

A Research on Fictions of Classical Chinese in Song Dynasty

【作者】 赵章超

【导师】 周裕锴;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 宋代文言小说从数量上说现在可知的有两百多种,并不比唐代少。这和宋人自上而下的躬自创作及浓厚的阅读欣赏兴趣是分不开的。总的说来,北宋传奇成就较高,代表作为《青琐高议》、《云斋广录》,南宋志怪创作成就相对突出,代表作则为《夷坚志》,既代表了各自的文化特色,也反映了一些共同的时代特征。和唐代小说相比,虽总体上要逊色,但也有其优长的一面,并且也对后代小说有着举足轻重的影响。 但是长期以来,对宋代文言小说的研究是比较薄弱的。尽管八十年代以来,宋代文言小说的研究出现了一些颇有见地的单篇论文,各类小说史著作对其论述也大大加强,还出现了专门性的著作,但是作为文言小说发展历史上的一个比较重要的时期,这与其实际价值仍然是不相称的,仍有不少领域需要做进一步深入研究。回顾近一个世纪以来的宋代文言小说研究,主要存在以下不足之处:一是没有把作品放在大文化背景之下进行观照,比如对其中所包含的民间信仰、土风方俗的研究,就是一个亟待深入探索且有着较为广阔的前景的领域。二是对小说的内部研究,一是对作品的审美的、艺术的批评,对其内容的新变等,尽管也有一些成果如后文所述,但是文学史囿于篇幅,限于体例,都是一些片段式的评价,势必难于展开具体深入的讨论,且单篇论文也几乎没有。还有就是其对前代艺术形式的继承等,比如对宋代文言小说的结构承继关系的研究,由于其作品很多是从普通百姓口耳相传的民间故事加工而成,这些故事在不同时代不同地方不同人那里往往形成一些情节大致相当的系列作品,探讨其类型和分析其流变都是对探索小说内部规律有着重要意义的。这方面也仅仅只是有人约略涉。有鉴于此,本课题研究的重点,就是揭示宋代文言小说自身的发展特征和独具的思想文化特质,探索其在艺术形式上对前代的继承和自身的创新等。 第一章首先简介了宋代文言小说的研究现状;其次 论述了宋代文言小说的生成原因;最后介绍了宋代文言小说的发展变化,认为其经历了北宋初的过渡期,北宋中叶的传奇复兴期、两宋之交的志怪传奇共荣期和南宋中后叶的志怪繁盛期四个阶段。 第二章是对文言小说进行分类研究,本章在分类上主要是在参考宋代小说家的归类类别的基础上,根据文言小说的实际发展情况,加以归纳简化。将宋代文言小说作品分为灵怪类小说、兆应类小说、仙释类小说、丽情类小说和贤能侠义类小说五种,主要从同类结构同类题材的纵向对比中探讨各类小说相对于前代和相对于其他类型小说所呈现出来的个性特征。灵怪类小说的特征是虚构性很强,所以在内容上作者们更能发挥自己的机智灵活的想象,描绘出千奇百怪的灵异世界,以惊人之耳目,动人之视听。兆应类小说以追索宇宙、自然、社会和个体生命的运行规律为旨归,而主要以个体人生的穷通富贵的把握为目的,体现了人们对生命历程的关注。仙释类小说则往往旨在破除前代以宗教为题材的小说对教内人物的神化倾向,而把他们当成社会生活中的平常人来叙述,揭示他们的喜怒哀乐,展现他们人性的缺点。丽情类小说由于特有时代风气的影响,也与前代特别是唐朝开放的社会氛围下所形成的青年男女之间的情感的自由奔放形成了明显对比,转向了对情感泛滥所造成的严重后果的强调突出,更有不少的作品则是赤裸裸的宣扬封建伦理道德规范下的婚姻家庭中的贤妻良母型人物;贤能侠义类小说则塑造了一批有血有肉的关心民生疾苦、伸张社会正义以及救危济艰的正面人物形象。 第三章探讨宋代文言小说的艺术特征,第一节论述了宋代文言小说基于自身体制的原因,呈现出了四个方面的美学特征,即行云流水之美、累如贯珠之美、连绵不断之美和简练明快之美。第二节探讨宋代文言小说的语言艺术,一是其幽默艺术,指出其能够将幽默与现实生活有机结合起来,并且其幽默还常常包含着鲜明的是非美丑观念甚至意味深长的哲理,其表现形式也是多种多样的。其次探讨了作品的个性化的人物语言的描写。 第四章论证时代的推衍和社会文化的发展变化对宋之文言小说的影响。拟考察儒家、佛教、道教、地域等领域对宋代文言小说的影响。就儒家与宋代文言小说的关系来说,宋代是儒学的迅速振兴时期,文言小说正是际会了这一时代的有利机遇,作者们用文学来演绎儒家的哲学伦理道德等观念,主要是塑造了一个个性格鲜明的人物形象,在他们身上融入了作者基于不拘一格的的奇幻想象而表达出的对儒家的尊崇景仰之情。本章则选择文言小说中所突出表现的天命观与贤德观的矛盾统一来探索儒家与宋之文言小说的关系。就佛教与宋代文言小说的关系来说,本章着重探讨了小说作品中对佛教经典的顶礼膜拜。就道教与宋代文言小说的关系来说,表现在作者们主要是从形象思维出发,选择了前代仙道类小说中最为活泼最富有生机的一些细节熔融到自己的创作中,对具有奇橘怪异色彩的神仙方术也从众多方面进行了表现。接着又探讨了三教合一观念在作品中的表现。总体来看,正如不少论者所指出的那样,平民化?

【Abstract】 There are more than two hundred kinds of fictions of classical Chinese in Song Dynasty, which are as many as Tang Dynasty because all the people like to produce and read them. In short, there are more excellent works of chuanqi in North-Song Dynasty than those of zhiguai in South-Song Dynasty. The leading works are qing suo gao yi and yun zhai guang lu.But there are more excellent works of zhiguai in South-Song Dynasty than those of chuanqi in North-Song Danasty. The leading work is yi jian zhi.On the one hand, zhiguai and chuanqi stand for different culture of themselves .On the other hand, they embody the same spirit of the times. Comparing with the works of past times, some aspects of works in Song Dynasty are better than those of works in Tang Dynasty, but some aspects are not so good as those of works in Tang Dynasty, and these works also exert a great influence on later works.As an important era in the history of fictions of classical Chinese, the research on fictions of classical Chinese in Song dynasty is a weak link. Though the history of fictions pay more attention to them than that of past, there are some articles showing sound judgment, a few treatise are written out. There are more fields which need further research, for example, to research form cultural background and from their characteristic of art and so on. This is the reason I choose the area as my research aim.Chapter one introduces the research of these works at present and reasons of producing of these fictions in Song Dynasty. Then the thesis discusses the fourperiods of development of fictions of classical Chinese in Song Dynasty.Chapter two researches the characteristics of five types of fictions in Song Dynasty. The first is ling-guai type, which is full of various imagination .The second is zhao-ying type, which advocates fatalism of individual. The third is xian-shi type, which describes figures of Taoism and Buddhism as ordinary people. The fourth is li-qing type, which proposes the marital ideas of feudal society. The fifth type is xian-neng-xia-yi type, which depicts heroic figures vividly.Chapter three researches the characteristics of art of fictions of classical Chinese in Song Dynasty. The author at first analyses the aesthetic feeling from four respects of their plots: smoothness, coherence, continuity, terseness, then analyses the character of humor of the works.Chapter four probes influence of the Confucian School, Taoism and Buddhism upon fictions of classical Chinese in Song Dynasty. Section one analyses the influence of the idea of Gods will and the idea of virtue from the Confucian School. Section two analyses the influence of the idea of Buddhism. Section three investigates how the works carry on the details from past Taoism fictions and magic arts of Taoism. Section four studies the influence of fusion of the Confusion School, Taoism and Buddhism. The last section studies the regional distribution of these fictions.Chapter five researches the characteristics of folk custom of fictions of classical Chinese in Song Dynasty. Section one studies the geomantic belief in works. Section two studies the divination in works. Section three studies the taboo in works.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】I207.419
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】859

