

Sustainable Planning Theory and Method of Urban Transportation System

【作者】 陆建

【导师】 王炜;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 可持续发展是已经被广为接受的发展模式交通领域对城市交通的可持续发展也展开了广泛的研 究和讨论1999年度国家自然科学基金重点项目可持续发展的城市交通运输系统研究的启动标志 着我国学术界开始了深入系统的城市交通可持续发展基础理论与应用技术研究论文以该项目为依托 对城市交通可持续发展规划理论与方法展开研究 论文首先对城市交通系统可持续发展规划理论体系框架进行设计从城市交通规划发展的历史入 手 分析了传统城市交通规划的主要特点及其在城市交通发展新形式下暴露出的不足认为传统城市交 通规划理论的弊病主要体现在规划目标单一四阶段交通需求预测方法缺陷缺乏信息化反映缺 乏能源消耗与环境影响分析评价评价指标单一没有真正体现以人为本 缺少规划实施保障体系 研究等方面根据可持续发展的一般原则提出了城市交通可持续发展的原则在此基础上根据我国国 情设计了城市交通可持续发展规划理论体系并对理论体系中各模块的功能进行设计研究了城市交通 系统可持续发展规划的层次和一般规划过程 论文中提出以满足交通需求优化资源利用改善环境质量作为城市交通可持续发展规划目标具 体划分为道路网空间指标交通质量指标 道路交通环境指标以及资源消耗指标对其中的具体指标研 究了量化方法同时针对传统城市交通规划中缺少对规划实施保障体系研究这一不足认为建立城市 交通系统可持续发展保障体系也是城市交通系统可持续发展规划的目标之一 对照可持续发展原则明确提出规划过程中调查手段应符合可持续发展原则调查目的不仅仅是建 立交通信息数据库更重要的是通过考察现状交通系统发现当前城市交通系统中不符合可持续发展原 则的现象与原因论文中提出了面向可持续发展的城市交通系统调查方案设计与实施的原则将调查分 为资料收集型调查和现场外业调查两大类并研究相应的调查方法以及提高调查效率与可靠性的方 法 研究了面向可持续发展的城市交通系统调查结果GIS数据库建立方法并在此基础上提出了现状 城市交通系统分析诊断方法 城市客运交通系统最本质的特征是城市客运交通结构我国城市交通结构必须在适合我国国情的基 础上确立经济较落后资金短缺人均资源少这是我国现阶段的基本国情决定了我国主要采用密 集型城市的发展模式注重城市内涵式发展根据我国城市发展的特点参考国外城市土地开发利用与 交通结构发展历程的经验教训以城市交通可持续发展为目标提出从土地利用角度考虑的不同城市交 通结构建议值我国目前正处于交通结构调整时期现阶段大城市特大城市积极发展公共交通是在 可持续发展战略指导下做出的合理决策城市总体交通结构的优化是在交通政策引导下考虑交通供求 关系交通环境分析与交通资源消耗分析的不断反馈调整的平衡过程其中需要的关键技术主要有交 通供求分析技术交通环境影响分析预测技术交通资源分析预测技术等 在城市交通系统可持续发展规划中交通需求预测由城市客运交通需求预测城市货运交通需求预 测和城市静态交通需求预测组成论文针对经典四阶段城市客运交通

【Abstract】 Sustained Development is a widely accepted mode. There has been continues research and discuss on the sustained development of urban transportation system. The key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), which named .the Research on Sustained Development of Urban Transport System., has begun. It indicated that we academic havedeepened into the sustained developing theory. The article based on this project and analyzed the sustained developing theory and means on urban transportation. Firstly, the article focuses on the planning of sustained developing theory frame of urban transportation lay out. It analyzes the history of urban transportation planning development and the traditional characteristics of planning and its shortcomings. It concluded that the simplicity of planning goals and the .four-stage. method lack some important qualities, which is required in the modern planning; such as it lack the consumption and environment evaluation, not embodying the .for people. sake. and lake guarantee system. The article proposed the principles of sustained development and designed a theory system of urban transportation planning in accordance with the situation of our country. It also designed the function of each individual module in the system. The arrangement and common procedures of sustained developing planning had also been mentioned. The article advanced the planning goals, which should satisfy demand, optimize resources utilization and improve environment quality. They are divided into road networks dimensional indexes, transportation quality indexes, roadway environmental indexes and resource consumption indexes; these indexes are quantitative. At the same time, according to the situation of guarantee system research shortage, it concluded that the guarantee system is a most important aspect of sustained developing of urban transportation system. According to the sustained developing principles, it brings forward the investigate method must accord with the sustained developing principles and the investigation goal is not only establishing a data base, but also finding out the exist problems in the transportation system. It advanced the investigating methods by dividing it into two parts, data collection and field investigation. The efficient way to do the investigation is studied and the data base, which is based on the GIS technology, is mentioned. They together combined the methods of present urban transportation system analysis. The most important characteristic of urban transit is the structure of it. In our country, the transit structure must base on the real facts such as the economic is developing, the capital is hard up, the resources per capita is scare and so on. These determine that the developing mode must be compressed cities and it is important to develop city itself in this method. The author brings forward the different transit structure values in according to different cities with their land usage situation by taking foreign country.s experience and lessons and by delving our country.s facts. It has been experiencing the structure changing phase for our country and the mega polis and big cities need to develop their own transit

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU984.191
  • 【被引频次】112
  • 【下载频次】6939
  • 攻读期成果

