
基于Web Services的敏捷供应链管理系统研究

【作者】 熊光彩

【导师】 张定华; 莫蓉; 杨海成;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 航空宇航制造工程, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 敏捷制造概念的提出对供应链问题赋予了新的含义和要求。支持敏捷制造的敏捷供应链是由客户、生产商与供应商组成的一个庞大网络。一个完整的敏捷供应链管理系统可以改进企业间的协作机制和供求关系,为企业提供直接的市场信息和广阔的销售渠道,全面提高企业的综合效益。 供应链的商业过程往往需要许多企业的参与,且各企业负责不同的工作,彼此间需要进行信息交换,并按流程、有步骤地相互协作,有效地进行互操作,才能完成整个商业过程。因此敏捷供应链的实现需要摆脱独立解决方案的实现模式,需要舍弃复杂系统连接的实现方法,同时这样的应用应当本身就具备高可定制的“即时装配”和“规模可伸缩”等特性。本文从敏捷供应链的特点需求出发,以实现供应链中各盟员企业之间的商业信息共享和集成,实现敏捷供应链的动态构建、商业伙伴智能发现及商业流程自动化为目标,致力于将Web Services领域中最新技术成果及一些相关的先进思想引入到敏捷供应链的研究之中。全文将重点围绕下述内容进行展开: (1) 基于Web服务的敏捷供应链集成框架研究 Web服务提供一种新的分布式的计算技术,在Internet/Intranet上通过使用标准的XML协议和信息格式来展现商业应用服务。使用标准的XML协议使得Web服务平台、语言和发布者能够互相独立,解决了现有实现方案(如CORBA和DCOM)中的互用性问题。基于敏捷供应链的特点需求,提出一个基于Web服务的敏捷供应链管理系统实施框架,研究该供应链系统中各典型在线服务组件功能划分、集成接口设计、数据规范建模,并对系统的整体层次架构进行明确的定义和描述。 (2) 敏捷供应链商业伙伴的有效发布和智能发现研究 研究UDDI(统一描述、发现和集成协议)的注册发布、查找和调用实现机制,提出基于UDDI方法实现供应链各应用的远程界面的有效发布及智能查找调用:供应链内各商业实体通过UDDI将自身的商务过程和服务描述发布到一个全球性的开放环境中去,以扩展它们的业务范围;潜在的商业伙伴在UDDI中快速、动态地互相发现并进行交互。同时研究系统如何“自我治愈”地恢复曾经建立过的对等连接。 (3) 敏捷供应链即时装配集成的动态机制研究 供应链企业联盟从形成、消亡到新的联盟形成处于不断变化的动态过程当中。要适应供应链这种动态特性,实现商业服务应用功能的Web服务必须具备跨平台调用和接口可机器识别的基础特性。SOAP(简单对象访问协议)用来最终完成Web服务调用,而WSDL(Web服务描述语言)则用于描述如何使用SOAP来调用Web服务。研究WSDL的开放和复用的体系设计思想,结合敏捷供应链自身需求,提出利用WSDL方法对应用服务接口和调用规范进行定义和描述,从而有效满足敏捷供应链分布式服务的自动识别发现等智能性需求,以及服务可即时装配集成的动态性需求。 (4) 敏捷供应链自动化商业流程研究 研究W七b服务工作流技术及一般商业流程建模的基本原理,提出应用WSFL(W七b服务工作流语言)规范,跨越各种技术和商业的边界对供应链商业流程进行建模,把供应链整个商业过程定义为从一个活动执行到另一个活动执行的工作流,以集成敏捷供应链中不同行为服务,构建基于M几b服务和工作流的敏捷供应链。(5)基于Web服务和工作流的供应链商业流程实现 基于W七b服务技术和模型框架,通过使用灵活的Web服务工作流规范来集成供应链中由产品制造商、产品代理商和帐户管理中间人等所提供的不同行为服务,将这些来自不同商业实体的现有的Web服务聚集在一个流程模型中工作,从而创建一个全新的W七b服务,实现一个完整的商业流程。并使该商业流程的活动在工作流引擎的导引下,按照控制点层层递进而自动化地实现。

【Abstract】 Agile manufacturing introduces new principles and requirements to supply chain. The Agile Supply Chain that supports the agile manufacturing is a huge network, which comprises customers, producers and suppliers. An integrated Agile Supply Chain management system can improve the collaboration mechanism and the supply relationship among different corporations, provide direct market information and broad distribution channel, and therefore increase the comprehensive benefits of corporations.To accomplish the entire business process, supply chain system needs participation of functionally different corporations. In such a supply chain, all the partners exchange information among each other, cooperate orderly and interact effectively between each other according to one certain procedure. Therefore to realize this Agile Supply Chain, it is necessary to abandon independent solution methodology and complex system connection technology. At the same time, this kind of application should also possess such properties as instantaneous assembly and flexible scalability.By studying the special requirement of Agile Supply Chain, this dissertation aims at realization of the sharing and integration of business information among the supply chain participants, the dynamic construction of Agile Supply Chain, the intellective discovery of business associates, and the automatization of business procedure.Combining the up-to-date technical achievements in Web Services and correlative advance ideas in supply chain, the following investigations are mainly evolved:(1) Research on the integrated framework of Agile Supply Chain based on Web ServicesWeb Services provides a distributed computing technique, which can be used to realize commerce application services by following standard XML protocol and information format via Internet/Intranet. The using of XML makes Web Services interface, language and promulgator independent among each other, and avoids the inter-call problem that is always encountered in current solutions (such as via CORBA and DCOM). To meet the special requirements of Agile Supply Chain, this dissertation formulates an implementation framework for Agile Supply Chain management system based on Web Services. The function partition of representative online service component, integrated interface design, and data specification model are researched, and the hierarchical structure of the entire system are definitely defined and described.(2) Research on the effective publishing and intelligent discovering of Agile Supply Chain associateThis dissertation investigates the registry, publishing, discovering and implementing mechanism of UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration), and develops a set of methods from UDDI for effectively publishing, as well as intelligently discovering and implementing, remote interface of supply chain. This includes how supply chain business entities publish their own business processes and servicedescriptions in a globally opened environment to promote their business opportunity via UDDI; and how an entity quickly and dynamically discovers its potential commerce partners and consequently cooperates with them. Additionally, how to automatically resume the formerly established peer-to-peer connection, in a "self-cured" way, is also studied.(3) Research on the dynamic mechanism of instantaneous building and integrating of Agile Supply ChainIt is an ever-changing dynamic process from the establishment of one supply chain corporation alliance to its wither away, and then the formation of a completely new one. This kind of dynamic property requires the Web Service, which performs the commerce service application, should possess the basic functions such as cross-platform call and machinery distinguishable interface. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) will be used to accomplish Web Service calling, while WSDL (Web Services Description Language) will be used to describe how SOAP calls the Web Service. This dissertation investigates the open a

【关键词】 敏捷供应链商业流程电子商务SOAXMLWeb ServicesSOAPUDDIWSDLWSFL
【Key words】 Agile Supply ChainCommerce FlowE-businessSOAXMLWeb ServicesSOAPUDDIWSDLWSFL
  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】1103
  • 攻读期成果

