

A Study on the Late Qing Dynasty: The Literarure and the Confucian Classic Study

【作者】 刘再华

【导师】 黄霖;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 论文依据经学思想的分野考察晚清文学与文论,目的是要借此揭明经学这一本土文化力量在与西学抗衡竞争的过程中,固然暴露出较多的文化守成主义倾向,并最终以失败而告终,但也表现出与时俱进的努力。经学对于晚清文学的发展既有制约,也有推进,在中国文学从传统向现代转型的过程中,经学曾竭其所有,尽其所能,为文学转型提供了它自身所蕴藏的富有现代性的思想资源,发挥过积极的作用。经学走向衰落直至终结的过程恰恰是中国近代文学由传统向现代转型的过程,这种同步性还表现在晚清旧派文学由宗唐祧宋上溯魏晋六朝、周秦诸子的发展走向,与晚清经学由东汉古文学向西汉今文学的“倒演”存在着惊人的相似。经学思想的分野一定程度上决定了晚清文学派系的形成,并对文学的主题形态产生规范和制约的作用。与此相对应,晚清文学发展过程中始终存在着某些反经学的文学思潮。 全文共分六章。前三章论述不同派系经学家们的文论思想,第四、五两章分别考察桐城派与宋诗派的经学立场及其文论话语,第六章分析晚清文学的经学主题。论文试图通过详细的史料描述真实地再现晚清经学与文学之间的关联,从一个侧面凸现晚清社会剧变时期传统文学精神衰落、沉淀、新变以及重铸的过程,以期能够深化这一时期文学研究的层次。

【Abstract】 Based on the criterion of the divergence of Confucius classic study , the paper penetrates into literature and literature criticism in the late Qing Dynasty, aiming to clarify the competition posed by the native culture against the western counterpart ,in which the former failed despite its long-standing efforts. Undoubtedly, in the process the merits of native culture conservatism loomed great. The Qing literature has been confined as well as propelled by Confucius classic study. In the process of modernization of Chinese literature ,Confucius classic study has played an active and positive role by providing its own modern profound thoughts. The decline of Confucius classic study overlapped with the modernization of contemporary literature, which also reflected in the development of late Qing literature from Wei and Jin Dynasties and Southern and Northern Dynasties to the great scholars in Zhou Dynasty and Qin Dynasty. This does resemble the counter-development of late Qing Confucius classic study from ancient writing classic study in Eastern Han to up-to-date writing study in Western Han Dynasty. The formation of various literary schools in the late Qing Dynasty is in a certain degree due to the divergence of Confucius classic study, which defined and confined its theme. However the opposite literary thoughts also claimed certain progress in the meanwhile.The six chapters of the paper are arranged as following: the first three deals with the ideas of different schools. The fourth and fifth chapters investigate and analyze the viewpoint and their respective illustration of Tongcheng School and Songshi School. The last chapter clarifies the motif of Confucius classic study in literature of late Qing.Through detailed description of ancient literature, the paper tries to define the correlation between literature and Confucius classic study in late Qing dynasty, so as to specify the process of traditional literature from decline to re-birth in the late Qing with drastic social changes. It aims to enhance and extend the study on the literature in the period.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】I206.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1287

