

Study on the Efficient Spatial Allocation and Stable Stand Structure of Soil and Water Conservation Forest System

【作者】 郭浩

【导师】 余新晓;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2003, 博士


【摘要】 本文分析了辽西地区水土保持林体系现状和存在问题,研究了辽西地区植被类型现状、景观格局及其发展动态。在辽西地区最优植被类型组成、最佳森林覆盖率、试验区斑块镶嵌体格局和生境类型划分等方面重点研究基础上,提出和构建了辽西地区水土保持林体系高效空间配置;在常见树种抗旱性排序、抗松毛虫危害的树种结构和辽西山地水量平衡的林分密度等方面的研究结果基础上,提出和确定了辽西地区水土保持林体系的稳定林分结构;根据高效空间配置和稳定林分结构研究结果和辽西地区气候、生境特点,提出了辽西地区水土保持林体系高效空间配置和稳定林分结构营建模式和营建技术。 其主要研究结果如下: 一、水土保持林体系高效空间配置方面 ●生境类型研究结果表明,辽西山地生境类型主要可划分为三大类。 ●运用层次分析法,研究确定了辽西地区水土保持林体系森林最佳植被类型结构。 ●根据辽西地区水土流失特点,研究确定了辽西地区水土保持林体系最佳森林覆盖率。 ●首次提出斑块镶嵌体格局是辽西地区水土保持林体系高效空间配置的理想格局。 ●研究确定了辽西地区水土保持林体系高效空间配置。 其主要内容为:①最佳森林覆盖率为50%。②最佳植被类型组成为:混交林为36.91%,灌木护坡林为20.50%,生态经济林为13.69%,针叶树纯林为5.91%,阔叶树纯林为8.56%,草本群落为14.43%。③为4种斑块组成的镶嵌体格局。 二、水土保持林体系稳定林分结构方面 ●重点研究了辽西地区常见的20个树种的抗旱性和适生范围,并进行了排序; ●研究确定了辽西地区林分密度; ●研究确定了辽西地区水土保持林体系的稳定林分结构。中文摘要 主要内容为:①主要针叶树树种株数组成成50%;②乔木树种林分密度成900株/h时,灌木树种林分密度提4000株/h扩;③)4个以上树种构成。 三、水土保持林体系高效空间配置和稳定林分结构营建模式和技术方面 .研究介绍了具有辽西地区特点的2种营建模式。 .从宏观和微观角度研究提出了高效水土保持林体系构建技术。 .从择伐、林分改造和更新3方面研究提出了可持续经营管理技术。

【Abstract】 In the paper, the current situation and problems of soil and water conservation forest system in western Liaoning (SWCFSWL) are analysed, and the vegetation types and landscape patterns and developing trends of SWCFSWL are studied. According to researcli results of optimum proportion of vegetation types, optimum forest coverage, patches mosaic structure and site classification in western Liaoning, the spatial allocation with high benefit of SWCFSWL are advanced. Based on the drought resistance of common tree species, species structures of resisting pine caterpillars (Dendrolimus spp.), and the maximum stand densities on water balance in hilly areas in western Liaoning, the index of stable stand structure of SWCFSWL is brought forward and defined. On the basis of characteristics of climate and sites in western Liaoning, the constructing models and the constructing techniques of spatial allocation with high benefit and stable stand structure of SWCFSWL are put forward.Main research results are:On spatial allocation with high benefit of SWCFSWL The research result shows that three types can be divided in eco-environment on hilly in western Liaoning, The optimum vegetation types proportions of SWCFSWL is determined by applying layer analysis method. The optimum forest coverage of SWCFSWL is determined based on characteristic of soil and water losses in western Liaoning. It is the first lime to put forward that patches mosaic pattern is ideal structure of spatial allocation with high benefit of SWCFSWL. It is the first time to put forward the index and models of spatial allocation with high benefit of SWCFSWL.(1) The optimum forest coverage is 50 percent;(2) The optimum proportions of vegetation types of SWCFSWL is: 36.91 percent of mixed forest, 20.50 percent of shrub, 13.69 percent of cash tree with ecology; 5.69 percent of conifers; 8.56 percent of broad leaved forest; 14.43 percent of grasses;(3) Patches mosaic pattern are composed of 4 types of patches.On stable stand structure of SWCFSWL Drought resistance and suitable scopes of 20 common tree species are studied, and they were sorted accordingly. The stand density of SWCFSWL was determined. It is the first time to put forward the index of stable stand structure of SWCFSWL. The indices are as follows:(1) Proportion of main confers is below 50 percent;(2) Stand densities of arbor in one hectare are below 900, and stand densities of shrubs in one hectare are below 4000;(3) Structure is composed of more than 4 species;On constructing models and techniques of spatial allocation with high benefit and stable stand structure of SWCFSWL. 2 constructing models in western Liaoning are put forward. Constructing techniques on macro and micro scale are recommended. Sustainable techniques are advanced based on researches of selective cutting, improvement pure plantation and regeneration.


