

Studies on Fishery Resource, Environment and Their Ecological Management of Daoguanhe Reservoir

【作者】 马徐发

【导师】 熊邦喜;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 水产养殖, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 1999——2002年全面调查了武汉道观河水库的水质理化特性和生物因子,在此基础上综合评价了水库的营养状态和环境现状,并利用生物操纵技术和能量生态学手段,为水库渔业资源的合理利用和渔业环境的生态学管理提供理论基础。主要结果有: 1.水库4站平均水深为13.82m;平均水温为17.8℃;SD平均为1.62m;pH平均为7.35;DO含量平均为9.06mg/L;ALK和Hd分别为2.53mmol/L和2.26mmol/L,按照阿列金分类法为CCa型。NH4+(NH3)-N平均浓度为0.370mg/L,NO3--N为0.086mg/L,NO2--N为0.005mg/L,TIN为0.461mg/L,TN为1.030mg/L;PO43--P平均为0.015mg/L,TP为0.111mg/L;N:P比平均为9.4。水库输入TN量为123.08t,有58.74t滞留在水库中;输入TP为6.86t,有0.33t滞留在水库中;底泥中pH平均为4.06,TOM为37.9g/kg,TN为2.48g/kg,TP含量平均为1.17g/kg。 2.浮游植物共89种,平均密度为251.75×104ind./L,生物量平均湿重为5.67mg/L;生物量与TP、ALK和Hd有显著相关关系(p<0.05);浮游植物个体密度以硅藻和蓝藻占优势,生物量以硅藻占绝对优势;每个月都有明显的优势种,优势种群中肘状针杆藻Synedra ulna、颗粒直链藻Melosira granulata和啮蚀隐藻Cryptomonas erosa等多数为耐有机污染的指示种。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Margalef多样性指数的平均值分别为H’=1.05;D=6.38和d=4.24;Chl-a含量平均为7.59μg/L。 3.浮游动物共有63种,平均个体密度为1392ind./L,原生动物和轮虫在数量上占绝对优势;平均生物量为2.27mg/L,桡足类>轮虫>枝角类>原生动物。优势种中多数是富营养化的指示种类;浮游动物与浮游植物的现存量没有明显的相关关系(p>0.05),仅依靠浮游动物不能对浮游藻类进行有效的控制。提出修正过去浮游动物依个体密度计算生物量的方法。 4.国内首次对水库中周丛生物群落结构和现存量进行了报道。利用挂片法收集周丛藻类35属,测得周丛藻类平均生物量为0.2708mg/cm2,周丛藻类Chl-a的平均含量为1.45μg/cm2,二者存在明显的直线正相关关系(p<0.01)。利用PFU采集周丛原生动物60种,一半以上是耐有机污染的指示种。 5.大型底栖动物共有17种,平均密度和生物量分别为142ind/m2和1.03g/m2;优势种类为耐污染的大红德永摇蚊Tokunagayusurika akamusi和霍甫水丝蚓Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri,其平均生物量分别占底栖动物平均生物量的48.0%和10.6%。底栖动物的平均生物量与水深呈明显负相关(p<0.05),与底泥TN和TP浓度均无明显相关关系(p>0.05),随着pH值的增加有所增加。 Goodnight一Whitley生物指数、King生物指数、shannon一诩ener和Ma堪alef多样 性指数平均值分别是13.4、6.60、0.48和0.37;应用GOodnight一whitley、King 及wright等指数判断的结果较可靠,在湖泊中广泛应用的Shannon-Wiener和 Margalef指数并不适用于深水水库水质的评价。6.水生细菌数量平均为3.2xl夕cens/rnL,变动范围是3.3、1夕9 .0xl夕cen口mL;随 水体中N、P浓度的增加而增加,随浮游植物密度的上升而下降,与浮游动物密 度的变化趋势相反。7.细鳞姻价朋分户钻miCrolePis的鳞片上年轮每年形成一次,形成时间为4一一币月。 体长与其前侧区鳞径的相关关系式为:L=6.4507+6.7514R(扩=0.9506)。从生长 指标看,细鳞姻2龄前的生长较快,3龄开始转缓。体长与体重的关系式为:牙 =o.ol3s4L3.0442(扩=0.9590);生长系数卜0.2641,拐点年龄t。=13.4074龄,此 时体重w=238.669一g,体长L=24.6201 em。8.青梢帕Culter由bryi鳞片的年轮从4月份开始形成,大部分年轮形成时间在7月。 体长与鳞长的相关式为:L=5.981卜2.5477SL(扩二。.9318)。体长与体重的关系 式为:砰==0 .003479L3.4280(扩=0.9803),属不均匀生长类型。生长系数k=。.1168, 拐点年龄ti=8.1247龄,此时体长L=29.8587em,体重W=398.60829。9.细鳞姻个体绝对生殖力(F)平均为5.7962x104eggs,体长相对生殖力(凡)平 均为2223 egg彭cm,体重相对生殖力(斤)平均为212 egg吨。经多因素的回归 分析选取方程为:F=一1.245+o.o7oGSI+0.0571五百雨.(RZ=o,5212),FL=- 1050.940一26.756平+46.031叽+97.941迈万雨(RZ=0.7243),Fw=90.3035+ 9 .7o77GSI一0.3562币五下.(扩=0.4446)。10.青梢如个体绝对生殖力(F)平均为1 .7059 xl了eggs,体长相对生殖力(凡) 平均为867.4 egg以cm,体重相对生殖力(斤)平均为21 1.08 egg吨。经与多因 素的全回归分析,选取方程为:F一1.248+0.070Gsl+0.0571迈万雨(RZ= 0 .5212),FL=一1050.940一26.756不+ 46.031巩+97941扛石不(RZ二0.7243), 斤=144.186+s.222GSI(RZ=03246)。11.细鳞姻肌肉中水分的平均含量为76.38%,粗蛋白的平均含量为17.80%,粗脂肪 的平均含量为3.54%,平均能值为5.91 J/mg湿重:能值随着年龄的增长而增加, 增加趋势3龄以前很明显,3龄以后趋于平缓;水分含量与体重、体长的回归方 程分?

【Abstract】 Overall investigation of physiochemical features and biological factors of reservoir water quality were conducted in Daoguanhe Reservoir from 1999 to 2002. At the basis of these investigations, integrate evaluation of trophic state and environmental status was made. Theoretical base for the reasonable utilization of fishery resource and ecological management of environment were provided using bio-manipulation technique and ecoenergetics means. The main results are as follows:1. The average water depth, water temperature and Secchi degree of four stations in the reservoir was 13.82 m, 17.8℃ and 1.62 m, respectively. Mean pH value was 7.35; the average content of DO was 9.06 mg/L; ALK and Hd were 2.53 mmol/L and 2.26mmol/L, respectively. According to Anekin, the water could be classified to Cm type. The mean concentration of NH4+ (NH3)-N, NO3--N, NO2-N, TIN, and TN were 0.370, 0.086, 0.005, 0.461 and 1.030 mg/L, respectively. The content of PO43--P and TP averaged 0.015 and 0.111 mg/L, respectively. The N:P ratio was 9.4. Total input of TN was 122.38 t and of which 58.88 t was detained in the reservoir; and those of TP were 6.711 and 0.43 t, relatively. Sediment pH value, TOM, TN and TP averaged 4.06, 37.9 g/kg, 2.48 g/kg and 1.17 g/kg, respectively.2. There were 89 species of planktonic algae. The average phytoplankton density was 251.75×104 ind./L; biomass was 5.67 mg/L in wet weight. Biomass was significantly related to the concentrations of TP, ALK and Hd (p<0.05). Phytoplankton was dominated by diatom and blue-green algae according to density and by diatom in light of biomass. Every month there were some obvious predominant species. Many of the dominant species, such as Synedra ulna, Melosira granulata and Cryptomonas erosa, were indication species of organic pollution. Shannon-Wiener, Simpson and Margalef diversity indices averaged as H’= 1.05, D = 6.38 and d=4.24, respectively. The mean content of Chl-a was 7.59μg /L.3. There were 63 species of zooplankton. The average density and biomass of zooplankton were 1391.63 ind./L and 2.27 mg/L, respectively. Most of the predominant species are indicators of eutrophication. There was no pronounced relationship between the standing crops of zooplankton and of phytoplankton (p>0.05); so phytoplankton cannot be well controlled only depending on zooplankton. It was suggested that some correction must be made with respect to the method of transfer of zooplankton density to biomass.4. The community structure and standing crops of periphyton in Chinese reservoir were first reported. Thirty-five genra of periphytic algae were collected using hanging plastic slices. Periphytic algal biomass and Chl-a content averaged 0.2708 mg/cm2 and 1.45μg/cm2, respectively and they had significant linear relationship (p<0.01). Sixty species of peripytic protozoan were found in PFU units.5. There were 17 species of macroinvertebrates. The mean density and biomass of zoobenthos were 142 ind/m2 and 1.03 g/m2, respectively. Among which Tokunagayusurika akamusi and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri were most predominant and their mean biomass occupied 48.0% and 10.6% of the total, respectively. There was significant negative correlation between the zoobenthos biomass and water depth (p<0.05). Goodnight-Whitley biological index, King biological index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Margalef diversity index averaged 13.4, 6.60, 0.48 and 0.37, respectively. It is dependable to apply Goodnight-Whitley, King and Wright index to evaluate trophic state; while Shannon-Wiener and Margalef index, which are widely used in lake are not fit to apply in deep reservoir.6. The density of aquatic bacteria was 3.2×103 cells/mL and ranged from 3.3×102 to 9.0×103 cells/mL. It increased with the increase of the concentrations of N and P; and decreased with the increase of phytoplankton density; and had an inverse variation trend of zooplankton density.7. The annuli on the scale of small scale yellowfin, Xenocyp

  • 【分类号】S932
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