

【作者】 田超

【导师】 苏东水;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 毫无疑问,企业核心能力理论追寻的是企业生存和发展最为本质的东西。进入到20世纪90年代,以Intel、Microsoft、Sisco等为代表的一大批新技术型公司的快速发展,以及GE、IBM、SONY等一大批老牌企业不断更新、颇具发展后劲的现实,也愈加清晰地使经济学家和管理学家捕捉到了企业成长与发展的关键因素:就短期而言,公司产品的质量和性能决定了公司的竞争优势,长期而言,起决定作用的是造就和增强公司的核心能力。这一理论不仅打破了传统的"企业黑箱论",并对数十年居于主导地位的现代企业理论提出了挑战,把经济学和管理学有机地结合起来,既从本质上认识和分析企业,又植根于企业经营管理的内部事项。企业的主要任务也由简单的获取超额利润转向了培育核心能力以取得长期竞争优势。作为20世纪90年代迅速兴起的一种新式的企业理论和企业战略管理理论,企业核心能力理论显示出独特的生命力。经济学提供了丰富的理论基础,而战略管理理论与实践则引导其走向实用的、解释企业内部本质的发展方向,二者的完美结合提供了一种全新的企业分析理论和框架。论文在对核心能力理论进行全面和系统的梳理与回顾的基础上,结合前人的研究成果和理论未来走向与趋势,致力于进行研究系统的创新,提出了一个基于四个核心能力元的全新的核心能力战略理论研究体系,即提出可以从文化核心能力、知识核心能力、组织核心能力和战略实施能力四个方面去理解、把握并进而在实践中培育、构建核心能力。从重要性上来讲,这四个方面是以文化核心能力 以核心理念为灵魂)为内核的多层次关系,不仅在逻辑上有主次之分,同时兼顾了相互之间的互动与契合,并具有很强的实践操作意义。在后面的四章里,论文分别对四个核心能力元进行了具体深入的研究,分别提出相应的次级能力元构成体系,并开发出各自的概念群与研究模型,在每一章都提出了有创意的思想或研究方法。本文认为核心能力理论是战略管理理论的一个最新成果和目前的主流企业理论,因此,每一章都提出了基于核心能力理论的次级能力元战略管理模式,这也是目前核心能力理论研究深化的最新发展趋势。 在前面理论继承与理论发展的基础上,最后一部分是实证及应用研究。用四万余字、全书四分之一的篇幅,对我国企业核心能力的现状进行了全景式的分析,提出了在新的国内外环境下,发展我国企业的核心能力所应该采取的战略思维和战略方法。这对于我国企业核心能力理论的深入研究,以及对于我国企业的成长和壮大,都有特别重要的意义。

【Abstract】 As we all know, the theory of the core competence of the corporation focuses on the essential points of a corporation’s survival and development.Since 1990s, the rapid development of such new technology corporations as Intel, Microsoft, Sisco, together with the constant rejuvenation of old-brand corporations led by GE, IBM, SONY reveals the key factors for a corporation’s growth and development in which economists and management experts are interested. In a short term, the corporation’s competitive advantage relies on the quality of the product. While, in the long run, it is the core competence that play the crucial role. This theory not only breaks the traditional view of the black-box enterprise but also challenges the modern corporation theories which have dominated for decades. Integrating economics with management, it analyzes the essential of a corporation and its internal management affairs as well and thus finds out that the main task of a corporation has turned to fostering the core competence from gaining excessive revenue in order to obtain the competitive advantage in the long run.The theory of the core competence of the corporation, an original theory of the enterprise and corporation strategic management rapidly arisen in 1990’s, features unique vitality. Economics provides it with rich theoretic basis, whereas the theories and practice of strategic management guide it towards the practical explanation of the corporation’s nature. Such a perfect combination offers a brand-new theoretic framework for the corporation research.Based on a comprehensive and systematic retrospect of the core competence theories and other research results and tendency presumptions, this dissertation comes up with a new framework of the four-component core competence strategic theory, which includes cultural core competence, knowledge core competence, organizational core competence and strategic executive competence. As for the significance of these four elements, the theory centers on the cultural core competence which functions as the core concept. Meanwhile it has an interactive connection among them, thus having a practical application.In the following four chapters, this paper is concerned with the four core competences respectively and put up their own subsystems with a series of concepts and models. What’s more, there are some original ideas or research methods in each chapter. As the author conceives that the theory of the core competence is the latest fruit of strategic management theories and constitutes the mainstream of enterprise<WP=10>theory, the strategic management system of each sub-competence component in every chapter heralds the orientation of in-depth core competence theory.With the theoretic history and development in the previous chapters, the last part deals with practice and application research. It devotes one quarter of the whole length on analyzing the current situations of the corporation core competence in our country. The author advises that under new domestic and international environment our enterprises should adapt certain strategic way of thinking and method to develop their own core competence. These suggestions are of importance to the in-depth research of the core competence of domestic corporations and their growth and development.

【关键词】 核心能力战略
【Key words】 core competence strategic managementempirical research
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】3137

