

A Research on "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty Approved by Emperor

【作者】 周少元

【导师】 张晋藩;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 《钦定大清刑律》是晚清法制改革的标志性成果。对此进行深入全面的研究,其价值与意义在于:其一,中国近代第一部专门性的刑法典如何从诸法合体的传统法系中分离出来。其二,《钦定大清刑律》在中西法文化的冲突与融合时,如何对传统刑法与西方刑法文化进行取舍。其三,晚清法制变革的时代背景及法制演进的历史进程对《钦定大清刑律》的制定产生了怎样的影响。其四,《钦定大清刑律》的制定及运作给我们留下了哪些历史的启示。本文借鉴并使用了多种研究方法。第一章“《钦定大清刑律》的制定”,偏重使用社会学的方法考察社会变迁对立法的影响。第二章“《钦定大清刑律》的内容”及第三章“《钦定大清刑律》的学术支撑”主要采用中外比较和古今比较的方法,论述了西方刑法文化对《钦定大清刑律》内容的影响及律学与法学的联系与区别。第四章“《钦定大清刑律》的施行”以大理院解释例为依据,采取个案分析的方法,透视法律的实际运作情况。第五章“《中国刑法的近代化》”采用了综合归纳的方法论述了《钦定大清刑律》留给我们的经验和教训。法与时转。晚清国家与社会的变化及其互动催生了《钦定大清刑律》。经济结构的转型,动摇了传统法律的经济基础。近代商人群体的崛起冲击了传统法的等级观。政体改革呼唤法制创新。西方法治学说的输入和国家观的兴起,开阔了人们的视野。落后与野蛮的传统法制己无法适应时代发展变化的需要。《钦定大清刑律》的诞生,时也,势也。晚清统治者面对中西法文化的冲突,左右为难。既要参考列邦之制度,又要体察中国之国情,务必使所修之律中外通行。传统法文化的精髓与西方近代的民主法治精神难以协调,《钦定大清刑律》的立法指导思想陷入矛盾之中。但修律者酌法准情,折衷至当的基本态度,既摒弃了食古不化的顽固保守思维,也排斥了全盘西化的过激主张,不失为一种明智的取向。《钦定大清刑律》的良好立法意图及颇具新意的法律内容,未能在司法实践中得到充分贯彻。较多体现西方工业社会精神的《钦定大清刑律》与清末民初依然是小农经济成分占主导的社会环境相脱离。作为国家制度一部分的传统法律制度随清朝灭亡而终结了,但作为社会生活一部分的传统法律意识却依然根深蒂固地残存在人们的脑海里。《钦定大清刑律》制定过程中的礼法之争虽然早已成为历史,但有法不依,有法难依等立法与司法两分离的现象依然存在。从某种意义上说,中国法制近代化进展迟缓,主要表现为司法的滞后性上,同时也说明,立法的近代化较易实现,而司法的近代化要困难得多。法制状况与学术水准有内在的无形的联系。中华法系的学术支撑是传统律学,《唐律疏议》是中华法系的代表作,同时也体现了唐代律学的巨大成就。《钦定大清刑律》的学术支持是近代法学,近代法制的发展离不开近代法学研究与法学教育的繁荣。《钦<WP=4>定大清刑律》的制定者们敏锐地注视着当时西方新旧两派刑法理论的发展态势,比较优劣,合理取舍。《钦定大清刑律》虽然存在某些立法缺憾,但立法者会通中西、兼容并包的做法,不失为睿智之举。《钦定大清刑律》制定之时,任廷芳、沈家本等人就大声疾呼培养近代法学新人。以政治性、实用性、盲目性、多样性为特点的清末法学教育兴起。近代法学教育已逾百年,成功的经验和挫折的教训都值得我们吸取。在探索面向世界、面向未来、面向现代化的法学教育改革之路的今天,法学教育的通识性、开放性、理论性应予重视。

【Abstract】 "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty Approved by Emperor" (hereinafter referred as "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty") is a symbolic fruit of the legal reform in late Qing Dynasty. The significances of studying it lay in the many aspects. First, it shows us how the first specific code separate from the traditional code in which all laws are put in a same code. Second, it tells us how the legislators conciliate the conflicts between traditional Chinese criminal law and western criminal laws in legislating "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty". Third, what affects the social background and legislation evolution have made on the legislation "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty". Fourth, what inspirations the legislation and carrying out of "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty" could give us. This dissertation uses many researching methods. Chapter one, which studies the legislation of "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty", mainly makes use of the sociological method in reviewing the influences of social changes on legislation. Chapter two and chapter three, which studies the influence of western civilization on "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty" and academic support to it, adopt a comparative method in discussing the influences of western criminal laws on "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty" and the relationship between traditional law studies and contemporary legal science. Chapter four, which studies the practice of "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty", adopts a case study method, basing the study on the analysis of the cases explained by the Supreme Court, and trying to reveal the practical situation after the law was put into force. Chapter five, which studies the Modernization of Chinese criminal law, adopts a synthesis study method, and discuses the lessons and experiences "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty" left us.Law changes with time. The changes of nation and society and their interactions made "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty" come into birth. The transferring in economic situation shook the economic base of the traditional law. The emergence of new generation of merchants gave a great impact on the leveling conception of the society. The reform of political systems called for a change in law. The import of western political theory and the new national conception emergency broadened the view of the people. The late-developed and cruel traditional legal system cannot fulfill the needs of the new changes. The birth of "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty" is the result of time and situation.The rulers of the late Qing Dynasty, facing the conflicts of Chinese and western cultures, was in a quandary, they needed to take the regulations of the foreign counties in account and to consider the national situation, and had to make the criminal law accepted by both the<WP=6>people and foreign strong countries. But it was very hard to reconcile the soul of traditional Chinese culture, so the guideline of "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty" was often in a contradiction. But the legislators’ basic attitude of considering law and human feeling denied both the conservatives and jacobinical propositions and took a midway stand. It is a right and reasonable choice under that situation. The good legislation intention and new contents was not fully carried out in legal practice. "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty", which mainly represented the spirit of western industrial culture backgrounds, was separated with the domain social background of agricultural civilization. When the law, as part of national systems, went to the end with the Qing Dynasty, the traditional conception as part of social life was still left in the brain of the people. The arguments concerning the enactment of "Criminal Law of Qing Dynasty" have already passed and became history, but the phenomena that law is not carried out or not carried out well and the legislation was separated enactment does still exist today. To some extent, the modernization of Chinese legal system progresses slowly, which was mainly embodied in that law application draggling behind legislation. It also shows the modernization of legislation is

【关键词】 制定内容学术施行刑法近代化
【Key words】 enactmentcontentacademicapplicationmodernization of criminal law
  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1010

