

【作者】 王宏图

【导师】 陈思和;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本论文对20世纪30至90年代中国文学中的一些都市叙事文本进行了细致的解读,力图从它们对欲望世界形形色色的描绘中揭示其特性以及与各种意识形态倾向间的复杂纠葛。 导论部分对“欲望”、“意识形态”等关键词进行了阐述与界定,并对全文所涉及的各个历史时期的作家作品作了提纲挈领式的评述。第—章论述的是刘呐鸥、穆时英、施蛰存为代表的新感觉派作家,着重分析他们的作品如何以与众不同的方式展示感性欲望。第二章以张爱玲作品中隐含的日常生活哲学为焦点,展示她如何拒斥理想主义和超验价值。第三章转而分析以茅盾为代表的左翼都市叙事文本,揭示它们在叙述重心、欲望主体设置上的特性,并进而论述文本中所潜藏的乌托邦意象和激情。第四章通过对周而复的《上海的早晨》的剖析,展示革命胜利后的新时代都市叙事发生的重大变异,它们如何受到革命的政治意识形态的影响并呈现出崭新的面目。第五章概述了70年代后期以来都市叙事文本中被压抑、排斥的感性欲望如何一步步重新得到表现的曲折历程,并对90年代以后的欲望表现方式(尤其是怀旧)进行了深入的探讨。

【Abstract】 The dissertation, by means of a series of close readings of a variety of texts of unban narratives from the 30s to the 90s of the 20th century in Chinese literature, tries to reveal their distinctive features and to disclose their complicated relationships with certain ideologies.The introductory chapter gives a definition and elaboration of the key words such as desire, ideology, and makes a survey of those literary authors and works in relation to urban narrative over a long period. Chapter I focuses on the so-called New Perceptionist writers such as Liu Naou, Mu Shiying and Shi Zhecun, analysing their unique manifestations of desires. Chapter n concentrates on Eileen Chang’s so-called philosophy of ordinary life in her works, showing how she rejects any transcendental ideals and values. Chapter HI turns to an investigation of left-wing texts of urban narrative characterized by Mao Dun’s Midnight It touches upon its distinctive narrative center, the placement of subject of desires, and images of Utopia Chapter IV discusses the tremendous changes in urban narrative in the new era after 1949 and inquires how revolutionary ideology influences and remolds the urban narrative in terms of a reading of Zhou Erfu’s multi-voiume novel, Morning in Shanghai. The final chapter sketches the outline of resurrection of desires in the urban narrative which have been oppressed for a long time. And furthermore, some representations of desires of urban narrative in the 90’s, especially prevailing form of "remembering old times", are treated thoroughly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】I206.7
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1580

