

Research on Industrial Alliance Coupled with the Theory and Application of Fractal Network Cooperation

【作者】 董红召

【导师】 陈鹰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子工程, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 信息网络技术的迅猛发展对现代社会产生了重大影响。信息网络技术迅速融入现代制造业,对企业的市场、产品开发、制造、管理等方面都产生了变革,信息技术对于制造业来说显得前所未有的重要。同时,网络信息技术的广泛应用也促进、加快了全球经济一体化进程,市场竞争更加激烈,建立企业群协同联盟成为企业尤其是中小型企业生存与发展的重要战略。因而,利用信息网络技术,实现企业的战略协同对当今企业的发展具有极为特殊的意义。 企业协同产生的重要条件之一是产品、市场、技术等的相似性,产品、市场、技术等的相似性是以行业来划分的。本文就是从这个角度出发,通过建设行业CSCW信息平台以及企业网络协作系统,实现行业和企业的信息化,支持企业之间的合作和协同,探索了一条面向行业的、使用高效、低成本信息化方法的企业网络战略联盟新形式:行业型企业联盟。 本文从理论与实践两个方面对行业型企业联盟展开了研究,首先提出了系统、完整的行业型企业联盟理论体系,建立完善了行业型企业联盟的体系结构,划分了行业型企业联盟的组织、活动、基础理论、应用支持技术等的界面。结合分形自组织理论,根据联盟、企业、部门等多级组织的结构和工作流程的自相似性,提出了行业型企业联盟的分形自组织系统模型。在该模型中,行业型企业联盟的各级组织成员(例如企业、部门、班组等组织)可以面对具体的定单进一步自组织形成动态子结盟。这种嵌套多级动态子结盟的运行方式促使组织相对稳定的行业型企业联盟进行自组织优化,并增强了系统对多变环境的适应性和动态可重构性。 为了有效地支持行业型企业联盟的自组织动态子结盟的实现,本文研究了它的协作支持技术——分形Agent与分形网络协作理论与方法。把行业型企业联盟的各级相对独立的组织单位用具有自相似性的分形Agent来表示,构造了分形Agent的信息化结构;以此为基础,比较系统地研究了基于CSCW信息平台的分形网络协作,用分形L系统描述了企业协作系统的立体结构,并对分形网络协作中的水平协作、垂直协作予以系统详细的研究,分别把水平协作和垂直协作简化为主导分形Agent和非主导分形Agent、父级分形Agent与子级分形Agent的两个分形Agent间的协作关系来表述。 在研究垂直协作内容和方法时,探讨了目标分解方法,子任务的综合与集成等问题;在研究水平协作时,提出了用合同网及协作规划相结合实现任务分配的方法、合作伙伴的选择准则、子任务进度的计算方法和监控分析等。 目标分解是实现分形网络协作的首要环节,本文提出了比较系统的目标分解方法、包括目标分解的结构树、子目标的时序约束、子目标的分解粒度等。目标分解中的子目标时序约束可以用本文所定义的“先于”关系及其两个子关系来描述,并设计了根据描述计算子目标浙江大学博士学位论文:行业型企业联盟及其分形网络协作理论与方法的研究执行时间区间的算法,还从时序约束角度给出了目标分解粒度的确定准则。 以前面的研究为基础和理论指导,以我国液压气动与密封工业为实践对象,开发了行业型企业联盟的CSCW信息平台和网络协同制造系统。CSCW信息平台不但很好地支持了行业型企业联盟成员对信息平台的多层次、多方面的需求,经过几年的运行,还积累了丰富的行业信息(企业、产品、专家等信息)。在此基础上,对支持液压成套设备网络协同制造的信息系统进行了研究和开发。 协作中不同企业对彼此所用术语理解的歧义很大程度上影响了协作效率。本体论是对一个领域中的术语、术语的定义以及各个术语之间语义网络的明确表示和描述,可以有效地减少和避免企业网络协作时的语义歧义,XML结构化的特点非常适合于在网络平台中表述本体论。本文初步研究了基于XML的液压成套设备网络协同制造的本体论。 行业企业联盟CSCW信息平台的信息安全、尤其是企业协作系统的信息安全直接关系企业的切身利益。信息安全策略是信息安全的基础,信息安全技术是实现信息安全的保证,信息安全策略是信息系统开发、管理中的重要内容。本文从CSCW信息平台和网络协同制造系统两个方面分别阐述了它们的信息安全策略,明确了信息平台和协作系统上信息安全的目标和安全等级等,在系统开发和管理时作为选择信息安全技术的指导准则。 最后,开展了行业型企业联盟面向网络协同制造任务、建立动态子结盟的实践。介绍了企业利用信息平台及其协作系统的应用情况,并给出了网络协同制造的研究案例,比较全面地阐明了建立网络协同制造动态子结盟的工作流程和协作中的相关问题。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of network information technology exerts tremendous influence on modern industry. Network technology mingled with manufacturing engineering mellows into a great change of the market, products developing, manufacturing and enterprise management of the manufacturer. At the same time, the wide application of Internet promotes to quicken the process of economic globalization, which leads to the more fierce market competition than ever before. It is the important stratagem to establish the enterprise alliance in order to survive and develop tomorrow for the current companies, especially for small medium sized ones.Commonly, it is the essential condition being of the similarity of products, market, and technology to generate cooperation advantage for the enterprises. And at same time, the similarity of the products, market, and technology is distinguished by industries. Focusing on the service for the enterprises cooperation inside one industry, the industrial CSCW information platform coupled with its enterprise networked cooperation system is constructed. Furthermore, Industrial Alliance, an industry-oriented novel approach to establish networked enterprise alliance by high efficiency and low cost, is explored.The paper researches on both the principle and the realization methods of Industrial Alliance. Not only is the systematic theory of Industrial Alliance put forward, but also the architecture of Industrial Alliance is constructed to compartmentalize the interface among the organizations, activities, essential theories and application technologies that are the parts of the architecture.To simplify the organizing and workflow management of Industrial Alliance, the paper introduces fractal theory to the research and practice of Industrial Alliance. A fractal self-organizing system model is established. In the model, all the members of Industrial Alliance under various levels such as enterprise, department, sub-department etc could further form a dynamic sub-alliance to implement a concrete project. The operation style to nest multi-level dynamic sub-alliances can help Industrial Alliance to be self-organizing optimized and increase the flexibility and reconstructive capacity to the fluctuant market.To develop the right information system to support the realization of the dynamic sub-alliance of Industrial Alliance, a novel networked cooperation principle and technology, Fractal Agent and fractal network cooperation, is researched. The principle and technology shows us that the self-similar Fractal Agent can represent the structure of autonomous multi-level organizations of Industrial Alliance. Based on Fractal Agent, the networked-cooperation activities can be deployed on the CSCW information platform according to fractal network cooperation principle. Fractal network cooperation could be described by terms of the fractal L System, and it possesses a stereoscopic cooperation architecture that involves horizontal cooperation and vertical cooperation. The horizontal cooperation can be simplified by the cooperative relationship between dominant Fractal Agent and non-dominant Fractal Agent, and the vertical cooperation can be simplified by the cooperative relationship between father-level Fractal Agent and son-level Fractal Agent. The maincontents of vertical cooperation contain the dissociation of the goal, the synthesis and integration of sub-goals etc. And the contents of horizontal cooperation contain the allotment approach of tasks by means of contract net protocol and cooperation planning, the rules of partners’ selection, the rate calculation and monitor of sub-task progress etc.The goal dissociation is the pre-requisite to commence a fractal network cooperation activity. The systematic method to dissociate a goal is studied including several aspects such as and-or tree of task dissociation, time-sequence constraint of sub-goal, the granularity of goal dissociation etc. Among them, the time-sequence constraint could be described by terms of our defined before relationship

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期

