

【作者】 张金福

【导师】 薛天祥;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本研究从历史学、哲学和教育学的视角,运用历史的、辩证的立场、观点和方法,通过对西方大学人文教育与科学教育关系演变历程的钩沉,从人的主体结构与知识形态两个视角,论述了大学人文教育与科学教育结合的必然性、必要性和可能性,梳理了两者结合的理路,在此基础上,通过对我国大学人文教育与科学教育关系的历史和现状的把脉,对推进我国大学人文教育与科学教育的结合,提出了几点富有建设性的想法。 考察西方大学教育发展史发现,自由教育并非是像学术界一贯认可的那种单向度的人文教育,而是人文教育与科学教育的结合,当今大学所实施的通识教育是自由教育的现代模式,是自由教育的理想在现代大学中的自然延伸;人文教育是西方大学教育的基石,它总是与科学教育在张力中协调发展,以追求人的全面自由发展为目标;人文教育的发展表现出一定的时代性特征;人文学科是人文教育的基础,但它不是人文教育的全部,其核心旨在培养人文精神;人文教育与科学教育的结合问题是人类教育发展的永恒主题,是西方大学一直致力的理念,也是当今乃至未来世界大学教育发展的必然趋势;20世纪中后期西方大学人文教育与科学教育的结合首先是从复兴人文教育、提高人文教育的地位以及重构人文教育开始的。 从人的主体结构看,希腊人强调人的发展是理性与非理性均衡发展,但是偏向理性发展。而后观念论哲学把人的发展完全归结为理性的单向度发展,导致理性主义泛滥无归。继而生存论哲学在批判观念论片面强调理性之维的同时,又走向了另一极端,即把人的发展完全等同于人的非理性的片面发展。无论把人的发展说成是理性发展的观念论哲学,还是把人的发展归结为非理性发展的生存论哲学,都是片面的。马克思主义哲学,承认理性在认识过程中的主导地位,但并不因此逼近理性主义;充分肯定非理性因素在认识过程中的重要作用,并不因此而走向非理性主义。任何现实的认识过程,总是理性因素与非理性因素的内在统一,人的主体发展是人的理性与非理性的协同发展。人的理性之维需要科学教育和人文教育来培养,人的非理性向度需要人文教育去呵护。因此,从人的主体发展层面看,大学人文教育与科学教育结合非常必要,大学教育应该是人文教育与科学教育的结合与统一。 从知识形态视角看,科学和人文,有如春兰秋菊,各有所长,科学知识有它的性格特征;而人文知识也有自己的性格特征。就认知层面而言,人文知识具有浓厚的经验色彩;而科学知识具有典型的理论意味;从获取知识方法手段上来看,科学知识主要是依靠逻辑推理的、实证的方法手段获取的;而人文知识则是通过感悟的、神秘的方法手段获得的;从心理效应上看,科学知识能唤起人们大致相同的反映,是可以统一的;而人文知识则会激起丰富多样的感受,是允许多元的;从知识的效用价值上看,论大学人文教育与科学教育的结合科学知识讲求实效性原则,最终用于改善人的物质生活;而人文知识则是调节人的心态的,具有提升人格的功能。人文知识与科学知识虽有区别,但有联系和相通以及互补之处。科学是人文把握世界和人生的基础和中介;人文为科学发展引路和导航,科学发展离不开人文之光的普照。人文与科学在精神上的一致性与两者功官题拼卜性,充分说明人文教育与科学教育结合不仅可能,而且完全可以。因此,从知识形态角度看,人文教育与科学教育结合具有可能性。 近代教育形成后,人文主义教育观与科学主义教育观始终矛盾和冲突着,在19也丝己后半期和加世丝己初期,这种矛盾和冲突曾达到顶峰。在这矛盾和冲突中,出现了两种融合人文教育与科学教育的思维方式:人文科学主义教育观和科学人文主义教育观。前者在融合人文教育与科学教育做法上倾向于以科学为准则、核心或取向的方式来融合两种教育;而后者则主张以人文为目的、主轴或取向的方式来融合两种教育。前者融合的结果便是人文教育科学化;后者结合的结果就是科学教育人文化以及技术教育人文化。相形之下,科学人文主义教育观念更贴近教育的本质,更有利于推进大学人文教育与科学教育的结合。正是在这一理念下,世界各国大学在加世丝己中后期形成了文理渗透模式、理想与务实融会模式以及通识教育模式,来描差大学人文教育与科学教育结合。 中国古代高等教育具有典型的人文教育本位特征,表现为强烈的伦理主义色彩。近代随着西方科学技术不断东渐,科学教育进驻大学,并在大学课程结构中占据重要的创字,人文教育的中心位序受到挤压,呈现出两者并存或有.过之而无不及的状况。如何协调两者关系,成了近代人苦苦思索的问题。近代人以中国传统文化的侧印为前提,提出了“中体西用”的文化论式,来协调人文教育与科学教育在大学中的J创字,以回应现代化的挑战。然而20世纪以来,中国大学人文教育与科学教育的关系在教育与政治、意识形态的高度同构关系的传统背景下,经过了科玄论战、通专之辩,特别是新中国成立以来的专才教育教育模式之后,大学教育一度有科学主义倾向,人文教育表现为科学至上性、政治化、意识形态化取向

【Abstract】 This dissertation presented the evolvement course of the relation between humanistic education and science education in western university by historical reflection, discussed the inevitability, necessity and possibility of the combination of humanistic education and science education from angles of view of the subjective structure and the theory of knowledge, and also hackled the ideas of the combination of both. Then it put forward some viewpoints by grasping the characteristics of history and actuality of the relation of both.The history of western higher education indicates that liberal education virtually is the combination of humanistic education and science education, and general education is the modern pattern, which is the extension of the idea of liberal education. Humanistic education is the foundation stone of western higher education, it always links with general education, and its development puts up definite time characteristic. The humanities are foundations of humanistic education, but are not in all, the core mission is to bring up humanity. The issue of combination of humanistic education and science education is everlasting theme of the human education, and also is the developmental trend of the world higher education nowadays and tomorrow.From angle of view of the subjective structure, Greek philosophy stressed the equivalent development of rationality and non-rationality, but leaned to the development of rationality. Afterwards the classic philosophy looked upon human development as the single development of rationality so that rationalism overflowed. After that modern philosophy went to the other extreme while animadverting classic philosophy, which unilaterally stressed the rationality. Both classic philosophy and modern philosophy were unilateral. Marxist philosophy stresses the function of both rationality and non-rationality, and human development can be the development of both rationality and non-rationality. The fostering of rationality needs humanistic education and science education, and the training of non-rationality needs humanistic education. Therefore, the human development needs the combination of humanistic education and science education.From angles of view of the theory of knowledge, Science and humanity have their own superintendent. Science has its own characteristics, and humanity has its own ones. They are different from each other, but they also have something that can be communicated with and supplement mutually. Science is the foundation and medium which humanity holds the world and life by; humanity is leader and navigator of science development. Thereby, the combination of humanistic education and science education has its possibilities from the view of the theory knowledge.Since modern education came into being, the humanist view on education had conflicted with scientism view on education all the while. This conflict reached the zenith during the later half period of the 19th century and the initial stages of the 20th century. There were two patterns with which humanistic education combined with science education, one was humanistic education sciencized and the other was science education humanism.Comparatively, the idea of science humanism press more close to the essence of education, and is more propitious to advance the combination of humanistic education and science education. With the guide of this idea, the universities all over the world have formed three patterns, which boost the combination of both humanistic and science education, they are penetration of science and liberal, melting of ideal and reality, general education.Chinese ancient higher education is typical characteristic of humanistic education, which represents the color of ethic-ism. Humanistic education was at central position of Chinese ancient education. In modern history with western science technology introducing-in gradually, science education was put in University, and took an important position in the course structure of university* the central position of humanis

  • 【分类号】G640
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】5144

