

A Study on the Urbanization and Social Culture Changes in Sichuan Tibetan Regions--A Case of Gengqing Town in Dege County

【作者】 蒋彬

【导师】 冉光荣;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 专门史, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 城镇作为区域发展的中心,在国民经济和社会发展过程中扮演着越来越重要的角色。城镇化水平的高低与一个国家和地区的经济发展水平有着高度的正相关关系。因此,众多的发展中国家都把推进城市化作为发展本国经济的一种重要政策。为了实现小康社会的宏伟目标,实现从农村、农业社会向城市、工业社会的根本转变,中国正在推行积极的城镇化政策。中国的城镇化离不开幅员辽阔的少数民族地区的城镇化。少数民族地区由于各种原因,城镇化水平明显滞后于本身就不高的中国平均城镇化水平,特别是地处西部的四川藏区的城镇化水平则更加滞后。在这种背景下,占国土面积25万平方公里的四川藏区,如何推进城镇化进程,的确是一个值得深入研究的问题。 城镇化进程包括数量规模和质量效益两个方面。城镇数量规模表现在城镇从无到有、从少到多的城镇数量增加和城镇人口由少到多、城镇规模从小到大;城镇质量效益表现在城镇自身功能的完善的提高、城镇对周边辐射能力的增强、城镇人们生活质量的提高以及人们生产生活方式的改变。无论从数量规模还是质量效益来看,城镇化进程都必将对一个国家或地区的社会文化会产生深远的影响,并导致传统的社会经济和文化发生急剧的变迁。世界所有后进国家和地区都遭遇到城镇化迅速推进的强烈冲击,都面临着应付急剧的时代变迁所提出的严峻挑战。城镇化进程以及与之紧密相关的社会文化变迁,已成为当今世界公认的最富有时代感和挑战性的课题之一。 本文选择甘孜州德格县县城更庆镇作为分析研究的对象。这是因为更庆镇作为藏区城镇,在现代化、城镇化进程中具有典型意义。一方面,现代化、城镇化带来的物质层面上的变化十分明显:有先后建立的国有集体经济和个体工商业,有现代城市管理模式的引进,公路运输、电信和互联网的出现,有现代娱乐方式的流行、贸易的兴旺,还有藏汉民族和睦相处的生活方式,族际交往的频繁等等。另一方面,城镇化滞后和传统文化的影响也表现得淋漓尽致:经济上没有现代工业、吃饭财政、贫富的悬殊、城乡二元结构,以及在日常生活中宗教、礼俗观念等方面的巨大而深刻的影响等等。此外,现代化城镇化带来的文化冲突和文化整合也在这里比较明显地体现出来。 本文的研究框架:一、考察四川藏区城镇化进程,总结其特点、分析其动力和制约因素。明确得出四川藏区城镇化是滞后的结论,并揭示城镇化滞后所带来的多方面制约作用。二、研究城镇化进程中的文化变迁。从文化的概念和功能出发、分析现代化、城镇化所引起文化变迁及其特点,尤其是城镇作为区域的政治、经济、文化中心,在文化变迁中所扮演的角色。三、考察更庆镇的人口、婚姻、家庭的现状、结构及其特点、分析城镇化对区域人口和家庭这个最基本的社会细胞造成的影响。四、考察更庆镇居民的物质文化生活,分析其背景条件,居民收入来源和收入水平及其相应的职业分工。研究居民的消费构成、特点和消费水平。同时还研究了居民生活方式及其变迁。从中反映城镇化对物质文化所造成的影响。五、研究更庆镇居民的精神文化生活情况,包括宗教生活、教育活动、娱乐休闲以及风俗习惯等方面的现状及变迁。六、探讨四川藏区城镇化的道路,提出了加速推进城镇化及文化建设的思路。 通过上述研究,笔者认为: 第一、四川藏区古代城镇主要是由于古代的茶马贸易沿途商品集散地、军事要塞、宗教中心、土司驻地、交通要道等逐渐演化而兴起的;四川藏区现代意义上的城镇起步于新中国政权建设时期,或在原有的城镇基础上建设,或新建城镇;发展于改革开放时期,在乡镇企业和市场活动的基础上,兴建和扩建起不少乡村小镇:加速于国家推进城镇化战略时期. 第二、四川藏区目前的城镇无论是数量、规模、非农业人口还是分布、功能、城镇建设等方面的发展仍较落后,城镇化总体水平较低,城镇化明显滞后于沿海内地水平. 第三、四川藏区城镇化滞后的原因是多方面的,主要是自然基础条件差,经济发展水平,缺乏工业化过程,城镇拉力弱小,农村推理不足。还有制度、政策和思想观念的原因。 第四、城镇化滞后造成对四川藏区社会经济文化的发展诸多不利因素。一2是制约了农业经济的发展,形成人口与土地的矛盾,制约了农业产业化和现代化,加大了扶贫成本;二是不利于区域经济现代化。制约了农村剩余劳动力转移,不利于产业结构调整,不利于土地流转和集约使用,制约了城镇中心功能的发挥;三是导致内需不足;四是制约了人口素质的提高;五是导致了生态环境的恶化。 第五、城镇化进程与社会文化变迁存在着内在联系和互动关系。城镇化进程必然导致社会文化的变迁,即传统文化走向现代化的历程。城镇化是社会文化变迁的动力,城镇化进程既丰富和发展了四川藏区的物质文化和精神文化,又引起了物质文化和精神文化的变迁。城镇化水平的高低规定和制约了社会一交化变迁的性质与方向;同时,社会文化变迁反过来影响着四川藏区城镇化的速度和质量。 第六、城镇化进程中四川藏?

【Abstract】 As the center of the regional development, cities play a more and more important role in the national economy and social development. The level of urbanization is positively and highly related to the level of economic development in one country and region. Therefore many developing countries take the promotion of urbanization as an important policy to develop their own economy. China is carrying out active urbanization policy in order to realize the great goal of relatively-comfortable society and the radical changes from villages to cities, agriculture society to industrial society. The urbanization of China couldn’ t succeed without the urbanization in the vast ethnic regions. For various reasons, the urbanization level of minority nationality regions obviously lags behind the average urbanization level in China which is not very high, especially the Sichuan Tibetan Regions in West China. Under such background, how to promote the urbanization process in the Sichuan Tibetan Regions with the area of 250 thousand square kilometers is a good question with deep-research value.The urbanization process consists of scale of quantity ana efficiency of quality. The scale of quantity refers to the increase in the number of cities and towns and the urban population; the efficiency of quality refers to the perfection of urban functions, the reinforcementof urban radiation abilities, the improvement of urban life and the changes of people’ s life and work. From the point of both the scales of quantity and the efficiency of quality, the urbanization process will inevitably exert a profound influence on the culture of a country or region and lead to a rapid change on the traditional social economy and culture. All the under-developed countries and regions in the world are encountering the strong impact in the rapid urbanization process and facing severe challenges caused by the sharp changes of the times. Urbanization process and its deep related social and culture changes have been worldwide regarded as one of the most challenging problems full of the sense of times.As a typical case of the Tibetan areas in Sichuan in the modernization and urbanization process, Gengqing town in Dege County, Ganzi Prefecture where the county government lies, is selected ?.s the object of study in this dissertation. On the one hand, the changes in terms of material in Gengqing town brought about by modernization and urbanization is quite obvious, such as early and late established public economy and private industries and commerce, introduction of modern urban management model, road transportation, telecommunication and Internet, popularity of modern entertainment, flourishing trade and peaceful cohabited style and frequent association between Tibetan and Han people. On the other hand, the lagging behind of urbanization and the traditional culture influence are also shown completely and thoroughly, such as no modern industry economically, payment financed fiscally, sharp gap between the rich and poor, dual structure between urban and rural areas and profound influence in the aspect of religion, etiquette and thought of daily life. Besides, culture collision and integration can also be obviously displayed here.The research structure of this dissertation can be divided into six parts. First, I draw a clear conclusion that Sichuan Tibetan Regions lags behind by revealing various restrictions resulted from the underdevelopment of urbanization after investigating urbanizationprocess of Sichuan Tibetan Regions, summarizing it’ s features and analyzing it’ s motivation and the check factors. Second, I study the culture changes in the urbanization process. From the angle of the concept of culture and its function, this dissertation analyses the culture changes and it’ s features caused by modernization and urbanization, especially the role played by the cities and towns as the regional center of politics, economy and culture in the changes ofculture. The case, Gengqing town, is studied in chapter 3--chapter 5in this disserta

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期

