

Study on the Development Model about Inner Mongolia State-Owned Forestry Region

【作者】 刘春良

【导师】 党凤兰; 宋维明;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 国有林业一直是我国林业的主体,在生态建设越来越被社会重视、生态需求日益高涨的情况下,转变发展模式、摆脱资源危机和经济危困的两危局面、加快发展是国有林业继续发挥主体作用的前提,也是我国实现林业真正发展的关键。针对国有林业发展中存在的理论和实际问题,本研究以内蒙古国有林业为研究对象,运用理论研究和实证研究、规范分析与实证分析相结合的方法,在对内蒙古国有林业发展中存在的问题,问题的成因进行全面剖析的基础上,提出了城市主导型林业发展模式,即以生态建设为前提,以林业为主导产业,以经济发展带动生态建设的国有林业区域经济发展模式。研究目的是在分类经营思想的指导下,通过国有林业与区域发展的融合、通过国有林区城市促进林业产业化和林区产业化体系的形成,加快国有林业经济的发展带动生态建设,具体得出如下结论。 第一,加快经济发展是解决国有林区一切问题的基础。经济发展不仅可以解决国有林区的经济危困,而且可以直接和间接地加强生态建设,最终实现生态建设和经济建设的协调。 第二,区域综合发展是国有林区国有林业生态建设和经济发展的有效途径。区域发展可消除国有林业行政管理制度的二元结构,区域发展是加强国有林业区域社会分工与协作、实现区域专业化生产的基础。 第三,城市是国有林区的核心,是区域的经济、政治中心。城市可集聚区域有限生产要素发挥其规模效益,可培育区域主导产业、林业产业的龙头企业。城市可实现社会事业与国有森工企业的有效分离。城市可吸纳林业富余人员,是解决国有林区的社会稳定、实现生态移民问题的有效途径,城市主导国有林区的发展。 第四,政府主导、城市载体、企业主体和分区管理是城市主导型林业发展模式的运行机制。具体的含义:政府主导,既国有林区各区域的发展由各级地方政府统一主导、消除国有林区的制度二元结构;城镇为载体,既以城镇为中心,形成不同层级的区域政治、经济、社会和生态建设中心;企业为主体,既按市场经济规律建立现代国有林业企业;分区管理,是根据区域内森林经营目标的不同,实行承担不同任务的森林在区域上的分离。 第五,空间结构是区域发展的基础,合理的空间结构是保障国有林区区域非均衡增长的关键,也是区域生态建设和经济发展目标相互协调的有效途径。 第六,林区产业化体系建设是国有林区经济发展的关键。林业是国有林区的主导产业,工业化是林业发展不可逾越的阶段,林业产业化是实现林业工业化的关键。林区产业化的实质是非林产业化与林业产业化的相互协调与相互促进。

【Abstract】 State-owned forestry has always been the main stream in China’s forestry. In modern tine, when greater importance has been attached to ecosystem construction and people’s ecological demand has been increasing day by day, altering the development model and quickening the development speed have become the prerequisite for overcoming the difficulties caused by diminishing resources and contracting economy, and also for keeping the state-owned forestry to play a main part in regional economy, which is the key for China to realize its great development in forestry. In order to deal with the theoretical and practical issues existing in the development of state-owned forestry, the research takes such forestry in Inner Mongolia as its subject, conducting research in both theory and practice, combining normative with positive analysis, and, based on a comparatively thorough study of the problems and causes prevailing in the development of Inner Mongolia’s state-owned forestry, puts forward the city-oriented forestry development model, which takes ecosystem construction as the prerequisite, forestry as the leading business, and holds that the ecosystem construction is to be accomplished through economic development in the state-owned forestry region. The objectives of the research are focused on promoting the industrialization of forestry and the formation of industrial system in the forestry region, quickening the economic development of the state-owned forestry, and thus bettering the ecosystem construction under the guidance of the concept of classified operation, through the merging of the development of state-owned forestry and regional economy, and with the help of the cities or towns in the area. The concrete conclusions drawn by the research are as follows: Firstly, quickening the economic development is the basis for solving all the problems in the state-owned forestry region. Economic development can not only overcome the regional economic difficulties, but also strengthen the ecosystem construction directly or indirectly, and hence help to realize the coordination of the construction of ecosystem and economy.Secondly, regional integrated development is an efficient way of ecosystem construction and economic development of the state-owned forestry in such a region. Regional development can eliminate the dual administrative system structure in the state-owned forestry region, and it is the base of strengthening the regional social division and cooperation with the result of implementing specialized production in such a forestry region.Thirdly, cities are the cores of the state-owned forestry region, and also the regional political and economic centers. Cities can attract the limited production factors in the region so as to yield economy of scale, facilitate the forming of some regional leading enterprises based on forest resources and benefits, effectively separate the administration of social affairs from the management of forest businesses, employ those unemployed from forestry, and thus provide an effective way to deal with the social security problems and ecological immigration or emigration in the region. Cities should dominate in the development of the state-owned forestry region.Fourthly, the operating mechanism of city-oriented forestry development model is to treat government as the leader, city as the medium, enterprise as the main entity, and to conduct management by means of grouping the region into sections. To be more exact, by government as the leader it is meant that the regional development in the state-owned forestry region is dominated by the local governments at all levels in the region, getting rid of the dual system structure in the state-owned forestry region. As to the city as the center, we mean that each of the regional political, economic, social and ecologicalcenters at different levels is formed with a city or town as its core. Modern state-owned forestry enterprises are to be set up according to the rules of market economy. And based on the difference of forest operat

  • 【分类号】F326.27
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】619

