

Researches on Quasi-Dynamic Calibration Technique and Experiment with Plastic Pressure-Measuring Elements

【作者】 孔德仁

【导师】 朱明武;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 塑性变形测压法具有工作可靠、使用方便、成本低廉等突出的优点,一百多年来,一直是常规武器膛压检验的主要技术手段。我国的铜柱测压法基本上仍沿用静态标定体制,而静标铜柱用于动态膛压测量会产生严重的静动差。为减少静动差,研究铜柱测压动态误差的形成机理,研究消除或修正动态误差的方法,具有重要的实用价值,它将给百年老技术注入新的生命力。 准动态校准技术可有效地减小静动差,是塑性测压器件校准体制的改革方向,虽经二十多年的发展,但还存在许多有待进一步研究的问题。本文基于进一步完善准动态校准技术,为建立完善的塑性测压器材的准动态校准体制的考虑,进行了大量的工作。论文主要工作体现在以下几个方面: 1 从铜柱测压机理出发,建立了较为完善的/1铜柱测压系统的数学模型,编制了数值求解程序,并进行了仿真计算,仿真结果与实验测量结果基本相符,通过仿真计算,获得了测压铜柱在压力作用下的变形规律。 2 应用所建模型,对Φ3.5×8.75mm柱形铜柱进行了被测信号脉宽变化的仿真计算。从理论上得到了被测压力信号脉宽变化时,查准动态压力对照表的误差变化规律,经实验证明该规律是正确的。 3 利用落锤液压动标装置组织了Φ3.5×8.75mm柱形铜柱、Φ4.763mm铜球的变脉宽准动态校准试验,通过试验数据处理,获得了两种型号塑性测压器件的脉宽影响规律。探讨了符合我国传统压力修正方法的脉宽修正方法,并建立了相应的多项式修正公式和由量纲分析及相似理论获得的压力修正公式。验证试验表明,修正公式修正效果令人满意。 4 对准动态校准之动态压力对照表进行了系统的不确定度分析,利用变脉宽校准数据,阐明了由于被测压力脉宽变化引起的查表误差的规律,根据该不确定度计算方法,探讨了测压铜柱、测压铜球用6.0±0.6ms准动态校准压力对照表的适用范围。 5 对测压铜柱及测压铜球的温度修正方法展开了系统研究,首次提出了塑性测压器件温度统一误差修正这一问题。在落锤液压动标装置上组织了多批次的铜柱、铜球高低温准动态校准试验,探讨了建立温度误差统一修正公式的可行性,建立了测压铜球,测压铜柱符合我国传统修正方法的温度统一误差修正公式。试验证明了温度误差统一修正公式的可信性,同时探讨了温度误差统一修正公式的适用范围。 6 由于落锤液压动标装置校准系统的校准压力监测精度极为重要,本文对四路电测压力系统进行频域建模,分析了产生不一致的原因,定义了系统的误差函数及推导了统一误差模型的修正公式。 7文中提出了传感器准静态“绝对校准”方法,并利用落锤液压动标装置进行了传感器准静态校准试验,分段建立了传感器准静态“绝对校准”模型,由试验证明模型可靠。为减少塑性测压器材准动态校准调试工作量,建立了测压铜柱及测压铜球的准动态校准模型,该模型经试验证明具有一定的普遍性,可推广到同类型号测压器件的准动态校准。 8为完善塑性测压器材准动态校准的管理,利用LabVIEW开发环境,编制了塑性测压器材准动态校准数据分析及管理软件包。该软件包具有以下功能:对己准动态校准过的所有塑性测压器件的动态压力对照表、脉宽修正表、温度修正表实现数据管理操作;对新研制的塑性敏感元件可实现现场制表并自动添加到数据库;自动查表。 9提出了采用价格低但精度高的测力传感器系统替代四路压力传感器系统以实现真正意义上的压力动态绝对校准。文中介绍了压力动态绝对校准的实施方法及其优越性,建立了简易的力学模型,进行了绝对校准不确定度估算,设计的专用测力传感器性能完全满足本系统的需要,经大量试验,阐明了力与压力的关系。

【Abstract】 For more than a hundred years, the method of plastic deformation for measuring pressures has been the main means to test the chamber pressure of conventional weapons because of its advantages of reliability, convenience and low price. In our country the method of pressure-measuring with copper cylinders adopts the system of static calibration on the whole. The serious static-dynamic discrepancy will be caused when the copper cylinders statically calibrated are used to measure the dynamic chamber pressure. To decrease the discrepancy, it is important to study the mechanism of the dynamic error and the method of eliminating or correcting the error.The static-dynamic error can be decreased effectively by the quasi-dynamic calibration which is the direction of improving calibration system of plastic pressure-measuring elements. Despite the development of more than twenty years, there are still many problems to be further studied. To make the quasi-dynamic calibration system perfect, much work has been done in this dissertation. The main work consists of the following parts.1.The mathematical model of copper cylinder pressure-measuring system is established according to the pressure-measuring mechanism of copper cylinders and the numerical solution program is made. The simulation of this model has been done and the simulation result agrees with the measuring result quite well. According to the simulating calculation, the regularity of copper cylinder deformation under different pressure is obtained.2.With the mathematical model, the simulation on O 3.5 X 8.75mm pillar copper cylinders for varying the pulse width of the signal has been done. The variation regulation of error by consulting the dynamic pressure corresponding table is got theoretically. It has been testified that the regulation is right.3.A series of quasi-dynamic calibration tests by varying the pressure pulse width for the <t> 3.5 X 8.75mm pillar copper cylinders and O 4.763mm copper spheres are done on the dropper-hammer hydraulic dynamic pressure calibration device. By means of data analysis, the regulations of pulse width’s effect on the two types of plastic pressure-measuring elements are obtained. The method ofcorrecting pulse width, which is in accord with the traditional correcting pressure method, is discussed. The polynomial correcting formula and the pressure correcting formula by means of dimensional analysis and similarity theory are obtained. It is testified by the tests that the effect of the correcting formulas is satisfactory.4.The uncertainty of quasi-dynamic pressure corresponding tables is analyzed systemically. According to the data obtained from the calibration process by varying the pulse width, the regulation of error on consulting the quasi-dynamic pressure corresponding tables caused by the variation of the pressure pulse width is explained. And the applicable scope of the 6ms quasi-dynamic pressure corresponding tables is discussed.5.The methods of temperature-correcting on copper cylinders and copper spheres are discussed. The method of unitive temperature-correcting on plastic pressue-measuring elements is put forward for the first time. Large quantities of quasi-dynamic calibration tests in different temperatures are carried out on the dropper-hammer hydraulic dynamic pressure calibration device and the unitive temperature-correcting formula which accords with the traditional correcting method is got. It is shown by the tests that the unitive temperature-correcting formula is credible and the applicable scope of the unitive temperature-correcting formula is discussed.6.Since the monitor precision of quasi-dynamic calibration system is very important,the model of the four channel electric pressure-measuring system in frequency domain is built up. The cause of variance is analyzed. The error function of the system is defined and the formula of correcting the system error is derived.7.The method of quasi-static absolute calibration for the sensors is brought forward in this dissertation. The tests of


