A Study of the Tang and Five Dynasties Taoist Story
【作者】 罗争鸣;
【导师】 陈尚君;
【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2003, 博士
【摘要】 道教小说是典型的宗教文学,兼具宗教与文学的双重特质。根据文本本身的复杂性,历代道教小说基本可按广狭两义区分,本文的研究对象则主要针对以宣化、教戒为宗旨的狭义道教小说。唐五代时期的道教小说在李唐王朝前所未有的崇道背景下,得到了充分发展,而曾经依仕前蜀的高道杜光庭,恰是道教小说在唐五代发展近三个半世纪的集大成者。本文在明确的遴选标准下,对唐五代道教小说做了全面的钩辑和统计,进而寻绎其发展演变的脉络和特征,并以杜光庭为中心,从宗教、文学、历史、文献等角度做了深入探讨。全文共分七章,前有绪论,后有结语及附录,其中第二章至第七章为本文的中心。 第二章《杜光庭其人及其道教小说创作》就杜光庭生平、法术思想、学术贡献等做了较为细密的考辨和分析,并在本章最后一节综述杜光庭道教小说的创作情况,除五部须作专题探讨外,其他道教小说,大多作了相应的解释和说明。 第三章至第七章对杜光庭五部相对重要的道教小说作专题研究。各个章节,均本着从问题出发,避免平面叙述的原则,尽力作窄而深的研究。每章的大致内容,基本是这样安排的:前几节主要就该部道教小说的版本、著录、真伪等方面存在的文献问题作详细考辨,而后就该部小说的成书背景、编撰目的、材料来源等进行分析;最后一节,再就每部道教小说的特征和主要内容,进行深入探讨,揭示其作为宗教文学所具有的特殊意义和内涵。如《墉城集仙录》推测全书的组织结构及女仙谱系的构成;《神仙感遇传》分析人仙感遇的叙事模式;《仙传拾遗》探讨其法术内容;《录异记》解说其图谶符命色彩;《道教灵验记》诠释道教善恶报应观及其叙事特征。这些研究和探讨,对深入认识和理解杜光庭几部重要的道教小说无疑具有积极的推动作用。
【Abstract】 The Taoist story is a typical genre of religious literature and accordingly possesses a dual nature of religion and literature. According to the complexity of text, the Taoist stories can be differentiated into two subcategories in the wide and narrow senses. The research object of my thesis is primarily the subcategory of Taoist story, in the narrow sense, whose purpose is preaching tenets and teaching believers. Against the unprecedented background of advocating Taoism by the Li Tang Dynasty, the Taoist story developed into a full-blown scene step by step during the Tang and Five Dynasties periods. Du Guangting, an ex-official in the Qian Shu (’Former Shu’) dynasty, epitomized the evolution of the Taoist story in the course of almost three and a half centuries. By a clear and definite standard for choice, I have comprehensively collected and criticized Tang and Five Dynasties Taoist stories so as to discover the trajectory and various characteristics of the evolution of the genre of Taoist story. Also, an all-around study is focused on the case of Du Guangting from the viewpoints of religion, literature, history, philology etc. The thesis includes the introduction, seven chapters, epilogue and appendix. The part that begins with Chapter 2 and ends with Chapter 7 is central of the whole of its text.Chapter 2, ’Du Guangting and his writing of Taoist stories’, is a thorough investigation and analysis of Du Guangting’s life, magic thought, scholarship etc. In its last section I makes a survey of Du guangting’s Taoist stories, of which five will be further, specially studied later and the rest has been almost explained.From Chapter 3 to Chapter 7, a special research is made on the five comparatively important Taoist stories of Du Guangting’s. In each chapter, on the principle of avoiding a shallow, skin-deep depiction, I spare no effort to make a precise and deep research. By and large, the contents of each chapter are arranged thus: the beginning sections are devoted to a detailed examination and criticism of the edition, recordation, authenticity etc. of the Taoist story in question; in the following sections, the social background of writing, purpose of compilation, source of material etc. of the same story are analyzed; the last section is a deep discussion on its main contents and features to illuminate its meaning and connotation of religious literature. Precisely speaking, the construction of the Yongcheng jixian lu and the pedigree of the fairies referred to in it are calculated; the analysis of the Shenxian ganyu zhuan presents the narrative mode of the human feeling the immortal being; in the study of Xianzhuanshiyi, I investigate the contents of the magics in the story; as to the Luyiji, I explain its colour of auspicious sign and prophecy; besides, I expound the narrative character of the Daojiao lingyan ji and the opinion of retributions for the good and the evil represented in it. I hope that these researches would be conducive to understanding the important Taoist stories of Du Guangting.
【Key words】 Du Guangting; Tang and Five Dynasties; Taoist story; religious literature;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
- 【分类号】I207.41
- 【被引频次】6
- 【下载频次】1224