

Researches on Carbon Sequestration Functions of Main Forest Types in Northern China

【作者】 陈遐林

【导师】 马钦彦;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 生态学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 全球碳循环是全球气候变化研究的核心问题之一,森林生态系统碳循环是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,目前在全球碳循环的研究中还存在很大的不确定性,这种不确定性同样存在于森林生态系统碳循环的研究中,尤其表现在对区域森林生态系统碳库大小及其与大气CO2交换通量的估计上。因此准确估计区域森林生态系统碳库的大小及其相关碳库之间的交换通量一直是森林生态系统碳循环研究中的热点与难点。本文以华北油松、辽东栎、华北落叶松、山杨、桦木5种主要森林类型为研究对象,通过对这些森林类型主要建群种不同组织器官的含碳率、区域森林生态系统碳贮量的估算方法、碳贮量的大小及固碳能力等方面进行了研究,旨在探索精确估算区域森林生态系统的碳库大小及碳汇能力的合适方法,寻找减少目前森林生态系统碳循环研究中的不确定性的途径,经过几年的大量研究,在以下一些方面取得了进展。 (1)采用高精度的元素分析法,首次取得了华北主要森林类型8个乔木、10个灌木建群种各组分含碳率的精确测定值,并在林木个体及林分两个层次上系统地分析了这些树种不同组分含碳率的变化特征。这些树种各组分平均含碳率分别为辽东栎0.4750、白桦0.5125、山杨0.4880、椴树0.4764、油松0.5105、侧柏0.5010、华北落叶松0.5158、红皮云杉0.5118、10种灌木0.4897;7个乔木树种林分的平均含碳率分别为辽东栎0.4761、白桦0.5008、山杨0.4859、油松0.5030、侧柏0.5053、华北落叶松0.5097、红皮云杉0.5111。针叶树种各组分平均含碳率普遍高于阔叶树种,平均高出1.6%~3.4%,相应的针叶林分的平均含碳率也高于阔叶林。 (2)研究表明林分生物量与蓄积量的转换因子BEF(Biomass Expansion Factor)同林分总生物量与干生物量比值及树干木材的基本密度密切相关,其关系式为BEF=ρ×(Wt/Ws),并根据Wt/Ws及ρ值的变化范围推算了华北5种主要森林类型林分的BEF值的理论变化范围,这一理论推算结果与实际变化范围基本一致。应用多种模型研究了华北5种森林类型BEF值与林分活立木蓄积之间的关系,结果表明通过建立林分生物量转换因子(BEF)与林分活蓄积量之间的回归模型来估算林分的生物量,对于华北这5种森林类型难以获得满意的结果。 (3)研究表明华北5种主要森林类型林分各部分生物量与林分活立木蓄积之间存在极显著的线性相关关系,经综合比较分析后认为基于森林资源清查统计数据对华北5 中文摘要种森林类型林分各部分生物量估计的最优模型应为W=a+bV的形式,并从理论上证明了这种建立在林分水平上的生物量线性估计模型可直接推广应用到区域尺度。O)首次提出了以森林资源清查统计数据为基础的区域林分生物量相容性线性估计模型,使得在保证总生物量估计精度的前提下,能够对森林各组分生物量进行估计,这种方法上的改进具有重要理论意义与实际应用价值。大量的计算、分析表明这种相容性线性估计模型对林分各不同部分生物量的估计都达到了较高的精度,以95%可靠性估计油松、华北落叶松、白烨、辽东栋林分的总生物量、地上生物量及干(带皮)生物量的预估精度在98%以上,根生物量的预估精度在95%以上,枝、叶生物量的预估精度在92%以上。山杨林分的总生物量、地上生物量、于(带皮)生物量的的预估精度在96%以上,枝、叶生物量的预估精度也在92%以上。O)首次提出了基于森林资源清查统计数据的林分生物量估计中幼林蓄积修正系数概念 CM(Coefficient ofwlume A山"stment),并建立了山杨、白棋、油松三种森林类型的幼林林分蓄积修正系数模型,由于这些幼林蓄积修正系数模型只与森林资源清查的单位面积蓄积相关,因而成功地避开了其他因素的干扰,使之能够对森林资源清查中各森林类型幼林的蓄积数据进行较准确地修正,较好地解决了材积源生物量估算方法中对幼林生物量估算的误差较大的问题。计算结果表明,这3种森林类型的幼林蓄积经修正后,平均单位面积蓄积量、生物量有了较大的提高。()研究表明华北5种森林类型林分生物量年净增长量、年平均净增长量与林分总生物量之间紧密相关,并利用这种相关关系建立了华北5种森林类型林分生物量年净增长量、年平均净增长量与林分总生物量之间的线性与非线性模型。门利用国家森林资源清查的统计数据及论文中所建立的各种模型对华北5种主要森林类型的森林植被碳贮量、枯落物碳贮量及土壤碳贮量进行了估计,并估计了这5种森林类型的年净固碳量与年平均固碳量。

【Abstract】 Global carbon cycle is a very important issue in the study of global climate change. Forest ecosystem carbon cycle is one of the important part of global carbon cycle, but at the present time there are considerable uncertainties in the research of global carbon cycle, which also exist in forest ecosystems carbon cycle research, especially in the estimation of carbon storage of region forest ecosystems and CO2 fluxes exchanging with other systems. Accurate estimation of the carbon storage and CO2 fluxes and reducing the estimation uncertainties for region forest ecosystems are the hot and difficult problems. As a case study with Quercus liaotungensis, Betulla platyphylla, Poplus davidiana, Pinus tabulaeformis and Larix, principis-rupprechtii in Northern China, several crucial issues have been studied, including the measurement of the tissues’ carbon content of the main constructive arbor species and shrub species, the estimation methodologies of carbon storage and carbon sequestration abilities of region forest ecosystems and so on. The main results are as following:First, the tissues’ carbon content had been measured on eight constructive arbor species and ten shrub species in Northern China by using the combustion method, and the mean tissues’ carbon contents of these species were 0.4880, 0.4764. 0.5105, 0.5010, 0.5158, 0.5118, 0.4897 respectively in Quercus liaotungensis, Betulla platyphylla, Poplus davidiana, Tilia mongolica, Pinus tabulaeformis, Platycladus orientalis, Larix principis rupprechtii, Picea Koraiensis and ten shrub species(they are Corylus hrterophylla, Ostryopsis davidiana, Lespedeza bicolor, Spiraea pubescens, Rosa xanthina, Syringa oblata, Eleagnaceae umbellate, Lonicera maackii, Acer ginnala, and Hippophae rhamnoides). Based on the biomass data of stand sample plot, the mean carbon content of seven stands had been calculated, the result was 0.4761 in Quercus liaotungensis, 0.5008 in Betulla platyphylla, 0.4859 in Poplus davidiana, 0.5030 in Pinus tabulaeformis, 0.5053 in Platycladus orientalis, 0.5097 in Larix principis rupprechtii and 0.5111 in Picea Koraiensis. The variance ratio of the tissues’ carbon content ranged from 1.49% to 6.32% inner species, and 2.15% to 7.48% between species. The mean tissues’ carbon content of conifer species was higher than broadleaf species by 1.6%-3.4%, and the carbon content of conifer stands was also higher than broadleaf stands.Second, the study results show that the biomass expansion factors (BEF) for main forest types in Northern China were closely related with the ratio of stand total biomass to stem biomass (Wt/Ws] and also were closely related with the timber basic density(p). Theformula of BEF is BEF=p×(Wt/Ws). According to the changing values of Wt/Ws and p,the theory BEF for 5 main forest types have been calculated, and the theoretic value of BEF is rather consistent with the actual BEF value. Various models have been applied to study the relationship between BEF of the 5 forest types in Northern China and stand growing stock, and the results showed that by developing the regressive models concerning BEF and stand growing stock to estimate the stand biomass it was hard to achieve satisfying results.Third, there are close Correlations between stand each biomass component and growing stock volume in 5 main forest types in Northern China, the optimal correlation model is the form of W = a + bV for main forest types in Northern China.Fourth, based on the data of national forest survey, the compatible biomass estimation models on 5 main forest types in Northern China have been brought forward, and their parameters also have been estimated and examined. A great deal calculation and analysis results showed that using this kind of model to estimate the each biomass component of stand can get more precise estimation.Fifth, in the stand biomass estimation based on the data of national forest survey, the concept of coefficient of volume adjustment (CVA) for young stand growing stock has been firstly put forward, and the CVA models


