

【作者】 王晶

【导师】 吴景平;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 上海银行公会是上海银行家自发组织的银行同业组织,以维护银行业利益,推动银行业发展为基本宗旨,会员来自上海华商银行。1927-1937年是上海银行公会历史发展中的第二个十年,十年间上海华商银行业有较大发展,上海银行公会会员亦从24家增为45家。经过十年的成长,公会的组织管理及对外协调能力日渐成熟,对外影响继续增长。上海银行公会在发展过程中,已获得社会各方重视,成为上海社会最重要的民间组织之一。1931年改组前,上海银行公会虽然也在履行公会职能,但却不得不关注与外部环境的协调及适应。社会大环境的变动及内部组织的频繁更替使上海银行公会无法集中精力进行推行本业发展的计划,这也是本时期公会在建设银行业公共事务上无突出成绩的重要原因。1931年改组后,上海银行公会内部组织得以稳定,公会运作效率提高,并得以将精力置于履行本职工作上来。1931年上海银行公会改组后被纳入政府管理之下,但其独立特色并未消失。自1927年起,通过内债承销及借款,上海银行公会与南京国民政府建立起较其他同业组织更为密切的利益联系。在政局动荡的特殊时期,它也曾一度发表对政府或有关各方的意见,但对实际政治运作并不热衷。上海银行公会在金融税收、币制改革等领域发挥出维护同业利益及辅助政府的双重职能。在特殊历史时期如一二八事变爆发后及1935年的上海经济危机时,上海银行公会还承担起协助政府维护社会经济秩序、救济工商业的责任,这是其他同业组织无法相比的,亦反映出上海银行公会在稳定及协调经济秩序方面具有的潜在力量。上海银行公会前十年为之奋斗的公共事务如征信所、票据交换所、票据承兑所等在1927-1931年间逐次建成并初具规模,上海银行公会为促进银行业发展所做的种种努力,客观上推动了中国金融业现代化进程。上海银行公会是会员银行集体利益和意志的代表,它的发展历史也反映了近代上海银行家们为改变中国落后的金融现状不懈努力的过程。论文以1931年为界分为成上下两篇,主要分别从上海银行公会不同时期的组织管理及运作、它在维护银行业利益及参与政府政策咨询等方面展开论述,通过上海银行公会的个案研究,为考察近代工商同业组织在社会经济生活中的地位和作用,探求政府与民间团体的互动关系提供了一个具体的范例。

【Abstract】 The Shanghai Bankers’ Association (S.B.A) was the banking same line organization hold by the Shanghai Chinese bankers. The basic purpose of the assassination was to safeguard the banking interest and to push forward the development of the banking .The year from 1927-1937 was the second ten-year of the history of the S.B.A. During the ten years, the members of the S.B.A increased from 24 to 45,and the S.B.A was getting perfect in inner organization and its ability of coordinating outside. All this made the S.B.A know its value and social status clearly than before, and its influence increased. During its development, the S.B.A was getting closer attention by the society, and became one of the most important nongovernmental organizations of Shanghai.Before its reconstruction in 1931,thoush the S.B.A had been doing its duty to serve the banking, such as improving the banking business, requiring to amend the law or policy, which will not benefit to the banking, its main work is to concert with the outside. The change of the social background made it is impossible for the S.B.A to put its heart into promoting the banking development. It is the reason that there is nothing extraordinary to come true in the banking public affairs. After reconstruction, the S.B.A was under the management of the government by the law, but its characteristic of independent had not vanished. With its stable inner management, the S.B.A could keep on doing its duty and doing well than before. The S.B.A got a closer relationship with the Nanking National Government than other bankers associations through the national bonds and loans from 1927.Although the S.B.A had ever declared it opinions toward the Nanking National Government or some related forces in the turbulent situation, it is not interested in the political functions .The S.B.A played a double function in protecting the benefit of the banking and in assisting the government in the finance and economic policy . And in a special time such as at the time after the 1.28 accident of Shanghai and at the time of the economic crisis in 1935,the S.B.A took the duty of stabilizing the economic order and giving relief to the industry and the commercial in assisting the government, which the other organizations could not compared with .It also revealed that the financial association was a potential social force to steady the social economic order. In a word, standardizing the development of fiancé and maintain its steady was the common need of the S.B.A and the National government. They coordinating with each other and get a virtuous reciprocal effect.During this period, The banking public affairs such as the Bankers Clearing house, Accepting House etc came into being one by one, which the S.B.A had been struggling for ten years to achieve .The S.B.A also played an important role in defending the benefit of the banking and in improving the banking business. These achievements were highly valued in the finance history of Modern China. It improved the developing environment of the Chinese banking of Shanghai and further the modernization of Chinese fiancé. In spite of being the regional banking self-management organization, the S.B.A became the leading center of the banking in the country.The S.B.A represented the benefit and the will of its members. Its history was<WP=6>also the same thing as the Shanghai bankers’ struggling history for changing the backward finance situation of Modern China. The thesis was separated two parts by the year of 1931,and each part will take up the following several questions one by one: the management and the function of the S.B.A, the acts of the S.B.A in safeguarding the benefit of banking and in attending the policy consult of the government. From the case study of the S.B.A, the thesis will investigate the position and the effect of the industrial and the commercial association in the modern society, and will provide a virtuous example to reveal mutual relationship between the government and the nongovernmental organization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】K295.1;F832.9
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】811

