

Study on Source-Sink Characteristics of Population and Their Influencing Factors in Rice

【作者】 王夫玉

【导师】 张洪程;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 依据国内外近期(1990~1999)公开发表的学术论文,分水稻群体的产量生产、籽粒充实、生理生化、农田生态、源库特征和优化调控等6个方面,对水稻群体研究的新进展进行了综述。以此为背景,在1995~2001年间设计并实施了一系列田间试验,对水稻群体源库特征及影响因素进行了研究,主要结论如下: 1 水稻群体源、库及源库关系可用下列指标度量:矫正光合势、总颖花量和籽粒充实度或势容比。据之,可将水稻群体分为源限制型群体、库限制型群体、源库限制型群体和源库优化型群体,其中源库优化型群体是高产群体。要获得650~700kg/667m~2的水稻高产群体,需要有总颖花量3000万朵/667m~2左右,籽粒充实度达0.7~0.8,势容比为16~18m~2·d/万粒,其直观标准相当于抽穗后第30d的群体叶面积(指数)应不低于抽穗时上三叶的最大叶面积(指数)。 2 试验表明,栽插密度、施肥方法等农艺措施因影响群体源库特征而影响水稻产量。密度增大,群体茎蘖数的峰值提前、落差增大,品种分蘖力、群体分蘖力、分蘖效率皆降低,群体叶面积指数增加,但群体势容比却下降,籽粒充实度也随之下降。施肥方法改变,上述诸项指标也随之呈规律性变化,但其显著性因品种而异。相同密度不同行株距比例显著影响群体特征,群体产量、穗数/667m~2、总颖花量、结实率、千粒重均随行株距比例增大呈抛物线变化,每穗颖花数、穗颈节间长及剑叶、倒二叶面积则随行株距比例增大呈线性增加。行株距比例增大,群体内部光照强度增加,光在群体内分布趋于合理。氮肥施用方法也导致群体源库特征发生规律性变化。 3 试验表明,有效积温、光照累计值等气象因子因影响群体籽粒充实度而影响水稻产量。抽穗前有效积温及光照累计值对群体总颖花量的作用不显著。抽穗后有效积温与群体籽粒充实度间多呈显著或极显著的正相关,而抽穗后光照累计值对群体籽粒充实度却有趋向显著的负相关,究其原因,是灌浆期出现温光错位造成的。发生灾害性温光错位的条件是:候均日温降至15.5℃以下,温王夫玉水稻群体源库特征及影响因素研究度下降差值3℃以上,时滞1d的候均日照上升差值达4h以上。籽粒充实度(GFG)与抽穗后有效积温(>10℃,ETS)间有下列关系:GFG=(a十bEI,S)ETS一‘,利用之,可以确立水稻品种最适齐穗期的下限,进而指导对水稻品种的合理利用。 4生态环境影响水稻品种的群体特征,反过来,水稻品种特征对其生存环境也产生敏感性反应。据之可将水稻品种分为生境敏感型品种、生境弱感型品种和生境钝感型品种。本文给出了用于评价水稻品种对生境反应敏感性的基本方法,评价了供试品种的生境敏感性,其结果是:(l)粕粳亚种间杂交稻(65002)生境敏感性大于粳型水稻品种;(2)不同粳型水稻品种对生境敏感性的表现是中熟晚粳>早熟晚粳>晚熟中粳>中熟中粳;(3)在相同粳型水稻品种中,其生境敏感性表现也有较明显差别。根据生境敏感性指数的大小,可以对水稻品种的稳产性和生态适应性等作出正确评判。 此外,文中还就水稻群体光合生产力指标、群体最佳行株距配比、最迟安全齐穗期确定方法、偏迟熟水稻品种北移原则以及水稻群体的高产栽培策略等若干问题进行了讨论。

【Abstract】 Progress on research of rice population was summarized on the basis of reviewing of internal and external papers of 257 in open publish in recent ten year( 1990 - 1999), which included yield production,grain filling,physiology and physiological chemistry,farmland microclimatic characteristics, source- sink characteristics and optimizing control. Taking the progress as research background,a series of field experiments were designed and put into effect in 1995 - 2001, the source - sink characteristks and their influencing factors of rice population were studied and the main conclusions were reached as follows:1 The source, sink and source - sink relation of rice population were measured by the adjusted photosynthetic potential (APP), total spikelets per 667m2 (TSM) and ratio of APP to sink(P/S)or grade of filled grain(GFG) .respectively. According to APP,TSM,P/S,GFG and the yield,rice population may be divided into four types as follows: the population with source limiting yield(PSO) , the population with sink limiting yield(PSI),the population with source-sink limiting yield(PSL) and the population with source - sink advantaging yield (PSA). Among them, PSA is high - yielding population. In order to achieve the population with high yield of 650 - 700kg/667m2 in rice, 30million spikelets with the GFG of 0.7-0.8 must be needed, the ratio of APP to sink must be up to 16- 18m2 · d/104 - grain, i. e. 30days after heading, the leaf area(index)of population is not below the maximum leaf area( index) of first three leaves from the top at heading stage.2 The experiment showed that characteristics of rice population were influenced by agronomic methods,such as planting density(PD) and fertilizing method(FM). The peak value of shoots shifted to an earlier date and the drop of shoots was bigger when PD was increased. The tillering capacity of variety(TCV), tillering capacity of population(TCP), TSM, GFG and P/S of all decreased with increase of PD.but LAI increased with the increase of PD. Aforementioned indexes of population assumed a regular change with change of FM.but significance level of index might vary with the variety. The characteristics of rice population were influenced by the ratio of row spacing to intrarow spacing (RS/ IS) under same PD.too. The relationship between population and RS/IS assumed a parabola change,so did the relationship between panicles/667m2,TSM,setting percentage,or 1000 - grain weight and RS/ IS,The equation between spikelets/panicle and RS/TS was a linear one ,so was the equation between RS/TS and rachis internode length,single leaf area(SLA) of the first leaf from the top,or SLA of the second leaf from the top. When RS/IS was on the increase, the intensity of illumination was increased and the light distribution tended to efficient inside rice population. A regular changes of population’scharacteristics were caused by the method of applying nitrogenous fertilizer,too.3 Field experiments proved that full heading time and population’ s yield were influenced by seeding time and the yield was controlled by TSM and GFG in rice. Effects of seeding time on GFG were more significance than on TSM under same planting density. Most of partial correlation coeffi-cients( + r)between effective temperature( >10℃) summation (ETS) after full heading and GFG of population were up to significance or very significance, and partial correlation coefficient - r)between accumulated duration of sunshine (ADS) after full heading and GFG of population tended to significance. The reason for those was the displositon of temperature and illumination(MTI)broke out during ripening period frequently. The conditions that compel MTI to occur are as follows: the mean temperature of 5 - day(MTD) after MTI ought to be under 15.5℃ , the difference of MTD around MTI over 3℃ ,and the difference of mean illumination of 5 - day(MID) with delay of Id over 4h. Further analysis indicated that the relation between GFG and ETS was described by a formula as follows:GFG = (a + bETS)ETS-1. The formula can

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期

