

Simulations of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flow with Complex Boundary Conditions

【作者】 周晓泉

【导师】 曹叔尤;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 水力学及河流动力学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 计算流体动力学是近代流体力学,数值数学和计算机科学结合的产物,是一门具有强大生命力的边缘科学。随着各种CFD技术的迅速发展,它在许多行业内得到普遍的推广和应用。本论文选取在工程应用和研究中使用最为广泛的标准的双方程k-ε紊流模型来开展研究工作,方程的离散采用有限差分方法和交错网格系统,离散方程的求解采用SIMPLEC算法。 本论文就是主要针对各种复杂的边界条件,展开三维紊流数值模拟研究工作的。作者1999年在硕士论文中对复杂边界条件作了许多推敲,形成了全域计算的初步的思想,让搭接的边界条件包含进计算域中,使得计算中没有盲点。 本论文的第一个研究重点就是把这个研究继续推进,把搭接的边界条件推广到普遍的周期边界条件中去,重点针对在旋转机械领域内最为常见的环列型周期边界条件的、也兼顾出口边界条件。本文对两个模型——蜗壳与固定导叶内部流动、固定导叶与活动导叶的内部流动——进行了对比数值实验,从已往的周期边界条件的处理方法,到全域计算方法对周期边界条件的设置。数值实验的结果表明全域计算方法是成功的,它完全避免了人为地对周期边界条件的设置,使得我们周期边界处的流动如同流场中其他内部流动—样,完全由紊流模型提供。同时也证明全域计算的方法完全可以运用到在旋转机械领域中大量存在有的环列型周期边界的数值模拟中。 其次,对各种复杂的边界条件进行了分类,形成了一个比较全面的全域计算的思想,尽量纳入更多的边界进入我们的计算域(使其不受人工干预),使得四川大学博士学位论文这些边界的参数设置是由紊流模型产生的,而不是插值近了以的;在不育彭内入时,根据其流动特点,对边界进行精心的合乎理性的设置(人工千殉。这就是全域计算的思想。目前,可以有两种类型的周期边界条幽环列型周期边界、阵列型周期边卿、镜面边界条件、混合型边界条件都可以纳入洲门的全域计算的方法中。 对其他的边界条件,如进口边界本文发展了让其间接参与迭代的处理方法,在实际的河流的模拟中得到了很好的验证,收放型出口边界条件钮遮渡矩的梯度代替遨变的梯度来处理有比较大的优越胜。 全域计算的意义,就是能使我邢珑费很小的代价,就可以模拟复杂的汉浙,并且可以应用更复杂、精确的模戮如直接数值模拟)于流动的模拟中。 本文把自编三维的紊流模型引入河道的流动模拟中,把自编软件同商用软件相结合的方法模拟三维河道,两种方式各有优缺点。使用商用CED软件来模拟流动,可以大量代替简单的但又是繁重的、没有太多技术含量的手工编朽纽二作,在实际的操作中可以真正做到短、平、快的效果。 本文下彭月八砚OLISP语言对Aut0CAD进行二次开发,从CAD中提取有用的数据,然后编写软件进行处理,把处理结果导入CFD中。从CAD到CFD中间搭起了一座桥梁,可以大大士公堤高洲门的工作效率。 在对排沙漏斗的简化模型(取其外围了80口弯询的数值模拟结果使得我们可以确认,排沙漏斗的流动中可能存在二次流。 这样扫渺漏斗的模型实验有了明确的目标:捕捉二次流。作者专门针对」甫捉断面的二次流而设计实验大纲,在可能有二次流的地方.,加密测点密度。由于ADV仪器本身的缺点及实验引牛的限制,导致未能捕捉到断面的二次济励,或者根本就不存在二次流动,虽如此,但对排沙漏斗的流动有了总体的定性的认识。 各种边界穿平卜中,最为复杂的莫过于自由表面边界,对它的模拟历来是个对筋渔。本文采用有自由表面追踪功能(v0F模黝的商用cFD通用软件来进行自由表面的研究,所选的模型就是排沙漏斗。 在模步州卜沙漏斗前,作了多种网格和多种工况的二维、三维的溃坝流动的数值实验,证明标准的VOF模型可以运用于自由表面的模拟中。进而设计了在结构上介于护剖贝与排沙漏斗之间的三维槽泄漏徽型,又宇之的模拟使得最终确ll 摘要定了所有相关的模型参数的设置,证明水池泄漏问题也是可以模拟的,也证明VOF模型可以用于类丁州卜沙漏斗的泄漏问题。 经过的排沙漏斗严谨的数值实验,从排沙漏斗的溃坝模型,至州卜沙漏斗的泄漏模型,再到排沙漏斗的强制流动,最后只能证明模拟有一个最终的结果,那就是排沙漏斗没有自由涡,或者说VOF模型模拟排之域属斗的自由表面问题是失败的。这也是证明了标准的VOF模型可以用于比较粗糙的、通用的带有自由表面的流动模拟,但是不适合比较精细的流动模拟,如排沙漏斗的流动模拟,和类似的带自由涡的运动。 作者最后对排沙漏斗的模拟提出了自己的看法,可否用全域计算的思想来进行出口边界和自由表面边界的模拟。对于在排沙漏之}一中央附近的自由水面的模拟可以参考速度矩的守恒条件来近似处理,和排沙出口处的边界设置可以考虑能量守恒。

【Abstract】 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a combinative production of modem hydrodynamics, numerical mathematics and computer science, and is a new science - with powerful vital force. Along with the rapid development of CFD technology, it has been broadly used in increasing industry fields. In this dissertation, the simulations of the three-dimensional turbulent flows were conducted based on standard k-e turbulent model with body-fitted coordinates and staggering grid system. The SIMPLEC algoritlun was adopted in the numerical procedure.In 1999, the author has already formed a primary "wholesale computing methods", including the jointing boundary conditions into our calculating domain and letting no blind points in our simulations.The first research of this paper is keeping on study of the "wholesale computing methods", and expanding the specific jointing boundary conditions to a general circular array periodic boundary condition. The calculating results of the "wholesale computing methods" were compared with those of traditional ones. These results indicate that the "wholesale computing methods" can give much better results, and can be used in simulating flow that has circular array periodic boundary such as flow through rotational impellers.In chapter two, many complex boundaries were classified and the general "wholesale computing methods" were formed, hi "wholesale computing methods", we contain boundaries as many as possible into our calculating domain (not to be disturb by artificially setting). In case of cannot contained, we set the boundary condition according to its peculiarity (artificially setting).In this dissertation, we use both our own CFD program and commercial CFD software to simulate the 3-D flow in the river basin, and the commercial CFD software can greatly save our time and a great deal of simple but burdensome programming work.In this paper, we use AutoLISP programming language to pick up useful data from CAD drawing, then program the data, and then dump them into CFD usage. The program works from CAD to CFD can greatly increase our efficiency.After simulating of simplified sand funnel (the outer 180 ?channel) model, we can assume that there exist a secondary flow in the cross section of sand funnel, and it can give us the goal of the experiment: catching the secondary flow. Because of the disadvantage of the ADV instrument and limitation of experiment condition, the secondary flow was not approved in sand funnel.Of all boundary conditions, the free surface boundary must be the most complicated one. In this paper, we use commercial CFD software with VOF model to do our numerical simulation on sand funnel.The dams collapsing models and a testing model with many grids and cases were simulated, the results prove that VOF model can successfully used in simulation general free surface flow.The simulations of sand funnel tell us that the VOF model cannot simulate the flow in sand funnel because of its strongly vortex flow. The author gives some advices on simulating sand funnel, such as use "wholesale computing methods" to set the surface boundary and outflow boundary as they are.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】TV131.21
  • 【被引频次】54
  • 【下载频次】2009
  • 攻读期成果

