

Theory and Application of Digital Building Construction System Based on Plan and Control

【作者】 张利

【导师】 张希黔;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 信息技术革命的浪潮冲击着社会生产的各个领域,成为社会进步不可扭转的方向。在这种时代背景下,建筑业的信息化是传统建筑业自身技术和管理革新的必然趋势,同时也是国家对支柱产业发展的宏观政策要求。竞争的加剧促使建筑企业间的分化,有竞争力的名牌建筑企业对建筑业信息化将具有更高和超前的需求。另一方面,建筑业的发展没有形成一个类似于制造业那样清晰的理论体系,这使得建筑业研究和开发应用信息技术缺乏一个较清晰的理论模式。基于此,适应着部分龙头建筑企业信息化发展的需要,作者借鉴先进制造业的生产模式,以建筑企业已经进行的工程实践为基础,提出了构建数字化建筑施工体系的概念,并以计划、控制实施为过程,形成了数字化建筑施工系统的理论框架和技术体系,以期基于此理论为探索利用数字化技术改造和提升传统建筑业提供思路和方法。文章还提出了由数字化建筑施工体系、建筑产业化和可持续发展共同组建现代先进施工生产体系的思想。文章聚焦数字化建筑施工体系的组成和应用,从项目施工生产和管理过程出发,以数字化施工信息流的采集、传输、处理、执行过程为纽带,构建了一个面向项目生产和管理的多方位数字化施工技术集成体系,其核心技术为对应于计划的虚拟建造、对应于信息处理的项目信息管理系统和自动化过程控制。文章围绕数字化建筑施工体系的关键支撑技术,详细论述了各个支撑技术的发展和应用,从而清晰地勾画出了数字化建筑施工体系的组成。数字化建筑施工体系是一个多层次、递增的复合技术系统,既包括单项数字化技术的应用,又包括多项集成复合技术的应用。在现有技术发展的基础上,作者提出了构建集成系统的模型和方法。论文构建的集成体系中包括了以虚拟建造为核心的施工设计系统,以项目信息管理系统为核心的施工管理系统和以自动化控制技术为核心的施工作业体系。通过集成系统可以全面实现施工生产的工业化、自动化和智能化以及施工管理和决策的科学化、高效化。构建数字化建筑施工不是无源之水,作者结合在中国建筑三局亲自参与实施和参加调研的四个应用数字化技术的施工项目,详细论述了数字化技术<WP=5>的开发和实施应用过程。它们分别对应着虚拟建造和结构仿真技术、项目管理信息集成系统和计算机自动化过程控制技术的应用实践。以此为基础,本论文还构建了以钢结构施工生产为对象的数字化建筑施工集成系统。这些形成了数字化建筑施工系统理论的实践基础。构建数字化建筑施工体系是一个全新的概念,它的实施必将给传统的施工生产带来全面的变革和影响,作者依次从技术、项目管理、组织、文化、理念、企业管理、建筑市场等角度论述了这种冲击和影响。从技术角度,数字化建筑施工的实行不仅提高质量,加快进度,还将引起施工模式的改变,比如并行工程思想的引入、精益建造、敏捷建造模式的引用等;从项目管理和组织上,除了引起扁平化管理和虚拟组织外,还产生对业务流程的再造和学习型组织;在文化理念上将引发数字化文化;从企业管理方面,将引起对人才的重视和相关激励体制等方面的变化,并促进良好的委托代理机制的建立。在建筑市场上,信息技术的应用将大大降低市场交易各方的交易和信息成本。这一切变化都将展现数字化建筑施工的强大影响力。文章建立了建筑业推行数字化建筑施工体系的经济效益测算模型和竞争力评价指标,从而为量化地衡量数字化建筑施工体系的价值提供方法依据。数字化建筑施工体系的推进策略是文章最后研究的内容。首先,论文分析了制造业技术发展给建筑业信息化发展的一些启示和建筑业技术创新的一些特点。接着提出了建筑业信息化的发展递阶策略。推进建筑业的信息化是一个庞大和复杂的系统工程,需要政府和企业不懈的努力。论文从我国的建筑业现状出发,分析了当前推行信息化中的一些突出问题,包括了政策环境、施工企业内部和外部协作环境等方面的因素。在此基础上,文章最后对数字化建筑施工体系的实施环境进行了展望,对企业和政府在推进信息化方面的工作提出了建议。文章的研究成果主要集中在通过借鉴制造业先进生产理论和数字化建筑施工的工程实践,建立数字化建筑施工系统的理论框架和技术体系,奠定信息技术在施工中应用的系统理论基础。同时详细分析了数字化建筑施工系统的实施对传统建筑业的影响及其经济评价体系;分析了我国当前推进建筑业信息化的障碍,对信息技术在建筑业中的实践应用和发展提出了对策和建议

【Abstract】 The tide of Information Technology (IT) revolution impulses every aspect of industries, driving the social process in the irreversible track. Under such circumstances, the IT application has been the trend to the innovation of traditional construction industry in both technology and management, and complied with the requirement of the national macroscopical policies for developing the pillar industry. The furious competition has accelerated the polarization of the construction companies. The competitive enterprises bring forward more advanced requirements for the IT in this industry. On the other hand, a clear theoretical system like the CIMS in the manufacture industry, hasn’t been developed in the construction industry. In terms of the above background, the idea of constructing a digital building construction system (DBCS) has been proposed on the basis of the engineering projects practice, with the reference to the advanced production mode of the manufacture industry, and both theory frame and technological system have been developed during the process of planning, controlling to explore the methodology for both reforming and improving the traditional construction industry by digital technologies. The author has also proposed the concept of the modern advanced construction production system organized by DBCS, construction industrialization and sustainable development.This paper has focused on the organization and application of DBCS, and constructed an integrated system of multi-dimensional digital construction technologies for both the production and management of the construction engineering linking to the process of abstraction, transmission, interpretation and implementation of information flow of digital construction. Its key technology is virtual construction for the plan, project information management system for information interpretation and automatic process control. As for the key supporting technologies of DBSC, both the development and application of each one have been discussed in detail that the organization of DBSC has been outlined clearly. DBSC is a multi-hierarchical and ascending complicated technological system, which includes the application of both single digital technology and multiple integrated composite technologies. Based on the present technological development, the author has proposed both the model and methods for constructing the integrated system of DBCS. The integrated system in this paper includes construction design system focused on VR technology, construction management system focused on PMIS, and<WP=7>construction operation system focused on automatic control technology, by which these can be put into practice of industrialization, automation and intelligentize of construction production, and scientific and efficient construction management and decision-making. Constructing DBCS isn’t unfeasible, and its process of both technological development and application have been discussed in detail combined with four projects applying the digital technologies participated in by the author in person in the Third Bureau of CSCEC, focusing respectively on virtual construction, structure formulation, PMIS and computer automatization process control. Based on the above, the paper has also constructed the integrated system of DBCS for steel structure construction. All of these have formed the practice basis for system theory of DBCS.It is a new way to construct DBCS. Its implementation will reform and affect completely traditional construction production by all means, from which the impact has been discussed in turn from the view of technology, project management, organization, culture notion, company management, construction market etc. For the technology, the implementation of DBCS not only improves the quality and accelerates the process but also causes the change of construction mode, such as the introduction of concurrent engineering, lean construction, agile construction etc. for the project management and organization, the implementation of DBCS will introduce BPR and

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU721
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1708

