

【作者】 徐时仪

【导师】 潘悟云;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 現存最早的佛經音義《玄應音義》既是佛藏中的經典,也是語言文字學研究的名著。全書二十五卷,內容包容甚廣,涉及宗教、哲學、語言、文學、藝術、中外交往史等社會文化的方方面面,在文獻學、語言學和傳統文化研究等方面都具有重要的學術價值。本文主要釆用語言學與文獻學研究相結合的方法,在前賢時哲已有研究成果的基礎上,進一步窮盡性地爬羅剔抉有關資料,逐詞比勘了《玄應音義》各本的異同,探疑解難,辨析訛誤,考證了《玄應音義》的成書年代、版本流傳和文本系統,廓清了各本間錯綜複雜的源流關係,指出大致可分爲高麗藏和磧砂藏兩大系列,論述了兩大系列形成之源,校正了傳本的錯訛衍誤,補正了周祖謨先生《校讀玄應一切經音義後記》和張金泉、許建平先生《敦煌音義彙考》的一些疏失。《玄應音義》集《說文》系字書、《爾雅》系詞書、《切韵》系韵書及古代典籍注疏的字詞訓釋于一書,詮釋佛經中需要解釋的字詞,在某種意義上可以說是對當時所用詞語的一個較爲全面的總結。玄應所釋詞語保存了許多其他典籍不載的活語言現象,大致反映了漢唐語言的實際狀貌,尤爲漢語史研究的瑰寶。有鑒于此,本文主要従漢語史研究的角度著手,探讨了《玄應音義》各本的異切和玄應诠释的词语。在窮盡性考察了《玄應音義》各本中1100多個異切的基礎上,運用詞彙擴散理論,認爲同一文獻不同文本的異文反映了不同年代的語言狀况,可據以考察音變的連續過程,探討了各本異切所反映的語音演變現象,補正了周法高和王力先生有關《玄應音義》反切的一些論述。本文在考察比勘了玄應所釋四百多部佛經中8000多條詞語的基礎上,溯源探流,對其中的複音詞、新詞新義、方俗口語詞和一些外來詞作了考探,著重考證了睡瞑、睡覺、莊嚴、選耎、嫈嫇、打、忙、怕、槍、毗嵐、湩、氍毹、塔、印度、雇、撩理、鑰匙等一些複音詞、方俗口語詞和外來詞的演變綫索。本文還對《玄應音義》所引典籍中的《方言》、《說文》、《通俗文》、《韻集》等作了穷尽性的比勘,考證了玄應所見唐本《方言》、《說文》與今傳本的異同,論述了《玄應音義》在語言研究、古籍整理研究、辭書學研究和文化史研究等方面的學術價值。

【Abstract】 Xuan Ying Yin Yi, the existing earliest interpretation of pronunciations and meanings in Buddhist sutra, is not only one of the classics of the Buddhism collections, but also a famous work for linguistic study. It has 25 volumes and contains plenty of content involving with various social and cultural aspects of religious, philology, language, literature, art and the history of communication between China and other countries. It is of essential academic value with regards to philology, linguistics and the research on traditional culture. The Paper mainly combines linguistics with philology, further collects and selects the related materials thoroughly, compares and corrects word by word the difference and similarities of various versions of Xuan Ying Yin Yi. After exploring the questions, resolving the difficulties and discriminating the errors, the Paper makes textual research on the finishing year of Xuan Ying Yin Yi, the circulation of its versions and its text system, and the complicated original relations between its different versions were cleared up. It is pointed out that Xuan Ying Yin Yi could mainly be divided into two series: Gaoli Collections and Qisha Collections. And discussion of the origin of the two series’ shaping up were made in the paper, supplementing and correcting some mistakes in Mr. Zhou Zumo’s Postscript of Reading and Collating Interpretation of Pronunciations and meanings in All Buddhist Sutras by Xuan Ying and Mr. Zhang Jingquan and Mr. Xu Jianping’s Collective Textual Research on Interpretation of Pronunciations and meanings in Buddhist sutra in Dunhuang Caves.Xuan Ying Yin Yi incorporates the wordbook of Shuowen series, lexicon of Erya series, rhyming dictionary of Qieyun series and critical word explanation of ancient classics, annotating words and expressions needed to be explained in the Buddhist sutra. In some way it would be regarded as a relatively complete summary of all the using words at that time, more or less reflecting the real condition of the language in Han and Tang Dynasty. It is the gem for study of the history of Chinese language. In view of the above-mentioned facts, this paper discusses the different phonetic notations in each version of Xuan Ying Yin Yi and the words explained by Xuan Ying from the angle of the history of Chinese language study. After thoroughly inspecting of over 1100 different phonetic notations of Xuan Ying Yin Yi and exploiting the lexical diffusion, the author thinks that different contents of different text versions of one document reflect different language conditions in different times, which could be used to inspect the successive process of the variation of pronunciation. The paper discusses the phenomenon of phonetic development reflected by different notations in each version, supplementing and correcting Mr. Zhou Fagao and Mr. Wang Li’s exposition about the phonetic notation of Xuan Ying Yin Yi. And on the basis of inspecting and collating over 8000 terms in over 400 Buddhist sutras interpreted by Xuan Ying, this paper traces back to the origin and explores the polysyllabic words, new meaning of new words, dialect and spoken words and some other loanwords in Xuan Ying Yin Yi, particularly making textual research on the evolving clues of polysyllabic words, spoken words and loanwords, and also discusses the academic value of Xuan Ying Yin Yi in language study, study of Chinese ancient books, and study in lexicography and history of culture.

  • 【分类号】H16;B948
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】856

