

Study on Sustainable Development of Minor Crops Production in the Loess Plateau of China

【作者】 张雄

【导师】 王立祥;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 黄土高原农耕历史久远,是我国农业的主要发祥地之一。该区气候具有典型的大陆性干旱、半干旱季风气候特征,年降水量250~600mm,是我国北方主要的旱作农业区域。由于降水数量欠缺,年内分布不均,年际间变率大,加上严重的水土流失,旱灾已成为该区最大的自然灾害,常常困扰着旱作农业生产的可持续性。长期以来,种植耐旱作物一直是旱区农业生产的固有措施,选择与旱区资源环境相适应的作物种群,籍助科技进步,充分挖掘并持续增进其降水生产潜力,是实现旱区农业和农村经济可持续发展的重要途径。 小杂粮耐旱耐瘠,适应性强,自古以来一直在黄土高原旱作农区作物生产中占居着主体地位,迄今为止,依然是不可或缺。同时,小杂粮营养丰富,医食同源,是我国传统的保健食品原料作物和出口农产品,在国内外市场上具有较强的竞争力,蕴藏着巨大的经济效益。此外,小杂粮还是黄土高原植被的重要组成部分,对该区水土流失控制具有重要的历史和现实意义。因此,抓住我国农业结构战略性调整的历史契机,顺应市场经济潮流,因地制宜,大力发展小杂粮生产,不断提高其生产水平,实现特色农业产业化,将是黄土高原旱区农业生产发展的长期战略选择。 全文共分8章。第一章是引言,在全面论述黄土高原旱区旱作农业重要的战略地位和旱区扩大,旱情加剧的认识基础上,指出小杂粮作物在旱区的不可替代性;展示了小杂粮生产的发展前景和趋势,明确了当前小杂粮科研应予注重的研究方向,并提出本研究的基本思路。第二章分不同省区和作物对黄土高原旱区小杂粮生产态势进行了分析,并对黄土高原小杂粮生产进行了切合实际的分区,论述了各区小杂粮的生产和分布特点。第三章对黄土高原的生态环境予以分析,指出在该区对干旱逆境的适应性应是作物生态适应性的主要衡量和评价指标,并对主要小杂粮作物的干旱适应性进行了评价。第四章结合田区试验,重点研究了陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区主要小杂粮作物的热量生产潜力和降水生产潜力,揭示了小杂粮生产潜力的开发程度。第五章揭示了小杂粮作物降水生产潜力开发与增进的必要性,探查了降水生产潜力开发和增进的主要限制因素,并就节水设施栽培技术对降水生产潜力的增进进行了量化研究,确立了相应的开发和增进的技术途径。第六章分析了小杂粮的市场竞争力,揭示了其产业发展西北农林科技大学博士论文:黄土高原小杂粮生产可持续发展研究前景,针对小杂粮产业开发前景看好而开发现状不力的矛盾及其主要制约因素,提出了促进小杂粮产业开发的战略对策。第七章界定了小杂粮生产可持续发展的概念和内涵,构建了实现小杂粮生产可持续发展的技术体系,并提出了必要的保障措施和对策。第八章对研究主要结论进行概括总结,并就有关问题进行了讨论。 研究所取得的主要结论有以下几点: 1.针对小杂粮生产发展现状,明确了提高小杂粮生产力是实现“三高”(高产、优质、高效)生产的核心和生产可持续发展的基础,为现阶段小杂粮的科学研究指明了方向。 2.对作物生产和农业可持续发展的关系进行了辨析。指出作物生产的可持续发展是农业可持续发展的重要组成部分,也是其重点和难点所在,只有实现了作物生产的可持续发展,农业可持续发展才有希望,二者是相辅相承,辨证统一的关系。 3.论述了黄土高原旱作农区小杂粮的生产优势,表明了小杂粮在高原旱作农区农业生产中重要的战略地位,并特别指出,在黄土高原旱作农区,小杂粮应被视为“生态作物”,其对环境改善的作用不容忽视;通过系统的研究黄土高原小杂粮的生产态势和地域分异及小杂粮作物在高原的生态适应性,为高原旱作农区重视和发展小杂粮生产提供了理论依据。 4.首次对陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区主要小杂粮作物的降水生产潜力进行了系统分析,结果表明,现阶段该区主要小杂粮作物降水生产潜力的开发度仅为17.19%,通过科学技术进步开发其降水生产潜力的前景非常巨大;全面探查了小杂粮降水生产潜力开发和增进的主要限制因素,并率先确立了相应的开发和增进的技术途径。其中依据宁南海原模型,提出了喷施化学抗旱抑蒸剂(FA)栽培条件下小杂粮作物降水生产潜力的概算公式,也属首次。 5.系统的分析了黄土高原旱区小杂粮的市场竞争力,揭示了其产业开发的广阔前景:明确了小杂粮产业开发滞后的主要原因和制约因素,提出了促进小杂粮产业开发的战略对策,对实现旱区小杂粮产业化开发具有重要的指导作用。 6.首次界定了小杂粮生产可持续发展的概念和内涵,指出现阶段小杂粮生产可持续发展必须走集约持续发展之路。创造性地构建了以持续提高降水利用效率,强调保护性耕作和种植,突出绿色产品产出,促进加工增值增效,同时最大限度地减小环境负效应为主要特征的实现小杂粮生产可持续发展的技术体系,并提出了必要的保障措施和对策。

【Abstract】 The Loess Plateau is one of the most important agriculture birth place in China with very long farming history. The climate in this region is typical continental arid, semi-arid and monsoon one with an average annual precipitation of 250-600mm. Since the rainfall is limited in amount, uneven in seasonal distribution, strongly changeable among years, and water and soil erosion is serious, drought has been the most serious nature disaster in the region, and often affects its agriculture sustainable developments. In a long period of time, planting drought-enduring crops is the intrinsic measure in rain fed area, so it’s important ways for realizing agriculture and agro-economy sustainable development to select crops adapting to resources and circumstances, and to fully exploit crops’ rainfall productive potential in rain fed area.Depending on their drought-resistant, poor soil-enduring features and stronger adaptability, the minor crops play a very important role in dry farming of the Loess Plateau from ancient times, and can’t be lack up to now. And due to their higher nutrition and medicinal value, they are traditional raw material crops for health care foods in our country. Therefore, they are highly competitive in the markets at home and abroad, and contain huge economic benefits. Also, the minor crops are the main components in vegetation of the Loess Plateau and have important historic and practical significance for the water and soil erosion control in the region. So seizing the historical moment of strategic adjustment of agricultural structure in our country, conforming to the trend of market economy development, it will be the long-term strategic selection for agriculture of our country to develop the minor crops production in the light of local conditions, improve their productivity, and to realize characteristic agriculture industrialization.The paper is divided into 8 chapters. Chapter one is the introduction, which points out the important role of minor crops production in rain fed areas of the Loess Plateau, which reveals its development prospects and trends, which clearly makes the research orientation of the minor crops, and put forward the basic train of thought of the research based on the discussions of the important strategic status of dry farming in Loess Plateau rain fed area and understanding the trends that the rain fed area becomes enlarged and the droughtbecomes exacerbated. Chapter two analyses the minor crops production situation in Loess Plateau rain fed area according to different crops in provinces and regions, divides minor crops production into sub-areas according to the actual conditions and discusses productive and distributing characteristics of different areas. Chapter three analyses the eco-environment of the Loess Plateau, points out that adaptability to drought should be the main evaluation index of ecological adaptability of dry-land crops, and makes an evaluation on the drought adaptability of the main minor crops. Chapter four mainly reveals the exploitation degree of the productive potential of the minor crops , which based on the systematic studies the heat productive potential, and rainfall productive potential of the main minor crops in the hilly Loess region of the north Shaanxi according to the results of field experiments. Chapter five reveals the inevitability of exploiting and improving the rainfall productive potential of the minor crops, searches the main restrictive factors of rainfall productive potential, makes a quantitative studies of improvement actions of installation cultivate techniques to the rainfall productive potential, and establishes relevant technical methods. Chapter six analyses the competitiveness of the minor crops in the market, reveals its industrialization development prospects and puts forward the strategic countermeasures in accordance with the actual situation. Chapter seven defines the concept and connotation of sustainable development of the minor crops production and establishes technique system to realize it, also put forw

  • 【分类号】F326.11
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】738

