

Probing into Overall Development of People’s Talent in Primary

【作者】 吴旭坦

【导师】 谭献民;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中共党史, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 人的全面发展是马克思主义关于建设社会主义新社会的本质要求,也是中国特色社会主义现代化建设的关键一环。随着我国的改革开放,我国社会主义现代化建设在飞速发展,日新月异,人们的物质生活水平提高了,人们的精神文化需求也提高了,因此,在新的世纪里,中国共产党应如何迎接新世纪的严峻挑战,领导人民搞好社会主义现代化建设,带领全国人民全面进入小康社会,这是历史赋予的重任。那么,要实现这一社会主义初级阶段的目标,关键在哪里呢?中国特色社会主义的总设计师邓小平同志就非常明确地回答了这一问题,他高瞻远瞩的指出:中国社会主义现代化建设“关键在人”,关键在人的培养和教育、人的全面发展。因此,他在继毛泽东同志提出的:使受教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展,成为有社会主义觉悟的、有文化的劳动者的人格模式之后也提出了:社会主义“四有新人”的人格模式。可以说,一个时代赋予一个时代人格模式的不同内涵,与这个时代的发展是互动的。所以,无论是从科学技术第一生产力的作用与人的全面发展的相互关系看,还是从当今知识经济使人力资源成为第一资源、人力资本成为第一资本与人的全面发展的相互关系看;无论是从社会主义法制建设和以法治国与人的全面发展的相互关系看还是从社会主义道德文明建设和以德治国与人的全面发展的相互关系看,在我国社会主义初级阶段的这个特定的时代里,促进人的全面发展关键在于要以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以此武装全国人民的头脑。因此,本文正是力图从这几个层面来探讨社会主义初级阶段人的全面发展的关系。 一、体制改革与人的全面发展的相互关系 在体制改革的进程中,一方面,科学技术作为第一生产力的集中体现,它的发展要求无疑是要提高全民族的科学文化素质、劳动技能和科技创新的能力,因而,科学技术作为第一生产力是促进人的全面发展的物质基础和实践动力;另一方面,全民族的科学文化素质的提高又是推动科学技术第一生产力迅速发展的精神动力,是科学技术第一生产力能否迅速发展的前提条件。因此,科技、经济和政治体制改革是促进科学技术第一生产力的发展与提高全民族的科学文化素质之有机统一的制度机制和动力机制。社会主义市场经济和民主政治体制不仅是推动科学技术第一生产力快速发展的有效的社会制度,而且也是丰富发展社会关系,从而丰富与发展全民族素质潜能的有效的社会制度,它使最广大的人民群众人人获取自身的切实利益上,从国家和社会主人翁的地位上,来丰富发展自己毕生潜能,从而推动科学技术第一生产力的快速发展。 二、知识经济和思想政治创新与人的全面发展的相互关系 知识经济已经席卷全球,顺之者昌、逆之者亡,中国加入WTO,即是迎接知识经济的挑战砂知识经济使人,力资源成为第一资源少天力资本成为第一资本,知识的生产、消费和知识技术的创新,完全是建立在人的逐步全面和自由地发展的基础之上。因此,知识经济作为一种高品位竞争经济离不开全面发展的人,而人的全面发展又有赖于知识经济的促进。思想政治教育的根本任务是为了达到思想政治教育的根本目的所需要完成的工作,它是由思想政治教育的根本目的一决定的。人的全面发展,是一个既关系到社会发展和进步,又关系到人的自身完善和幸福的问题。因此,人的全面发展是思想政治工作的根本目的和根本任务。党的思想政治工作必须紧紧扣住人的全面发展而进行内容、方法的创新,江泽民同志关于思想政治工作的系列论述,既是这一时代要求的反映,又是以思想政治教育来促进人的全面发展的理论基础。三、“三个代表”重要思想与一人的全面发展的相互关系 江泽民同志关于“三个代表”的重要思想是中国共产党迎接新世纪挑战,确立“建设一个什么样的党,怎么样建设党”的指导思想,因而,也是不断促进人的全面发展的指导思想。它把党的先进性质、社会主义制度的优越性,通过发展先进生产力、先进文化和实现最广大人民的根本利益的途径,落实在社会的全面进步和人的全面发展上。因而,一方面从发展先进生产力和先进文化,“实现最f一大人民群众不断增长的物质文化需求来促进人的全面发展;另一方面,则通过不断促进人的全面发展以推动社会全面进步,来保持党的先进性。因此,不断促进人的全面发展又是贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想的根本措施。 总之,社会主义初级阶段人的全面发展不仅与改革有着密切关系,而且与知识经济的兴起,以法治国、以德治国有着互相依赖、互相促进的关系,思想政治工作作为社会主义精神文明建设的核心内容、人的全面发展是思想政治教育的根本任务。因此,在社会主义初级阶段促进人的全面发展,应以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,把握社会主义社会本质,全面、系统、深刻地了解和剖析人的全面发展的客观规律。

【Abstract】 The full development a person is not only the essential requirement of builiding socialist new society according to Maxism, but also the critical step of the socialist modernizational constructipn with Chinese feature. Since reformation and open policies were carriea out in China, the construction of’socialist modernization in China has been speeclea up and every thing in China has been changing faster ana faster, the worldly wealth of Chinese people has been increased, the heavenly wealth of Chinese peole shoala also be improvea. As a result, it is a historic obligation for our Party in the new century how the Chinese Communist Party meets the rigorous challenge, leads the people to build the socialist modernization and pushes the Chinese people into well-being society. Where are the key points if the pupose of socialist preliminary phase is going to be attainea? The chief designer of Chinese featured socialist, comerade Deng XiaoPin, has answerea the problem definitely. He has wisely pointea out that the construction of socialist modernizations in China is basea on "people", their cultivation and education and their full development. Therefore, he has inheritea what Mao Ze Dong saia: "Our educational policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually. And physically and decome a worker with both socialist consciousness and culture." and then he puts forward the theory of "Four Possessions" according to Mao’s theory. So it is very obvious that every epoch should confer the people different patterns of personality contents, the development of this epoch and its contents interact each other. Consequently, the preliminary phase of Chinese so cialism is a special epoch, in the specialIVepoch "Three Representations’^ the most important factor that Promotes the full development of people and brainwashes the Chinese people; Whether we understana it from the interrelation between the use of science and technology which is considerea as the first productive force and the fur-development of people, or from the interrelation between the personal Iresources which are regarded as the first resources in the knowleage economy and the full development of people, of from the interrelation between the socialist lawful establishment, legally supervising the country and the full development of people, or from the interrelation between the socialist virtue-civilized construction, making use of virtue to manage the country and the full development of people. The relationship between the important thought of "social primary-stage" and the full development of people will be discusseu in this article according to the mentioned abo-.-e interrelations.I The Interrelation between the System Reformation ar.d the Full Development of PeopleOn one hand, in the course of reform science and technology as the first productive force concentrates on showing that it is no doubt that the development of science and technology increases the scientific and cultural quality of our nation, working technique and creative ability; on the other hana, increasing the scientific and cultural quality of our nation is a spiritual motivation of accelerating science and technology-the first productive force-to develop quickly, it is a premise whether the science and technology, the first productive force grows rapidly or not. Soscience, technology, economy and political system reform is a systematic base and driving force with which the science and technology, the first productive force and scientific and cultural quality of ournation will be developed and improved enormously. Socialist marked economy and democratic politics are not only an effective social system which contributes to the rapia development of science and technology, the first productiveforce, but also eariches the social relationship. Ah effective social system with the potentiality of our national quality will be enriched and developed accordingly, it gives people chances to get hieir own benefits, people try their best exploit their own po

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