

【作者】 杨合林

【导师】 曹旭;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 玄言诗是古代文学研究的一个薄弱环节。玄言诗创作历时近两个世纪,是中国文学史上一个特殊的、值得认真探讨的现象。玄言诗表现出与主流文学传统大异其趣的审美异质性,在诗史与诗学史上有其独特的价值和意义。全文共六章。第一章:“玄言诗研究的历史与现状”,将玄言诗的批评和研究分为三个时期,即古典时期、转型时期、新时期,清理、总结了自玄言诗产生以迄今研究的基本状况。第二章:“玄言诗的定义与特征”,将玄言诗重新定义为:用玄学义理和玄学思维方式创作的诗歌。其基本特征为:时代性、异质性、哲理性和平淡性。第三章:“玄言诗与玄学、道教、佛教之关系”,从诗与哲学、宗教相关互动的角度,探讨了玄言诗义理内容来源的三个重要方面。第四章:“玄言诗的发展历程”,通过对前史有关材料的甄别、发掘,对现有文本的“细读”、考索,对玄言诗发生、发展的历史进程作了较为细致的勾勒。分玄言诗为发端、发展、兴盛和衰变四个阶段。第五章:“玄言诗的类型及评价”,将玄言诗的类型划分为四种,即(1)铺陈玄理;(2)体悟玄理;(3)玄对人生;(4)体物传神。不同类型玄言诗的生成反映出玄学被接受和消化的动态过程。对不同类型的玄言诗给予了不同评价。第六章:“玄言诗的创作与功能”,从创作与功能的角度,对玄言诗表现的诗学思想,也即玄学的诗学思想进行了初步探寻。玄言诗的创作方式有集会赋诗、赠答和“师心独悟”;其功能主要为“自悟悟人”与“自娱娱人”。

【Abstract】 The study of XuanYan poetry(玄言诗)seems to be comparatively weak in the research field of the ancient Chinese literature. However, XuanYan poetry, existing for nearly two centuries, is a special and worthy literary phenomenon. On account of its apparent deviation from the mainstream literature, it possesses particular value and significance.The dissention involves six chapters.Chapter one presents a general survey of the XuanYan poetry study from its beginning to the present. The study history can be classified into three periods: ancient period, transitional period and new period.Chapter two is dealing with definition and features of XuanYan poetry. It is defined as a kind of poetry permeated with XuanXue(玄学)ideas and penetrated by the XuanXue thinking style. The basic features are temporality, singularity, philosophicality and mildness.Chapter three discusses its relation with metaphysics, Daoism and Buddhism. The important three aspects of its idea and content source are illustrated according to mutual relation of poetry with philosophy and religion.Chapter four traces the developing course of XuanYan poetry. Classic documents being sorted out and the texts being read closely, the history of XuanYan poetry’s development falls into the following four phases: beginning, development, boom, and declining and deviation.Chapter five analyzes the types of XuanYan poetry and correspondent evaluations are followed. XuanYan poetry is divided into four types: (1) the poetry stating XuanXue ideas: (2) the poetry perceiving XuanXue ideas: (3) the poetry expressing the XuanXue<WP=6>attitude towards life: (4) the poetry describing things to express spirits. The production of different types reflects the dynamic process of the reception and digestion of XuanXue. Evaluations of each type are also given in this chapter. Chapter six is concerned with creation and function of XuanYan poetry. From the angle of its creation and function, poetics of XuanYan poetry is primarily discussed. The creation methods involve: composing poems in gatherings, presenting and answering between two poets, and privately perceiving ideas by masterly spirits. The functions mainly are "self-understanding and others understood" and "self-entertainment and others entertained".

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1089

