

The Custom and Customary Law in Civil Law of the Early Republican China

【作者】 李卫东

【导师】 严昌洪;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2003, 博士


【摘要】 在中国古代,受儒家理思想和宗族制度的影响,法律意义上的权利和义务不是以个人而是以国家和社会为基本对象进行设计的。在这种“家国同构”的政治法律框架和“礼”的精神影响下,国家与民间社会和谐共存。国家权力无意延伸到县以下的民间社会,将大量的民事司法裁判权让渡给民间,民间社会也因此发展出大量的民事习惯与习惯法。进入近代后,这种情况发生了变化。无论是戊戌维新还是清末“新政”,以及后来的辛亥革命,这些重大的社会改革和革命运动,都以西方社会和政治制度为追求目标。在具体的法律建设上,主要采取从两方移植法律和法律制度的方法。由于西方法律生成的社会基础和历史文化条件与中国不同,被移植的法律在中国社会难以找到契合点,纸面上的法与生活中的“法”严重割裂。在这种情况下建立起来的近代法制必然遭到中国传统社会的顽强抵制,难以为民众接受。如何将近代法律精神与中国固有的民事习惯相结合,不仅是民初法律人士必须面对的问题,也是我们考察民初民法发展状况的一个重要途径。 本文以民事习惯与习惯法为中心,从民初民法的观念、文本和实践等角度出发,研究习惯在民初法律中的地位,以及民初国家制定法与民间习惯之间的互动关系。力图全面考察民初民法的发展状态,并通过这一问题考察这一时期国家与社会的关系。 本文通过对民初社会和法律发展状况的分析,认为民初民法的发展具有明显的过渡性时代特征。这一时代特征既是民初习惯法大量存在原因所在,也是我国民法迅速发展的条件之一。在这一时期,通过前清的司法改革和《大清民律草案》的编纂活动,不仅形成了一个包括法学家、司法审判人员、律师等在内的近代法律群体,同时近代民法的知识体系也建立起来。由于参议院否认了《大清民律草案》的法律地位,以及《现行刑律》民事有效部分相关规范的不足,使得民初的民法实践活动一直处在法典缺失的状态,给司法审判人员适用民事习惯留下了很大的空间。另外,这一时期尽管国内政局动荡、军阀割据,但大理院却在法律领域树立了相当的权威,大理院推事通过发布判例和解释例等方式确立了民事习惯在司法审判中的法律地位,同时通过“习惯法构成要件”等判例和解释例建立了一个将民事习惯导入到司法实践中的机制。 民国初期,在传统法律习惯和外国法的双重影响下,民法的多元化特征表现得十分明显。而在众多的法律渊源中,习惯与习惯法的地位显得尤为突出。甚至在对外国法和法理的使用上,民初的审判官们也倾向于将其与中国习惯结合起来,相互引证,力图用近代先进的法律观念说明中国社会固有习惯的合理性。体现出中国传统固有法正在积极地与移植过来的两方法相融合。 在思想观念上,中国法律界对于固有民事习惯在民法上地位与作用的认识有一个曲折的过程。民国初期,社会各界在总体上十分关注民事习惯在法律生活中的作用与影响,法学界也对习惯在法律上的地位进行了理论探讨。这一讨论在学理上加强了法学界对于该问题的认识。同⑤博士学位论文DOC‘rORAL DISSERI人TION时这场讨论受五四新文化运动科学与民主思想的影响,带有这一时期的社会政治色彩。 在法律文本方面,《大清民律草案》前三编由于过于注重与世界法律“求同”,对中国民事经济交往中广泛存在的民事习惯没有涉及或表达错误,与社会生活有较大的距离。而后两编又过多强调封建礼法思想,保留了许多落后的民事习惯,在另一个方面与现实社会脱节。《大清民律草案》本身的种种不足也是民初参议院决定搁置它,在审判活动只能作为“条理”援用的原因。《现行刑律》民事有部分属于封建时代法典,其内容往往与社会民事习惯中最落后、最保守的那一部分相契合。因此它的适用对于军阀政府维护封建秩序是有帮助的,但对于积极推动社会进步则无益处.民国初期,司法行政机关以司法行政命令等形式制定了一些具有行政法特色的单行民事法规,其中以《清理不动产典当办法》最有代表性。该办法在充分尊重民间“典”习惯的同时,对典卖行为中的不良习惯进行限制,既继承了传统典习惯中救济弱者的优良传统,又使之与近代商品经济的发展潮流相符。该办法的出台反映民初法律界处理民事习惯的法律观念和技术日渐成熟。 在民初法律实践中,习惯更是发挥了重要作用,不仅帮助审判者更清楚的把握法律事实,同时在一定程度上弥补了这一时期民事制定法的不足.,与此同时近代法律对民事习惯也进行了确认、规范和强化,二者之间是一个双向互动的关系.,相对于民事习惯对法律的影响,近代法律对民事习惯的规范和改造更有主动性。 民事习惯反映了民间社会的价值追求,通过对民初国家法与民间习惯冲突的考察,我们可以看到,民国初期国家作为现代化的主导力量,需要在社会变革中保持其权威性,因此加强了对社会的控制:另一方面,随着社会的剧烈变迁,传统国家在普通民众前的权威却在快速地消弥,国家与社会的关系常常处在紧张状态。在国家与民间社会的冲突中,国家占有明显的优势,社会存在的空间日益缩小。

【Abstract】 In the traditional China, the right and duty in the legal sense is mainly arranged in the framework between state and society under the influence of Confucianism and patriarchal clan system. Under the political and legal framework of "state in the family", as well as the influence of the spirit of "Ritual", the state and the civil society coexisted harmoniously. The state power has no intention to extend the civil under the county level and leaves a great number of the civil case jurisdiction to the civil society, as a result, the civil society evolves a great deal of civil custom and civii customary law. Alt this was changed during the modern china. What the great social reformation and revolution pursuit , such as "Wu Xu Reformation", "New Deal" in the late Qing Dynasty and "1911 revolution", is the western political system. Their piratical legal system construction method are mainly through legal transplantation from west. Because of the different social basis and the cultural background, the transplanted law can’t adapted to the Chinese society and the law in paper is far from the living law. The modern legal system based on this background will meet the resist of the traditional society inevitablely and is hard to accepted by the crowd. How to united the spirit of the modern legal system and the traditional civil custom in China is an important way to study the development of the civii law in the early Republican China , as well as an problem confronted by the legal profession in the early Republican China.This thesis studies the legal status of the custom and the interaction between the enacted law and the civil custom in order to dispose the development of the development of the civil law and the relation between the state and society in the early Republican China, from the perspective of the idea, text and practice, especially centers on the civil custom and customary law.This thesis argues that :he development of the civil law in the early Republican China embodies the characteristic of the transition era apparently through the analysis of the development of the society and the law in the early Republican China. This characteristic explains why a great deal of customary law existed and the rapidly development of the civil law in the early Republican China. It is during this period that the modern legal profession including the theorist, judge and lawyer arise and the knowledge system of the modern civil law established through the judicial reformation and the codification of the Draft of Civil code of Qing Dynasty. Since the Draft of Civil code of Qing Dynasty was vetoed by Senate and the Criminal code i n Effect existed inadequacy severely, the practice of the civil law in the early Republican China keep a state of code shortage all the time, which left a great deal of room for judge. In addition, in spite of the state disorder and the military group indepdence, thesupreme court established its authority in the legal field . The judge of the supreme court the enforced the civil custom in the trial and established the regime brought the civil custom into judicial pratice through the case and explanationAffected by the traditional custom and foreign law, the plural characteristic of civil law appears clearly in the early Republican China. Among all kinds of the sources of the law, custom and customary law play an important role. Even in application foreign law and jurisprudence, the judge in the early Republican China are incline to adopt the custom in China and try to use the modern advanced legal ideat to justify the custom inherent in the traditional China. All this indicate the law in traditional China is interconnected with the transplanted law each other.There experienced a wind course for the legal profession’s idea to the status and the role of the traditional civil custom in the civil law. In the early Republican China, all walk of the life paid more attention to the role and influence of the civil custom in the legal field and the legal profession discuss the legal status of t

【关键词】 民初民法习惯习惯法观念文本实践
【Key words】 Civil lawCustomCustomary lawThe early Republican ChinaIdeaTextPractice
  • 【分类号】D929.6
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1456

