

Research of Carrying Capacity on Resource and Environment in the Campaigns of Development of Northwest China

【作者】 马爱锄

【导师】 杨改河;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 西部大开发战略是我国为实现第三步战略目标而采取的一项重要措施。西北地区作为西部的重要组成部分,在开发战略中也占据了相当重要的环节。同时,人们对西北地区还有“地大物博”错误思想的存在,导致把西北开发简单描述为自然资源开发,甚至存在向资源开荒退化的可能,严重干扰和威胁着西北地区可持续开发的进行。 承载力研究是可持续发展研究的核心内容,通过对资源环境承载力盈余/超载状态的分析,可间接看出开发是否处于可持续状态。但目前有关承载力的研究都是关于单项资源的,尤其是对土地资源承载力进行的研究较多。而由于研究因子少,不仅不能在全局上形成比较准确的判断,而且易造成“只见树木,不见森林”的错觉。鉴于此,本研究选取国际上流行的生态足迹分析方法对西北地区的资源环境承载力进行了分析、评价,并对西北地区开发模式的选取进行了探讨,以期对西北开发提供决策依据,并为西部开发提供借鉴。 本研究共分八章。第一章是引言,对国内外人口、资源、环境的基本态势进行了全面的论述,并对国内外区域开发理论进行了分析总结,简单阐述了本研究的目的、意义;第二章对东西差距现状及西部落后根源进行了分析,阐述了进行西部大开发的战略意义;第三章在对国内外区域开发经验和教训分析的基础上,探讨了西部开发应采取的一些措施,及应注意的一些问题;第四章界定了西北地区的界限,对西北地区的资源、环境状况进行了分析,阐明了西北地区的资源环境优劣势所在;第五章在对资源环境承载力相关概念界定的基础上,对资源环境承载力的理论进行了系统探讨;第六章通过对目前有关承载力研究方法的分析,选用生态足迹和相对承载力两种方法对2001年西北地区的资源环境承载力进行了计算,并对解算结果进行了比较分析;第七章对提高西北地区资源环境承载力的原则和对策进行了分析,并探讨了西北小城镇发展的一些相关问题;第八章概括总结了主要研究结论,并就有关问题进行了讨论。 研究取得的主要成果与结论如下: (1)东西差距的表现是多方面的,如按现有趋势,东西差距有继续扩大的危险;在东西差距的形成的多种因素中,政策、制度和人力资本等易变因素是今后开发中要重点提高的对象;差距的存在既有积极意义,又存在着严重的消极影响,开发中要善用其积极影响,避免消极影响的扩大。 (2)西部开发应在坚持可持续发展的前提下,以培养经济增长点为核心,以政策、制度和机构为保障,以人力资本投入和基础设施建设为拉力,以相关产业的发展为推力,促进西部开发的顺利进行。同时,由于国内外环境条件的变化,西部开发不可能像东部一样在很短时间内(20年)取得大的成效,而且也很难达到东部开发所取得的效果。 (3)西北地区的界限是陕、甘、青、宁、新五个行政区域,其优势在于自然资源,社会经济资源短缺,而水资源的短缺以及恶劣的生态环境是限制自然资源优势发挥的重要因素。 (4)界定了资源环境承载力的相关概念,系统分析探讨了资源环境承载力的理论。 (5)2001年西北地区资源环境承载力表现为赤字状态,人均生态赤字达到0.1462h时,总生态赤字为1341.0630万h扩,生态赤字率达到11.89%。其中青海表现为可持续状态,陕西位于持续发展的临界点上,其余省区处于不可持续状态。 西北地区相对承载力也表现为超载状态,2001年超载1 752.03万人,超载率达到19.10%。其中自然资源对相对承载力的贡献大于经济资源,但近几年经济资源的贡献率己有所提高。 (6)提高西北地区的资源环境承载力面对着农民收入低的困境,应坚持“三个有利于,两个不可”的原则,把提高资源环境的供给能力与降低需求能力结合起来。 (7)西北地区农村剩余劳动力和生态移民的安置应在城镇,城镇发展的重点是小城镇,而其模式选择要根据当地的资源环境条件而定。

【Abstract】 The campaigns of development of West China are an important measure taken to achieve the third strategic target. As main parts of West China, Northwest China holds on the significant status in the campaigns of development. But now strategy related to development of Northwest China doesn’t unify, what brings inconveniences in the practical campaigns of development. Simultaneously, mistake ideas of "vast territory and abundant resources" toward Northwest China induce people to only describe the campaigns of development of West China as exploitation of natural resources and even liability to make reclaimed farmland degenerate, what badly disturbs and imperils sustainable development in Northwest China.Study on carrying capacity is a core content of sustainable development, and it can indirectly reason whether development is sustainable or not by analyzing situations about surplus/overload of carrying capacity on resource and environment. But, at present study on carrying capacity all deals with single resource, especially more on carrying capacity of land resource. As factors are few, study on carrying capacity can’t come into being accurate evaluation on overall situations, even result in misconceptions of " to only see the tree but the forest". Consequently, the article analyzes and evaluates carrying capacity on resource and environment in Northwest China with fashionable international method of footprints analysis, and discusses development patterns in order to offering decision-making bases and references for the campaigns of development of West China.The article includes eight chapters. Chapter One is introduction, accounting for objects and significances of study, discussing fundamental situations on population, resource and environment in all aspects at home and abroad, analyzing and summarizing theories of regional exploitation at home and abroad. Chapter Two analyzes gap situations between East China and West China at present, lagged roots in West China, and clarifies important significances on the campaigns of development of West China. Based experiences and lessons on regional exploitation at home and abroad, Chapter Three debates taken measures and advertent problems in campaigns of development of WestChina. Chapter Four ascertains ambits of the Northwest China, analyzes resource and environment situations, and illuminates advantages and disadvantages of resource and environment in Northwest China. Based definition on related concepts to carrying capacity on resource and environment, Chapter Five systemically expounds upon theories of carrying capacity on resource and environment. With analysis of method related to carrying capacity, Chapter Six calculates carrying capacity on resource and environment in Northwest China in 2001 by two ways of ecological footprints and carrying capacity relatives, analyzing and comparing the two results. Chapter Seven analyzes principles and countermeasures for enhancing carrying capacity on resource and environment in Northwest China and discusses problems relating to development of small town in Northwest China. Chapter Eight draws main research conclusions and discusses certain issues.Main fruits and conclusions are as follows:(1) Gap appearance are various between East China and West China and gap will be widened according to current trend; among various factors resulting in gap, mutable factors such as policy, system and manpower etc. are stressed during exploitation in the future; the existing gap has not only positive action but also negative action and we should utilizes its positive aspects to avoid negative affect spreading during exploitation.(2) On the premise of insisting on sustainable development, the campaigns of development of West China going on wheels should take economic increase as core, takes policy, system, and framework as safeguard, takes devotion of manpower capital and construction of fundamental facilities as pull, and takes related industrialization as thrust. At the same time, for changing of environment conditions at home


