最后通过分析金融企业的特殊性,找到核心竞争力与金融企业文化的对接点,并分析了企业文化对金融企业核心竞争力的维护和提升途径。第四章,主要对基于核心竞争力的金融企业文化评价体系进行了考察。本章在借鉴一般企业文化和竞争力的指标评价体系的基础上,对基于核心竞争力的金融企业文化评价体系的设计原则、因素确立、评价方法等进行了考察,最后从动态角度对金融企业文化评价进行了研究。第五章,本章对国内两家著名金融企业——招商银行和湘财证券的企业文化<WP=4>进行了案例分析,评介了其企业文化的特点、核心理念,分析了优势及值得借鉴之处。在此基础上,提出了对我国金融企业文化建设的一些思考。本文的主要观点及创新表现在:(1)文化是一种不成文的非正式制度,金融企业文化是金融企业对社会承诺的形象与追求理念的结合。本研究为了便于经济学的分析,将文化严格限定为一种非正式制度,而不作为一种“泛文化”概念进行研究。根据这一约束条件对文化进行界定,即:文化就是人类在长期的生产中围绕满足人类需要沉淀下来的,通过互相连结而形成每个特殊群体独特行为调整的不成文的非正式制度。“文化”包含了四方面的含义:(1)文化的本质。文化是人类创造的优秀成果,可以满足人类物质和精神需求,其核心是价值观念,包括人对社会、人与人和个人自身价值的判断;(2)文化的作用方式。一方面,文化作为非正式制度可借助舆论的力量成为人们行动的准则和规范,指导着人们的外在行为;另一方面,人们的意识在长期存续过程中可以逐步沉淀、融合而物化为正式制度,从而发挥作用。正式制度和物质只是其在现实中的一个投影和反映;(3)人的能动性。人类不仅是文化的载体和创造物,也是文化能动的创造和操作者;(4)文化的阶级性。文化作为一种意识形态,具有明显的阶级性,是一定社会的政治和经济的反映,同时又给予一定社会的政治和经济以巨大的影响。先进的文化对经济具有促进作用,落后的文化只会阻碍经济的发展。而在研究金融企业文化的时候,势必将视角缩小。由于金融企业以诚信为本,外部性大,虚拟性强,所以金融企业文化的实质是信用。简单地说,可以把金融企业文化概括为金融企业对社会承诺的形象和自身追求理念的一种结合。(2)核心竞争力是企业在隔离机制的保护下协调各种资源,实现提升顾客认知价值的能力总和。本研究将企业核心竞争力定义为:在企业内部借助一种高效率的隔离机制,充分有效地调动各种资源并使其协调运行,通过提升输送到顾客手中产品的认知价值从而实现企业在市场上超越同业对手,获得竞争优势的各种能力总和。这个定义包含了四个方面的意思:(1)在企业内建立一套高效率的隔离机制,目的是保护企业竞争力相对的独占性;(2)提升顾客认知价值是手段,占领市场竞争优<WP=5>势是目的;(3)核心竞争力的核心是能力;(4)核心竞争力是一种合力,而非单一的某种能力。(3)企业中文化嵌入是必然的结果,企业文化发生于文化向企业嵌入的过程中。本文专门从企业中文化嵌入的角度进行了分析。新经济社会学家认为,经济行动是被社会性地限定着的,它不能仅通过个人动机得到解释。其嵌入于现存的个人关系网络中,而不是由原子似的个人所单独进行的。“网络”一词意味着在个人或群体间有一套固定的联系或类似的社会组合,其中个体成员的行动是“嵌入”于网络之中的,因为它体现于与他人?

【Abstract】 This thesis focuses on the research of the relationship between the core competence and the financial enterprises’ cultures. In order to study this theme, We must analyze the theatrical evaluation,the characteristics and the essence of the core competence and the cultural embedding into the enterprises systematically. Based on this, we can seek the relationship between the core competence and the culture of financial enterprise, and finally get the conclusion that the core competence of financial enterprise is related to the enterprise culture. According to the main body and the study clue of this thesis, this thesis comprises five chapters except the lead-in.Chapter one, it focuses on the comprehensive introduction to his core competence theory. It analyzes the origination of core competence and traces back the development of enterprise strategic theory. Based on these efforts, the thesis thoroughly clear up the various schools of the enterprise competence theories which enables the author to analyze the connotation and extension of core competence and study the its essence.Chapter two, has observed the embedding problem of enterprise’s culture. The article retrospects the meaning and power of cultural, and observes the essence of enterprises on the basis of different theory visual angles. We introduce theory of embedding on this basis. We observe the essence and the foundation of enterprise culture and the gradual progress of theory. After that we stimulate a discussion about the embedding of enterprise culture and its emergence mechanism. At the last of this part, we analyze the way by which these functions work.Chapter three, has mainly analyses the relationship between the core competence and the financial corporate culture. The author starts with the analysis of a threat to enterprise’s survival and development constituted of the pressure inside enterprises --the staff’s morals risk-- and outside pressure --the ethics conflict of the <WP=8>market, and then comes to the conclusion that the financial corporate culture comes into being as a kind of mechanism to reduce the risk and conflict. And then, this thesis analyses the intension of the financial corporate culture. Finally, Through analyzing the particularity of financial enterprise, we find out the relation between key competitiveness and financial corporate culture. And then, we analysis the way through which corporate culture becomes financial enterprise’s key competence.In chapter four, mainly based on key competence we appraise the system to observe the financial corporate culture. Regarding function of general enterprises as the introduction, the author has introduced the appraisal index system of enterprise’s competence. According to former content analysis, we draw a conclusion that key competence of financial corporate lies on their culture. And the author makes an analysis of reconstruction to corporate culture. In chapter five, we conduct cases study of corporate culture of two famous domestic financial enterprises --China Merchants Bank and Xiangcai Securities Co., Ltd. We evaluate their key theory of corporate culture and its characteristic, illustrating their advantages worthy of study and raising some questions as well. On this basis, the author gives some advises of cultural construction for our country’s financial enterprise.The main view and innovation of this text are as follows:(1)Culture is a kind of informal rules and regulations, culture of financial corporate is the combination of image and promise that the financial enterprises give to society.This research limits culture as a kind of unofficial system strictly for the analysis of economics, but not as one general concept. This definition implies four respects of the meaning: ①Essence of culture. Culture is the outstanding achievement that the mankind has gained, which can meet the human material and spiritual demand. Its Core values are the concepts of value about people and society;②The way Culture <WP=9>wor

  • 【分类号】F830.3
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2946

