

Three-dimensional Simulation of Tides and Tidal Currents in the Seas Adjacent to Zhejiang

【作者】 陈倩

【导师】 章本照; 黄大吉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 流体力学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文采用三维陆架海模式(HAMSOM)对整个浙江近海的潮汐和潮流进行了三维数值模拟,成功地应用网格嵌套和动边界技术获得了和实测资料相吻合的较高精度的结果,揭示了浙江近海潮汐、潮流的主要特征和运动规律。 本文以多年来沿岸各潮位站观测资料以及海岸带和海岛调查的实测海流资料为依据,用调和分析和统计的方法对浙江近海的实测潮汐、潮流和余流特征进行了系统全面的整理和研究,这些实测数据将作为检验数值模拟是否成功的依据。 针对浙江近海岸线曲折,地形多变的特点,引入网格嵌套技术,对我们感兴趣的研究区域采用1′×1′细网格进行计算,而对包括浙江近海在内的整个渤、黄、东海大区域则用10′×10′粗网格;其中,小区域的开边界条件由大区域的计算结果来提供。又根据沿岸潮滩广泛分布的特点,引入动边界技术来真实模拟这类变化的水域。本文用这两项技术对原有的HAMSOM模式进行了改进,改进后的模式被应用于浙江近海潮汐、潮流的三维数值计算中,经验证效果良好。沿岸50个潮位站计算与实测值的比较表明,加入动边界以后的小区域细网格计算较之粗网格以及未加动边界以前的情况,精度都有普遍提高。比较的均方差结果为:M2分潮振幅差4.6cm,相角差7.1;S2分潮振幅差5.0cm,相角差5.4;K1分潮振幅差2.3cm,相角差5.8;O1分潮振幅差1.6cm,相角差5.5。另外,选取了105个实测潮流点,比较了表层M2和K1分潮流调和常数分量U cosζ、U sinζ、V cosη、V sinη的实测值与计算值的偏差,结果也表明计算与实测的符合程度较好。 在验证模拟与实测符合良好的基础上,本文以模拟计算结果为主,结合实测资料的分析结论,对整个浙江近海的潮汐、潮流特征和分布规律作了全面、深入的探讨,分别对各主要分潮的潮汐同潮图、潮流同潮图、潮汐性质、潮流性质、最大可能潮差分布、潮汐日不等现象、最大可能流速分布、潮流的运动形式、潮流椭圆、余流分布以及潮流和余流的垂向结构等进行了研究,并由此得到了一系列有意义的结论。主要有: 1.浙江近海以半日分潮为主。各分潮的潮汐同潮图表明:在本海域内,半日和全日分潮都没有出现无潮点,唯浅海分潮M4和MS4分别有三个和两个无潮点。主要分潮的潮流同潮图表明:M2分潮流在29°18′N,122°46′E处有一个圆流点,同潮时线在该处以反时针旋转。K1分潮流在本区内无圆流点。 2.在本区内,潮汐和潮流性质都以非正规半日浅海潮为主。近岸处潮流以往复流为主,浙中外海区域潮流旋转性最强,且多为右旋。 3.沿岸各港湾普遍为强潮海区。其中,杭州湾、象山港、三门湾、乐清湾和温州湾潮差和潮流速都较大,以杭州湾为最。宁波一舟山深水港为潮差最小海域,但潮流却很大,故仍属于强潮海区。全区范围内潮汐日不等现象明显且复杂。 4.潮流的垂向结构为:随深度增加,最大流速减小或先略增后减小;最大流速方向右偏:椭圆率增大。余流的垂向结构为:在水深较大区域,随深度增加,余流速减小;冬季余流方向逆转,表层往南底层往北,基本都出现垂向环余流。夏季余流方向由南往北。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, The tides and tidal currents in the seas adjacent to Zhejiang Province are simulated with a three-dimensional baroclinic primitive equation model-Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model(HAMSOM). Two numerical techniques-nested grid and moving boundary method are used successfully and high precision results which compared with the observed ones are obtained. These results reveal the characteristics and the moving rules of the tides and tidal currents in this area.Based on the materials observed many years at the tidal observatories and the ocean current data measured in the coastal zone and islands in Zhejiang Province, the characteristics of tides, tidal currents and residual currents are analyzed and processed by harmonic analysis and statistical methods systematically. Such research results are compared with those from the numerical simulation to validate the effectiveness of the latter.Because of the flexuous coastal line and the diverse topography of Zhejiang Province, nested grid method is used to simulate the interested research area with fine grids of 1’×1’, and analyses the whole area of Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea, including the seas adjacent to Zhejiang, with wide grids of 10’×10’. The opening boundary condition of the small area is obtained from the calculation results in large area. Furthermore, according to the feature of widely distributed intertidal regime along the coast, moving boundary method is used to truly simulate the water area with such changes. The original HAMSOM model is improved by two numerical methods proposed in this thesis, and is applied to simulate the tides and tidal currents in the seas adjacent to Zhejiang, which is proved to be effective. Comparing the computed values with those of 50 tidal observatories, we find that the computational precision with fine grids and moving boundary are generally higher than that with wide grids or fixed boundary. The root-mean-square values of the comparative results show that the difference between the simulated and the observed amplitudes of M2 constituent is only 4.6cm, the difference of phase-lags is 7.1 ; the difference of amplitudes and phase-lags of S2 constituent are 5.0cm and 5.4 ; the difference of amplitudes and phase-lags of K1 constituent are 2.3cm and 5.8 ; the difference of amplitudes and phase-lags of O1 constituent are 1.6cm and 5.5 .In addition, we choose 105 current stations, and compare between the calculated and observed harmonic constant, U cos , U sin , V cos , V sin of M2 and K1 component currents at surface layer, and the results also indicate that the computational results agree with observed ones well.After validating the good agreement between simulated results and observed ones,The characteristics and the distribution rules of tides and tidal currents in the whole seas near to Zhejiang are thoroughly analyzed, mainly based on the simulated results, combining with the observed conclusion. The co-tidal and co-range charts, co-current charts, types of tides and tidal currents, distribution of maximum possible tidal range and maximum possible tidal current, phenomenon of diurnal inequality, moving modes of tidal currents, tidal ellipses, distribution of tidal residual currents and the vertical structure of tidal currents and residual currents are investigated respectively. And thereout we draw a series of meaningful conclusions as follows, the main of these are:1. Semi-diurnal constituent is the dominant component tides in this area. The co-tidal and co-range charts show that neither semi-diurnal constituents nor diurnal constituents have tide-free points. Only the shallow constituents M4 and MS4 respectively have three and two tide-free points. The co-current charts of main constituents show that the M2 component currents have one current-amphidromic point at 29° 18’N, 122° 46’E, and the co-phase lag lines rotate anti-clockwise here. The K1 component currents have no current-amphidromic points in the whole area.2. In this area, the type of tides an

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期

