

【作者】 苏新留

【导师】 葛剑雄;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 河南是中华民族的发祥地之一,地处中原腹心,地理位置重要。河南省的大部分地区自古至今都是我国主要的农业区,以洛阳为中心的大河南北地区是中国黄河流域农业文明的起源地。由于本地区开发早,开发程度深,在十世纪以后,平原的生态环境发生逐渐恶化的趋势,且越往后越严重,以致到了近代成为水旱等灾害频发的地区。河南的产业单一,农业是农村的支柱产业,农村副业不发达。民国时期,河南灾害更加严重,对河南乡村社会产生了广泛而深远的影响。 本文从三个方面分析民国时期河南水旱灾害,包括水旱灾害概况,灾害的应对机制以及灾害对河南乡村社会经济产生的影响。民国时期河南水旱灾害都是比较严重的,面对灾害的严重情况,中央政府和地方都采取了不同程度的应对措施。灾害给河南乡村带来了巨大的损害,灾害时期之乡村民生更是令人不忍卒读,不仅造成了大量的人口死亡,被迫背井离乡的灾民数量更是无法估计,结果形成一浪又一浪的流民潮,给社会带来了严重的影响。由于农业是河南的支柱产业,所以受灾害的打击就更加严重,灾害不仅造成大量的农田荒芜,而且也对乡村的租佃关系等产生了一定的影响。 水旱灾害的发生破坏了当地的生态环境,灾民为了苟延残喘,更加不惜一切代价地向本已脆弱的生态环境恶性索取,加剧了生态环境的恶化。水旱灾害有时是难以避免的,但是,如果人们平时注意保护生态环境,减少那些为了一些蝇头小利的短见行为,这在一定程度上就抑制了灾害的发生。

【Abstract】 Henan is one of the places of origin of Chinese people, which is situated in the center of China. The most places of Henan are principal agricultural area since ancient times, the place around Luoyang city along the banks of Yellow River is the birthplace of Chinese agricultural civilization.The ecological environment of the plain in Henan began to worsen from ten centuries on because of its earlier and deeper development, the phenomenons are so worse as to make Henan become a area of many floods and droughts. Agriculture is Kenan’s main property, its sideline is very poor. The floods and droughts did harm to countryside Henan during Republican Period more seriously and extensively.In thesis, the author studies the question from three parts, including the general situation of the floods and droughts, the steps which people take to deal with the plague and the disaster’s effects on the economy and society of countryside Henan. The central and provincial authorities have taken different steps to cope with the plague facing the serious floods and droughts. The floods and droughts do lots of harm to countryside Henan, the suffers’ lives are very pitiable. Not only many people are killed, but also more and more disaster victims are forced to leave their hometowns. Many refugees have great influence upon the whole society. The disasters have greater effects on countryside because agriculture is main property of Henan. The floods and droughts not only make the farmland waste, but also affect the tenancy system to some extent.On one hand, the floods and droughts destroy the ecological environment; on the other hand, the sufferers exact the nature at all costs in order to live on, which makes the environment worsen in result. The disasters sometimes cann’t be avoided, it wouldn’t appear in some degree if people could protect the ecological environment and decrease the behaviors of shortsighted view in normal tunes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】K258;K29
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】2045

