

【作者】 郑怀南

【导师】 徐福松;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中医男科学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 徐福松教授是当代中医男科创始人和奠基人之一,中华中医药学会男科分会主任委员,临证40余载,学验俱丰,尤其在诊治男性不育症方面,形成了个人独具特色的诊疗理论体系,临床上取得了显著疗效。本文通过临床侍诊,从学术理论的研究方面对徐福松教授诊治男性不育症的学术思想及临床研究经验的特色和优势进行了初步总结。本文主要分为三个部分:(一)简略回顾中医与现代医学对男性不育症的认识与研究进展。(二)分三个阶段介绍徐福松教授对男性不育症的研究和学术形成、发展历程:(1)70年代关注精液异常引起不育症,辨证及论治思想体系初步形成;(2)80年代关注男性免疫性不育症,学术思想形成系统体系;(3)90年代关注口腔疾病及性腺炎症与男性不育症的相关研究,学术体系进一步深入发展和完善。(三)论述徐福松教授诊疗男性不育症的特色和优势。<WP=5>(1)介绍徐教授的辨病、辨证、临床与实验研究的思路及方法。(2)总结徐教授对男性不育症从脾、肺、肾、气、瘀、痰的特色诊疗思路。(3)处方用药心得体会。本研究认为,徐福松教授辨证论治男性不育症的特色及优势在于:坚持整体观念,辨证以全身和局部相结合,诊断以宏观和微观相结合,治疗审证求因,审因求治,先辨病后辨证,辨病与辨证论治相结合。从脾、肺、肾、气、瘀、痰不同角度兼顾扶正祛邪,消补兼施灵活论治男性不育症。处方用药中正平和,轻清灵动。

【Abstract】 Professor Xufusong is one of the founders of andriatry of TCM, chairman in charge of andriatry branch of Chinese Association of TCM. He has rich experience of male infertility, which forms a series of theory of his own. In this thesis, we sum up his theory and clinical experience of male infertility.Three pats of thesis:1. Retrospect the study on male infertility in fields of TCM and western medicine.2. Introduce the research on male infertility of prof. Xu.(1)In 1970s, paid close attention to infertility of abnormal sperm, primary theory of differentiation was formed.(2)In 1980s, paid close attention to immune infertility, systemic theory was formed.(3)In 1990s, paid close attention to oral diseases and inflammation of sexual gland relating to male infertility, the theory was further improved.3. Discuss characteristics and advantages of his treatment of male infertility.(1)Introduce his thought of differentiation on diseases and syndromes and laboratory experiment.(2)Summarize his treatment of infertility in views of spleen, lung, kidney, Qi, blood-stasis, phlegm.(3)Talk about my personal understanding of prescription of infertility.The characteristics and advantages of my tutor,s treatment of male infertility lie in: the concept of integrity, integrity of differentiation on whole symptoms and local symptoms, integrity of macrocosm and microcosm in diagnosis, treat the root cause, integrity of differentiation on diseases and syndromes, differentiation on diseases firstly, differentiation on syndromes secondly. He treats male infertility from aspects of spleen, lung, kidney, Qi, blood-stasis, phlegm, accompanying with method of strengthening the body resistance and removing the pathogenic factors.

【关键词】 徐福松男性不育症临床研究
【Key words】 Fusong Xumale infertilityclinical research

