

【作者】 刘会强

【导师】 余源培;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 当今时代,作为传统发展理论和发展战略的替代形式,可持续发展理论和战略不仅已经在全球范围进入实践领域,而且多年来得到国内外学术界的持续关注,是世界性的前沿课题之一。经过多个领域专家、学者的协同努力,可持续发展研究成果斐然。其中,由世界环境与发展委员会撰写的《我们共同的未来》的有关阐述得到国际社会的普遍认可,是可持续发展理论的权威形态。本文以此为对象,从马克思哲学角度进行解读,目的在于阐明其合理性与限度。为此,本文区分了反思和批判的两个层次、两种形式:理论的自我反思、自我批判与哲学式的反思和批判。前者是理论发展的共同特点,换言之,一门成熟的科学理论的发展史就是它在自我反思、自我批判中不断演变的历史,库恩“范式”理论概括的就是理论发展的这个特点。哲学的发展同样充满了自我批判精神,但与其他学科不同,它的一个根本任务和重要特点是以理论为对象从事哲学式的反思和批判,即进行理论思维的前提批判。在马克思哲学中,这种反思和批判集中体现为“澄清前提、划清界限”。其具体要求有三:追问特定理论的逻辑前提、阐明自身的基本立场并在原则上与反思对象划清界限、确认反思对象在特定界限内的合理性。在近似的意义上,库恩的“范式”理论与第三个方面的要求相近,可用于阐明特定理论的演变过程、尤其是“范式”革命后呈现出的合理性。 根据以上区分,本文从三个方面展开对可持续发展理论的哲学解读:首先,把可持续发展理论指认为社会发展理论传统范式革命的产物。作为现代社会历史进程的一种观念影射,社会发展理论的演变过程可以依据库恩“范式”理论作出如下归纳:启蒙运动至第二次世界大战前为其初步形成阶段;20世纪50年代初至60年代末,社会发展理论的传统范式以“常规科学”的方式获得了极大的发展; 20世纪60年代末、70年代初,“发展”的失败和“人类环境管理”的失败相继呈现,传统发展理论进入“范式”危机和“范式”革命阶段。可持续发展理论就是社会发展理论传统范式变革的积极成果。 其次,以“绿色经典”为依据,在哲学上阐发可持续发展理论对传统发展理论的超越性。在人与自然的关系问题上,可持续发展理论批判了传统发展理论孕含的人类中心主义,主张重新认识大自然,以建立人类与自然的和谐关系。在人与人的关系问题上,可持续发展理论批判了传统发展理论导致的社会不公正现象,强调代内公正、尤其是代际公正是实现可持续发展的内在要求。此外,可持续发展理论主<WP=6>张以生态的可持续性为根基、实现经济与社会的可持续性发展,更新了“发展=经济增长”的陈旧发展观。 最后,以马克思哲学关于社会发展问题的原则立场为依据,对可持续发展理论作出进一步的分析。作为社会发展理论范式变革的积极成果,可持续发展理论虽然具有多方面的理论贡献,但与马克思哲学对照仍然有不足之处:(1)马克思哲学的社会发展理论反对不加区别地谈论社会和社会发展,强调发展的历史性。但是,可持续发展理论并没有澄清自身框架中发展的基本性质,而是无批判地接受了由国民经济学、传统发展理论肯定的那种性质的发展,即资本关系中的发展。(2)在人与自然的关系问题上,马克思主义把自然界的异化与自然界的人化视为历史的过程,这个过程不仅与异化劳动与异化劳动的扬弃直接相关,而且与它直接就是同一个过程。然而,可持续发展理论并没有对资本进行批判,而是在认可现有制度和秩序的前提下寻求解决人与自然的冲突、实现可持续发展的途径。(3)在人与人的关系问题上,可持续发展理论主张社会公正。但是,它并没有批判导致社会不公正的现实根源,即资本的统治。总之,可持续发展理论之于传统发展理论是一种理论上的进步,但是,这种进步又是有限的,与马克思哲学有着原则区别。

【Abstract】 As a substitute of traditional development theory and strategy, nowadays, sustainable development theory and strategy is not only a global practical subject of great importance, but an advanced academic problem worldly. In the book named Our Common Future written by WCED( World Committee on Environment and Development), a theory about sustainable development is proposed, which is now accepted by experts from many countries as the most authoritative. In this paper, I plan to clarify its’ reasonableness and limits from the view of the Marx’s philosophy. This paper is divided into three parts: The first part is mainly concerned with the formation of the sustainable development theory. In virtue of Kuhn’s Paradigm Theory, the evolution of the social development theory can be divided into three periods: (1) the first is its initial formation (from the enlightenment movement to the World War II); (2) the second is its systemization and worldwide application (from the beginning of 1950s to the end of 1960s), (3) the third is its revolution (from the end of 1960s and the beginning of 1970s ). My conclusion is that the sustainable development theory is the positive result of the paradigm revolution of the social development theory. In the second part, to continue, the paper points out those aspects in which the sustainable development theory may transcend the traditional development theory in the sense of philosophy, which as following: (1) it has criticized the anthropocentrism implicit in the traditional development theory and advocates establishing a harmonious relationship between man and nature; (2) it insists on social justice, regarding justice between contemporaries and justice between generations as its essential requirements; (3) it proposes a new idea of development that development should take place in the light of the ecological sustainability, economic sustainability and social sustainability; whereas the traditional development idea regards economic growth as the sole content of development and so ignores other dimensions of it, such as ecological problem. In the third and last part, I make a criticism of the theory with a reference to the principal idea of social development theory of Marx’s philosophy. The conclusion, firstly, is that it accepts the kind of social development which affirmed by national economics and the traditional development theory, the weakness of which is that it does not clarify the historical essence of development. Secondly, as for the questions of relationship between man and nature, Marx considers both that of the<WP=8>alienation of nature and that of the personification of the natures, regarding them as a historical process, namely, the process of the aliened labor and denying of the aliened labor. Yet, the sustainable development theory wants to find a way to settle the conflicts between man and nature, and man and man. But it does not make any criticism about capitalism, which leads to social injustice and is the source makes the relationship between man and nature in tension. In a word, the sustainable development theory has made a lot of theoretical progress, but contrasting to Marx’s philosophy, it still has shortcomings.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】X22-02
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2276

